amanfromMars 1 Tue 13 Feb 11:11 [2402131111] ……. asks on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/02/12/hpe_autonomy_damages/

Insanity ….. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Are auditors like KPMG not complicit, and even prime instrumental, in the perpetuation of an extensive fraud over any number of fiscal quarters whenever their supposed unbiased reports on the health of a client endorse the picture/figures/wealth presented to them by the client?

It is surely not the case that they be completely blameless and able to escape any liability for the success of any fraud and their misreporting of extremely attractive earnings. Such is bound to encourage similar shenanigans if that be the case?

I suppose they have organised some sort of stay out of jail free card allowing then to claim immunity from prosecution by virtue of the fact that a simple third party promise that is expected to present them with the truth of any quarter was not honoured and they cooked the books for the client unknowingly. How very convenient is that dodge for a speeding bullet.

Who’s making all the money now out of anything/everything that has followed on from the Autonomy sale, and laughing all the way to the bank?


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