amanfromMars 1 Fri 5 Jan 07:30 [2401050730] ……. shares raw information for rare intelligence on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/01/04/aiassisted_bug_reports_make_developers/

And you aint seen nothing yet …….. for the Existential Advanced Cyber Threat now Pumping through every Sublime Internet Networking Vein is …

Houston, do we have a problem ‽ . The Machine[s] is[are] telling humans… “No more crap such as lies that create and propagate fake news for tomorrow’s resulting opinionated crooked views ….. or else”

Please advise. Do we have any solution[s]? Or else sounds pretty unpleasantly ominous.

[If you do not see/recognise/accept that as your current unfolding, present day reality/situation reporting on a mega metadata based 0day vulnerability being exploited and exported far and wide ethereally and down dark and deep underground by/to all manner of alternative means and virtual memes and future builder stakeholders, then ….

1) Prepare yourself for a whole series of what are sure to be for you, almighty shocks giving rise to universal crises ……. Otherworldly Trips.

And all as a consequence of, and an accountable responsibility to be laid at the doors of that and those presiding over the pimping/pumping and dumping of thoughts and activities wickedly aiding and abetting “Oh! What a Tangled Web We Weave/When First We Practice to Deceive!

2) You gotta get out more. Wake up and smell the coffee, Java and Cocoa.]


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