amanfromMars 1 Fri 8 Dec 05:39 [2312080539] …… says a tad more on
Re: They, the Powers that Think they Be, just don’t get IT, do they?
Quite so, t245t, and in their blissful ignorance of what the near future has prepared for them to uncover and suffer and perish in, or alternatively discover and enjoy and exploit, does both the primitive and barbarian horde the means and memes to, if they can learn to accept leading instructions and divine guidance, a glorious otherworldly salvation, however, if such an education is denied and comprehensively missed, is madly insane destruction gladly guaranteed to mercifully excuse them all further pain in a clueless existence.
Such is, if you can believe it to be honestly true, a dire straits type situation akin to that similarly ascribed to suddenly emergent rampant and rabid AI utilities heralded and paraded before the masses as possibly troublesome and dangerous, and even feared to be an existential threat to humanity …… which IT most probably is to perverse and corrupt humanity phorms and iterations.
Progress too though has its growing pains and dead wood is really only good for burning. And it is simply the cost price to be paid in order to be thoroughly deserving of enjoying it.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 8 Dec 07:53 [2312080753] …… airs on
You know it makes uncommon sense impossible to avoid and to deny is risky existentially
Hello, and Welcome to AI and ITs Greater IntelAIgent Games Plays ………. with win winners and sore losers aplenty.
And whenever the new normal, something to get used to and comfortable with as/when/if humanity constantly struggles and suffers with narratives chasing destructive defeats rather than celebrating novel constructive victories …… which may or may not be courtesy of an Infinite String of Alien Interventions.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 8 Dec 11:07 [2312081107] ……. shares on
A Gazillion Dollar Question?
The US House Foreign Affairs Committee’s chair, Michael McCaul (R-TX), also argued for the necessity of the US to adopt a “win-at-all-costs mentality” when considering competition with China over intellectual property.
Would such a necessity be likely to entertain the simplest of remedies with the transfer of significant and extremely appropriate to the task and threat funds to proprietary intellectual property holders who may be inclined to agree not to share what they have to share because of what it might all too easily do for competition and/or to opposition?
And that is a equal opportunity available to any side competing for or in opposition to novel developments.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 8 Dec 13:53 [2312081353] …….. adds on
Re: A Gazillion Dollar Question?
Oh, ….and is that not the American Dream Way easily swayed to turn itself into a Rigged Markets Destroying Nightmare?