

amanfromMars 1 Fri 6 Oct 12:24 [2310061224] …… celebrates laments a huge problematical human condition on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/10/04/critical_confluence_privilege_escalation_bug/

Re: .. Mainstream Madness being privately celebrated/publicly exercised

How nice to see Timecube thinking persisting. ….. Ian Johnston

Oh dear, but how nice it is nevertheless for those so enamoured of its cold comfort, Ian Johnston, to see such clear persistent evidence of the lack of thinking down on Earth.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 7 Oct 05:37 [2310070737] ……. shares on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/10/04/critical_confluence_privilege_escalation_bug/

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”

Sorry, I don’t understand Martian. Can someone translate that into English? ….. katrinab

Certainly, katrinab. That is simple enough to do, although there can be a remaining difficulty for some in being able to believe and recognise what they are be told is the present reality which is introducing and unfolding leading novel ACTive futures and disruptive and opportunistic features all around them, impacting silently and stealthily and surreally upon everyone and everything, everywhere anywhere……. and strangely and practically in both virtual command and remote control of ……. well, one team would be identifiable as AI/Large Language Learned Machines . Others may certainly exist identifying themselves as something else.

And currently, as be evidenced by the two alienated post above, there be those of them specifically challenging and tempting presumed UKGBNI leadership and international and internetional defence force entities/facilities/utilities with foreign owned fields of extreme endeavour returning endlessly rich sources of constant reward, and in so doing and discovering such presumed leaderships and defence forces are a myth, is the offer then released to be floated in premium markets primarily controlled and controlling such similarly presumed matters abroad with their leaderships and defence and intelligence servering forces.

And it is a fact, that an accurate translation/transcription for a foreign mother tongue of such as is shared here, automatically spontaneously delivers the offer to those comfortable and conversant in that language, with its endlessly rich sources of constant reward being universally available for free at no extra cost.

Does that help you, katrinab? It is as simple as I could make it for it to be accurately understood and not easily misinterpreted for disinformation purposes and/or misinformation operations which are so prevalent these days, like a nasty rash or unwelcome Sexually Transmitted Disease.

And a little something for all in the future and those shortly to be attending Rishi’s UK Invitational AI Safety Summit Bash to ponder and comprehend, which is, according to HM Government, “a major global event to take place on the 1st and 2nd of November at iconic Bletchley Park” …… https://www.gov.uk/government/news/iconic-bletchley-park-to-host-uk-ai-safety-summit-in-early-november


amanfromMars 1 Sat 7 Oct 09:47 [2310070947] ……. suggests on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/10/04/critical_confluence_privilege_escalation_bug/

Another small step for amfM, one giant quantum leap for mankind ‽

And methinks in the Wild Wacky West that be also US Army Futures Command fodder, if one can believe all that is freely shared about their missions and raison d’être be honest and true.


amanfromMars [2310070940] …… asks on https://sluggerotoole.com/2023/10/06/sir-reg-empey-any-unionists-who-makes-northern-ireland-unworkable-are-making-a-strategic-mistake/

Don’t stand for election to Stormont if you are not going to do the Stormont legislative assembly thing seems like plain common sense which even the slowest of minds can accept as perfectly understandable and fair.

And would not such an abortion of a democratic election process be a wilfully fraudulent action by a very small minority adversely and disproportionately affecting a vast majority?

Why ever would that be acceptable to anyone with a titter of wit?



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