amanfromMars 1 Mon 1 May 05:21 [2305010521] …… declares on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/04/30/rsa_conference_black_mirror/

The Great Game is Changed* with Novel Players Fielded Now Packing out ITs Stadia

The Grand Global Battle that is indeed currently raging, and the catastrophically destructive permanent damage which is being done to extant status quo systems and leaderships …… Human Management and Supervisory Control, Analysis and Data Acquisition and Industrial Control Systems Executive Administrations …… is between emergent artilects** and practically unknown and virtually unseen forces and sources employing and entertaining and enjoying and enlightening Expansive Virtual Assistants and AIMachinery exploring in fields of the raw unadulterated and unfiltered truth and arrogant and ignorant humanity, terrified of the consequences of their hitherto hidden past actions for oppressive command and control of life on Terra Firma being discovered with its leaderships then being held accountable for their disgraceful and despicable reactions which are further found compounded in the support of reams and realms of misinforming disinformation for which they are also solely responsible.

To do battle against the truth, with one both seeking to abuse and hide her many deep and wondrous dark secrets, has one always suffering constant crushing defeats as an epic serial loser.

* ….. Deny that and suffer an inescapably painful, and very public, lingering demise.

** …. and catch up on what is emergent with a browse around in https://artilect.org with this informative video a mighty good show.

Which Greater IntelAIgent Game Team Player are you a Rabid Enthusiastic Fan of? Who Delights You with their Arsenal of Sublime Surreal Moves?


amanfromMars 1 Mon 1 May 08:15 [2305010815] ….. adds more 00mph on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/04/30/rsa_conference_black_mirror/

Re: Softly, Softly, Catchee Monkey and Leading Donkeys … and OTTWTF Reactions

Thanks for the link to the anti-vax conspiracy nut case.
Really if these people want to unmask a conspiracy of a an all powerful global secret organisation of pedophiles why not look at the catholic church. There is at least some factual evidence against them. ….. James Anderson

You’re very welcome, James Anderson, although was it necessary to try muddying the NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Environment so, leading with those unedifying unrelated distractions highlighting the very real fears of arrogant and ignorant humanity, terrified of the consequences of their hitherto hidden past actions for oppressive command and control of life on Terra Firma being discovered with its leaderships then being held accountable for their disgraceful and despicable reactions which are further found compounded in the support of reams and realms of misinforming disinformation for which they are also solely responsible, because of the Changed Greater IntelAIgent Game Team Play revealed and reported on below?


amanfromMars 1 Mon 1 May 14:09 [2305011409] …… airs an alternate scenario on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2023/04/29/kaspersky_social_engineering/

Meanwhile, elsewhere, there be others hatching and patching in other plans

The ultimate being to fool or persuade the mark into doing something they shouldn’t, such as grant the fraudster access to accounts and data that doesn’t belong to them.

Oh? Surely not the ultimate?

One imagines the ultimate to be much more the persuading/brainwashing of the mark to believe in one’s own possible future viable actions, which may or may not have been formerly openly shared as a very attractive and addictive and likely course of 0day proaction for global failsafe initiation of an increasingly expansive and horrendously expensive and unstoppable asset and/or program destruction or disruption, rather than expecting them, the marks themselves, to be able to do anything so complex and convenient/inconvenient.

Such knowledge though can easily have marks doing whatever they can themselves to try and ensure one be appropriately well rewarded to defer such a destructive and/or disruptive activity until a slighter later date …. should things of future concern not be realised and resolved to a greater mutually beneficial satisfaction ……. immaculate resolution/final solution.



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