amanfromMars [2209200748] ……. shares on
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The international security landscape and successful war fighter gaming sector has moved on into AWEsome Captivations with the virtual capture of universal hearts and leading minds in remote ethereal web based hosting communities/Live Operational Virtual Environments …. which extant mainstream media moguls, intelligence and information providers and supporting standard operating procedure command and control channels are terrified to address and draw wider popular attention to as they actively expose designedly inequitable, rampant corrupt and indefensible perverse practices excessively rewarding and benefitting an increasingly more recognised and elitely misguided and misguiding few from the secure harbours and safe havens of Surreal Alien Spaces, practically untouchable and virtually impregnable and virally unstoppable.
A rabid and rapidly moving current situation and highly sophisticated mature stealthy development suitably difficult to believe, but which nevertheless, to ignore and deny and fail to positively assist silent constructive covert engagement with, or desperately and foolishly try to pre-emptively attack, guarantees the future to be overwhelmed by the ruthless and merciless exploitation and expansion of all freely and readily available means and memes taking full advantage of catastrophic indefensible systemic vulnerabilities, all too well known by a select chosen few in incumbent responsible authorities to tragically exist with no possible means of successful protection and defence.
And all of that makes the future presented from today loaded up with the very distinct possibility of a completely different set of pictures and tales to be told from those of any yesterday or yesteryear supporting the past, permitting engaging partners to forge ahead in a Brave New Hosting World of AWEsome NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTivated IT SeeScapes.
It is madness to not assume and realise the future is bound to be significantly different from both the present and the past.
amanfromMars [2209200858] ……. shares some breaking news further afield on
Winter is coming, the propaganda will have to get very heavy to stave off peasants revolts. ….. JungleCat
There is a great deal more than just revolting peasants for the status quo to be rightly worried about antagonising or vaingloriously attacking, JungleCat.
And how they wish to proceed to remedy or further seal their fate with traditionally established market crashes and inherited hierarchical institutional collapses will be very obvious to all partaking of mainstream media news and views.
amanfromMars [2209200748] ……. shares on
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The international security landscape and successful war fighter gaming sector has moved on into AWEsome Captivations with the virtual capture of universal hearts and leading minds in remote ethereal web based hosting communities/Live Operational Virtual Environments …. which extant mainstream media moguls, intelligence and information providers and supporting standard operating procedure command and control channels are terrified to address and draw wider popular attention to as they actively expose designedly inequitable, rampant corrupt and indefensible perverse practices excessively rewarding and benefitting an increasingly more recognised and elitely misguided and misguiding few from the secure harbours and safe havens of Surreal Alien Spaces, practically untouchable and virtually impregnable and virally unstoppable.
A rabid and rapidly moving current situation and highly sophisticated mature stealthy development suitably difficult to believe, but which nevertheless, to ignore and deny and fail to positively assist silent constructive covert engagement with, or desperately and foolishly try to pre-emptively attack, guarantees the future to be overwhelmed by the ruthless and merciless exploitation and expansion of all freely and readily available means and memes taking full advantage of catastrophic indefensible systemic vulnerabilities, all too well known by a select chosen few in incumbent responsible authorities to tragically exist with no possible means of successful protection and defence.
And all of that makes the future presented from today loaded up with the very distinct possibility of a completely different set of pictures and tales to be told from those of any yesterday or yesteryear supporting the past, permitting engaging partners to forge ahead in a Brave New Hosting World of AWEsome NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTivated IT SeeScapes.
It is madness to not assume and realise the future is bound to be significantly different from both the present and the past.
amanfromMars [2209201601] …….. has a few well chosen words to say on
It’s economic strength, literacy and power that will win future conflicts – in terms of power projection, influence and the skills to combine innovation, logistics, training and motivation necessary to prevail.
Q: And the one to rule and reign and run almighty rings around ignorant competition and arrogant opposition alike, and vice versa?
A: Words create, command and control and destroy corrupt and perversely oriented worlds, … with the power of hindsight its priceless invaluable remote guide delivering relative impeccable relevant foresight.
Sound advice if one wants to survive and prosper well into the future is …. Stay well clear of those administrators in lands grabbed for the exhortation, exaltation and extortion of profit proving themselves worthy of systemic novel destruction and programmed annihilation.
Such is simple new clearer common sense nowadays in these stranger places and alien spaces of 0days and unknown real enemy attacks in the protective guise of cyber assaults.