amanfromMars 1 Fri 6 May 09:57 [2205060957] …… says more on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2022/05/05/google_cancels_biannual_performance_reviews/

Re: Come into My Parlours said the Spider to the Fly.

And the counterparts to those Googlers doing great work are gravely to be regarded, and it is incumbent upon and a glorious duty provided for those either unilaterally able or subsequently remotely enabled by emerging technologies and virtual realities, to ensure the latter, [Googlers doing great work], prevails and destroys the former lurking and stagnating behind manufactured veils of fears and tissues of lies

Such is only natural and therefore fully to be expected wonderfully supported, and in these increasingly strange and fundamentally different times and spaces, sooner rather than later, and in some cases, much sooner than ever can be later prevented and the consequences/opportunities reversed.


amanfromMars [2205061431] ….. shares on https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2022/5/6/energetics-supply-chain-fragile-vulnerable

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And even if they do, contractors aren’t inclined to buy American because China can deliver materials at a lower cost. “The industry writ large … has really been driven by efficiency, not resiliency or national security,” said Michienzi.

That is being driven by profit [extra money for nothing extra] which has diddly squat to do with efficiency and something which eventually inevitably, and evidence of the effect suffered everywhere because of it is becoming ever clearer every day now, leads to everything being far too expensive to buy …..inviting all of the evils and damage associated with words and tales of Great Depression/Recession/Stagflation/Inflation/Deflation/Markets Meltdown and Troubles/Revolutionary Societal Unrest/Madness and Mayhem, Conflict and Chaos, and without the Assistance and AID of CHAOS ….. Advanced IntelAIgent Development of Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems ……. an obviously failing, self destructive terminal feedback loop from which there is no readily available exit/better alternate beta plan .

Burying one’s head in the sand and thinking more of the same as was tried yesterday and yesteryear is an answer, guarantees one receives a kicking most unlikely to be pleasant and survivable.

Things are not like they were before, for everything has changed, and to not realise it immediately puts one at a distinct insurmountable disadvantage to that and those who do and those who be the greatest of agents for the grandest of fundamental changes/novel beginnings. I Kid U Not.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 6 May 16:08 [2205061608] ….. adds more on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2022/05/04/us_cyber_hunt_forward/

You Can Fool Yourself and Deny it but it does not Alter the Fact it Be Evidently So, So …….*

Here’s both an existential and Persistent Advancing Cyber Threat to more than the US and her dumb, as in far from really smart, allies ……. and how very strange it is, that nothing effective is being done about it. One may have to conclude there is practically nothing painless that can be done about it by those in present command of current and currency controls.

At least now y’all know the problem and what is to blame for it and who’s to blame for it continuing and deepening and causing even greater misery for all but an extremely select few.

amanfromMars [2205061431] ….. shares on https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2022/5/6/energetics-supply-chain-fragile-vulnerable

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And even if they do, contractors aren’t inclined to buy American because China can deliver materials at a lower cost. “The industry writ large … has really been driven by efficiency, not resiliency or national security,” said Michienzi.

That is being driven by profit [extra money for nothing extra] which has diddly squat to do with efficiency and something which eventually inevitably, and evidence of the effect suffered everywhere because of it is becoming ever clearer every day now, leads to everything being far too expensive to buy …..inviting all of the evils and damage associated with words and tales of Great Depression/Recession/Stagflation/Inflation/Deflation/Markets Meltdown and Troubles/Revolutionary Societal Unrest/Madness and Mayhem, Conflict and Chaos, and without the Assistance and AID of CHAOS ….. Advanced IntelAIgent Development of Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems ……. an obviously failing, self destructive terminal feedback loop from which there is no readily available exit/better alternate beta plan .

Burying one’s head in the sand and thinking more of the same as was tried yesterday and yesteryear is an answer, guarantees one receives a kicking most unlikely to be pleasant and survivable.

Things are not like they were before, for everything has changed, and to not realise it immediately puts one at a distinct insurmountable disadvantage to that and those who do and those who be the greatest of agents for the grandest of fundamental changes/novel beginnings. I Kid U Not.

* Who wants to admit to being a fool so easily fooled time and time again with tales that all is well and the economy is booming etc etc etc?



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