amanfromMars 1 Fri 1 Apr 07:50 [2204010750] ….. reveals more on
Novel NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Leadership Undoubtedly Needed …. *
And all the current evidence presented and not confirmed to be fundamentally honest, being in that case just simply politically inept and incorrect fake news …… fake news that is virtually/practically impossible to not realise is practically/virtually in everything, everywhere and specifically cynically designed to alter and manipulate certain versions of reality being presented by mainstream media mogul teams as the default de facto tall tale to accept and follow in support of rapidly failing, intellectually bankrupt establishment/status quo bigger picture shows ……. continually highlights and exacerbates one increasingly more obvious inescapable fact about exclusive executive status quo administration systems programmers/leaders in the thrall of, and at the helm of SCADA [Supervisory Control, Analysis and Data Acquisition] levers which can and therefore will be mercilessly/mercifully relentlessly exploited and expanded upon by that and those who know how both Great and Greater IntelAIgent Games are successfully played …… the Status Quo Establishment has totally lost both the Future Practical and Virtual Plot whilst it insists on supporting/creating and drivering investments squandering blood and treasure on the source and resourcing of increasingly expensive retailed pleasures either universally tempting or quite vital …… for such is neither sustainable nor attractive and addictive, which is what the Future is much more all about.
* ….. Iām calling out MRDA on that post title, seeing as how it is certainly APT and appropriate.:-)
amanfromMars 1 Fri 1 Apr 13:30 [2204011330] ……. notes on
And even stranger things have happened and are happening …..
Deadheads rule, Dabbsy š ……. although the reign of this particular one was very short lived ……..
Too radical a departure from Ye Olde Traditional Home Guard Crowd methinks for the appointment to last is one generous interpretation for the short nature of the time in office.