March 5, 2022 at 19:28 …….. disagrees on
“They are digging an ever deeper hole for themselves”
It is quite the opposite: in similar situations “they” are flaunting their power and impunity, to deter other “nuisances” from “trouble-making”. It is a show of strength …… Blissex March 5, 2022 at 17:07
Only the greatest of arrogant fools and ignorant tools would be relying on and expecting that to be an overwhelmingly successful strategy, Blissex. To consider it even slightly effective demonstrates a catastrophic lack of intelligence in that and/or those who would think it wise.
amanfromMars 1 Sun 6 Mar 10:13 [2203061013] …… points out there are faster tracks available
Let me count the ways to skin a RAT
“AI has become superhuman,” Marcus Gomez, CEO and co-founder of Luminous, said in a statement. “We can interact with computers in natural language and ask them to write a piece of code or even an essay, and the output will be better than most humans could provide. What’s frustrating is that we have the software to address monumental, revolutionary problems that humans can’t even begin to solve. We just don’t have the hardware that can run those algorithms.”
……. has a Big Brother Mirror and AI Parallel in ……
Is there nobody advising/showing them what to do, and what can be so easily done, with all these new fangled and entangling virtual tools at everyone’s disposal to halt and reverse the diabolical decline and destroy and root out the rot to its very core ‽ . ……
Obviously that fundamentally disagrees with the premise that hardware is not available for superhuman use of AI software. Such though only requires the most modest of practical physicalised demonstrations to eradicate any terrifying doubt ……. and one supposes, coincidentally, introduce even further terrifying worries for systems commanded and controlled by intellectually challenged humans intent on plunging foreign nations into the creation and endless payment and selling of debt and deficit spending.