amanfromMars 1 Sat 5 Feb 06:26 [2202050626] …….. asks on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2022/02/04/argo_cd_0day_kubernetes/

In Praise of the Beast of a Nimble Fast and Moveable Feast

While they come up with a solution, best update your installations to one of the fixed versions, as there is “no workaround for this issue.” 

That suggests the solution is not a permanent correct answer but just a temporary bodge of a leaky patch giving scant relief whilst also coincidentally effectively delivering nothing guaranteed but more time in the 0day space for that particular problem to be further developed for greater exploits via another vein/other veins of stealthy attack ‽ .

Would that be an accurate appraisal of such a supported solution and be more likely than not the probable resultant outcome of the ACT* action/ACTivIT?

ACT* = Advanced Cyber Threat/Treat


amanfromMars 1 Sat 5 Feb 08:48 [2202050848] ……. shares on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2022/02/04/news_corp_china_compromised/

Unavoidable, so get used to it and be forever uncomfortable if responsible but usually unaccountable

Whenever media, be it mainstream or alternative, does not share the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, will they always be a rich juicy target for those who value and can easily monetise its worth, and which crushes opposition and competition supporting half truths, and is able to crash markets relying upon such terrible news reporting as an acceptable status quo arrangement and facility with utilities used, abused and misused to not reveal right dodgy shenanigans.

Such a state of national, international and internetional affairs is only natural and fully to be expected always, anywhere …… and more often too than ever was possible of late.



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