amanfromMars 1 Mon 17 Jan 12:12 [2201171212] ….. reveals on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2022/01/17/edge_computing_set_for_growth/

For Holy Grail Type SkunkWorks …. Heavenly Tasks/Diabolical Operations

Edge Computing …… Rogue and/or Innovative Computer Assisted Use for the Proving and Proofing and Improving of Vital and Virile and Viral Assets is what some, who may be just a few or many, recognise it being and that opens up a Pandora’s Box of Novel Opportunities never before ever even imagined possible and relatively easily, readily available.

Subsequently, is it much prized for competent users who understandably be highly sought after. Others however may plough quite another path with their understanding and use of it ….. but such is only natural and therefore fully to be expected so be prepared for military and paramilitary exercising.


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