amanfromMars [2201040924] …….. asks on
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Are the likes of an “expert” Redspin able/expected to formulate/originate Defense Intelligence Industrial Base [DI2B] requirements for contractors to put into and maintain in placements, which at the likes of Levels 3 and above, in order to attain and sustain ideally an overwhelmingly mutually beneficial unknown advantage, be ideally secretly failsafe installed/floated into/onto the market space/place?
Such would be as close to the provision of an absolute guaranteed assurance of success for a placement as is viable and able to be realistically achieved.
Or are such provisions in the gift of others who/which generally remain universally unknown for all the obvious reasons regarding the maintenance of secret security?
Those two questions have correct answers which be both Great Game Changing and Quantum Communication Leap Revolutionary ….. and so much more besides.
amanfromMars 1 Tue 4 Jan 13:28 [2201041328] ….. asks on
Re: You geeks have inherited the Earth, but what are you going to do with it?
Is fix it with IT and AI and friends, or destroy it with enemies, too alien an approach with attending applications to be considered possible and most likely highly probable as the only two really valid choices readily available to/from geeks worthy of note?
Have you any idea how catastrophically vulnerable dismissal of such alien thinking on Earth renders one to the possibility and most likely highly probable alternate reality?
amanfromMars [2201041717] … ponders on an incredulity on
So, if a foreign concern wishes to purchase a sensitive business of UK origin, which the UK [whoever that be] decides to be of National Security and Investment interest, are they duty bound to purchase that business themselves at the free market foreign exchange rate [whatever that be]? …… which would be sort of OK and good.
Surely the owners are not expected to refuse the foreign sale and be denied a home based purchase and penalise themselves and forego and exclude themselves valuable and attractive riches and all the pleasures and advantages that such reward provides as a just award for all of their past endeavours? ….. which would be real bad and not good at all.
Methinks that will never fly and be tantamount to being the works of a criminal conspiracy and have that very particular and peculiarly sensitive market in question revolting in opposition to ensure such a proposal never sees the light of day, let alone makes it onto any perverse statute book.