amanfromMars 1 Sun 26 Sep 19:30 [2109261930] …….. calling a spade a spade on
Re: To be considered “elite” you can have WHAT percentage failure rate?
Makes one wonder how No10 and Parliament manages to survive, and according to them prosper and have everything under command and control, with their catalogues of monumental serial fcukups so evident.
They must just be making everything up as they prance about on those media stages trying not to look completely out of their depth remembering those hastily prepared 0day scripts for general public consumption/corporate brainwashing.
amanfromMars 1 Mon 27 Sep 05:09 [2109270509] …. biting the hand that feeds IT on
Re: To be considered “elite” you can have WHAT percentage failure rate?
Wait … you didn’t honestly believe that politicians actually know anything at all about the shit they prattle on about, did you? Shirley you know that they will say anything their handlers write for them in the hopes of getting their meal ticket re-elected, right? …. jake
I’m absolutely certain they know not nearly enough, and will never ever know enough about everything including the shit their handlers may have them prattle on about in the hopes of getting their meal ticket re-elected and state benefits extended. It is though a glaring abiding universal vulnerability for more than just 0day exploitation and any resultant personal vulgar crass extreme enrichment and/or grateful systemic reward/award.
Do you think sharing and agreeing with such information invites the Prosecution of Joint AIdVenturing which would be as good as herald the Persecution Inquisition of the Puppet Masters and Muppet Pastors practically responsible for virtually all and the failed government lackeys fronting and espousing incompetent policies and worthless bankrupting programs …… and thus be a very welcome radical change from the current perverse and destructive serial norm most everywhere or anywhere on Earth?
amanfromMars 1 Mon 27 Sep 17:04 [2109271704] ……. sees a somewhat different picture on
Re: Concerning ….. for those worthy and destined to be right royally shafted
The problem is that the playbook to study is so goddamned long. ….. jason_derp
It is not a problem and easily mastered whenever one realises it is a series of one-trick ponies, jason_derp.
And that must be very concerning indeed, for it does not bode at all well for those intellectual challenged playmates if the future is more than likely to be considerably smarter and more switched on to virtual events than was ever the case possible before. But hey, that’s real progress ….. chock full of soo many crazy surprises.