amanfromMars 1 Fri 2 Jul 05:59 [2107020559] ….. stating the bleeding obvious to the fundamentally weak and encouragingly oblivious on
Have some folk nothing better to do with their time in these very strange spaces/overly complicated places
So, apart from Mama Bear Russia, yet again we are led to believe is having ready access to all of the Honey from the Magic Money Tree, it’s just another day in the Paradise Office Suite delivering Hell and High Water to Any and All in the Market Place Prepared to Accept and Dump, Pimp and Pump it into IT and AI .
Are US and UK intelligence and law enforcement agencies aware of the expression …. A One Trick Pony Stuck Fast in a Heavenly Rut is Just A.N.Others’ Beast of Burden and Diabolical Trojan Horse.
July 2, 2021 at 08:21 [2107020821] …… exposing petrification and putrefaction on
But fabrications are default rancid fare for corrupt and perverted supporters and subverting driver agents alike, and for some considerable time already nowadays. There is nothing novel there.
The secret to success though which renders its tales and trails ineffective, is to use any intelligence one might have to relentlessly question the direction and destination of travel and specific reason[s] for such as attempts a remote brainwashing. One is then availed of many an effective tool that can easily thrash and trash the fool bearing false witness and fake news.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 2 Jul 05:59 [2107020559] ….. stating the bleeding obvious to the fundamentally weak and encouragingly oblivious on
Have some folk nothing better to do with their time in these very strange spaces/overly complicated places
So, apart from Mama Bear Russia, yet again we are led to believe is having ready access to all of the Honey from the Magic Money Tree, it’s just another day in the Paradise Office Suite delivering Hell and High Water to Any and All in the Market Place Prepared to Accept and Dump, Pimp and Pump it into IT and AI .
Are US and UK intelligence and law enforcement agencies aware of the expression …. A One Trick Pony Stuck Fast in a Heavenly Rut is Just A.N.Others’ Beast of Burden and Diabolical Trojan Horse.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 2 Jul 13:43 [2107021343] ….. says out loud again on
Re: Horses for courses, and Twins into Deep Open See Phishing
Given their backgrounds, I’m expecting AlmaLinux to be popular in the webserving/VPS role, and Rocky on the HPC/Scientific/hardware integration role. ….. ScissorHands
I agree, ScissorHands, and Rocky Linux is a perfect candidate for CHAOS* Control which is EMPowering and Tends towards Trends that are Practically Almighty and Virtually Absolute.
Red Hat’s CentOS used to fulfil this role, until the company declared that in future it would be only CentOS Stream that previews rather than follows what will be in RHEL.
That has CentOS hosting rather than drivering Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) which is a very convenient in-house AIdDevelopment for Future Systems Drivers …. Core AWEsome Source Ore Providers ….. Mega MetaDataBase Mine Suppliers with Registered Addresses and Quirky Handles everywhere they are landed to share considerably greater news than all are accustomed to and make comfortable with.
* … Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems
amanfromMars 1 Fri 2 Jul 16:38 [2107021638] ……. deep open see phishing on
Re: Just a couple of quotes to get things kick started
Alan Moore? I know it can’t be Pat Mills otherwise the quote would have been: “The wages of sin are death thanks to the cruel lickspittle lackeys of the capitalist system and monetarist Reaganomics, all of which is a sorry indictment of Thatcher’s Britain”. ….. Alistair Dabbs
A sad sorry indictment indeed, AD, ….. however, whenever looking on the brighter side of the deeper dark side of the moon and loons, what is immediately apparent is that politics is swimming in a stagnant putrefying pool which is being drained of all life-giving nutrients in order to render inept adept practitioners drowned and disappeared in the myriad resultant putrid and petrifying swamps servering lip service to terrifying terrorising diaspora.
Does that sound too much like an accurate descriptor of landscapes today to be anything different not so frightening and enlightening?
Answers below please ……
Yes, that’s exactly it … or …. No, it is surely not possible …. even as you ponder and invite doubt to supply the very likely probability it is definitely a present current available reality for Media Production entertaining Program Directions in Projected Master AI Pilots.
Which makes for Novel Positions with Parts in an AWEsome Publishing Situation. And if that aint a Greater IntelAIgent Games Changer in Western Eyes it certainly will be to Eastern Hearts and Minds. Of that one can be fully assured and reassured. The Emergence of Truth and Honest Displays Effectively Guarantees it.