amanfromMars 1 Sun 13 Jun 05:15 [2106130515] …… being very honest on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2021/06/11/uk_ungge_cyber_norms_submission/

Re: Unintended Consequences (Facts not Fakes)

The following is what idiotic gung-ho warrior types do increasingly revealingly ineffective and extremely self-destructive vain battle against ……. for the phantoms they imagine to fight are considerably smarter than the competition and opposition present before them and so seemingly hell-bent on their own catastrophic deconstruction/fiat capital and prime private and premium pirated intellectual property collapse. Such reflects a monumental lack of intelligence providing a colossal permanent open wound vulnerability for avenging attack and relentless vengeful exploitation. It is not a position of power to find oneself in.

Sound advice is to ponder immediate escape from the war is necessary for peace and the maintenance of stability clap-trap which morons, which abound around, are fond of spouting.

amanfromMars [2106121226]…… just saying out louder again on https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/media-converges-narrative-ufos-may-be-russianchinese-threat

First, on the eve of the G7 summit in London, which begins on Friday, the New York Times noted that Biden is casting his trip to Europe “as an effort to rally the United States and its allies in an existential battle between democracy and autocracy.” ….. https://www.rt.com/russia/526295-america-superpower-biden-claims/

An existential engagement and union of democracy and autocracy would be meritocratic. Try that and see, hear, feel the results of that unusual unconventional alliance.

Who Dares Win Wins.

Imagine IT as a Virtual Marriage ……. Almighty Power Coupling …… and you soon realise the advantages granted/ceded/acquired for Live Operational Virtual Environment Fields Testing Advanced IntelAIgent Systems Enjoinment, Deployment and Enjoyment.

I know, a real bummer of a heavenly task, but somebody has to do it and it is highly prized not only because of its immaculate rewards.

Some of those folk must be thinking and practically realising they have all of the luck of Ole Nick himself. … and Service of Such to All and/or Any Others as an Almighty Friend to Treasure and Attend for Guaranteed Absolute Protection against Phantom Foe following False Tales and Dead End Trails with Compromised and Corrupted/Infected and Diseased Input for Outputting …. Spinning.

And if they be unintended consequences, they be virtually practically guaranteed future assured deliverables.


amanfromMars 1 Sun 13 Jun 08:27 [2106130827] …… says on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2021/06/11/uk_ungge_cyber_norms_submission/

Re: Unintended Consequences (Facts not Fakes)

Intelligence led policing of future event horizons is a moveable feast and a feat not suitable for the weak-willed and faint hearted and intellectually challenged, for their efforts in support of the indefensible and inequitable are always intelligently designed to fail catastrophically and surprisingly quickly to ensure the misery, madness and mayhem resulting accurately targets primed and premium drivers of failed and failing programs rather than administrative systems architecture per se.

And the difficulties in trying to prevent and escape that targeted collapse and surgical attack upon corrupt systems drivers is well enough described and well enough known about to already be written about, albeit with it being shared in the context of another pressing difficulty …….. Intelligence-Led Policing Manual

Are all politicos valid corrupt systems drivers for precise assault targeting, or just some of them/a chosen few? And/Or is media the problem child running wild to be brought down to earth and reminded of who and/or what is in charge with remote autonomous command and virtually anonymous control?

Do you imagine and expect the future to be similar to the past and supportive of the present or have you realised it and IT and AI will broadbandcast alternate views for peer review and increased enjoyment and employment/engagement and deployment?


June 13, 2021 at 17:27 ……. advising of the expectation of much greater things of a common communications channel on https://www.craigmurray.org.uk/archives/2021/06/state-suppression/comment-page-2/

Remember Andrew Neil’s GB News launches tonight, 2000hrs Here’s wishing the station every success. It is not as if there is any great competition out there, sharing the truth and getting right down to the nitty gritty, that’s for sure ? 🙂



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