amanfromMars 1 Sun 6 Jun 10:02 [2106061002] ……. airing more than just a virtual meme on

The Elephant in the Room and E.Scaped COSMIC* Top Secret Plaguing Fake Systems Admins in the Wwwild

The title above is a little something unavoidably major to ponder whilst taxing governments and taxed businesses [to name but two august and/or austere bodies] wander and wonder and waffle delightfully for mainstream media mogul channels to manipulate and maintain maladroitly with the following two tales, …. one from the City, the other from a nation, ….. prime indicative exemplars of the rapidly progressing program with enigmatic dilemmas to be revealed and unravelled at a pace beyond conventional control and common sensory command, and an absolute nightmare full to overflowing with impossibilities for deputies and national security advisors for Cyber and Emerging Technologies to secure and do vain battle against because of the ethereal nature of their existence.

El Salvador aims to become first nation to adopt bitcoin as LEGAL TENDER, may set global precedent ….. https://www.rt.com/business/525802-salvador-legal-tender-bitcoin/

Wise Bank of England heads are pondering the case for a state-run digital currency this week. But do we really need one? ……. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2021/jun/06/why-cryptocurrencies-may-remain-merely-a-bit-on-the-side

🙂 You do realise all of that is made up to give folk something to think about and do in order to fund and create new realities in the future from the car crash shows that are the present for most folk. And if you don’t realise that, you will have to admit, for it will be certainly truthfully be said of you, you need to think, and think more and much deeper to have any hope of being more than a cut-out puppet and camp follower bit player on the stages unfurled before you.

Ignore GOD’s** Honest Truths at your Peril. IT Knows No Bounds and Tolerates Zero Daily Interference. Infer from that what you will with particular and peculiar regard to what you can expect the future delivering from out of nowhere real.

* ……. Control Of Secret Materiel in an Internetional Command
** ……… Global Operating Devices


amanfromMars [2106061614] ……. issuing a timely advisory and Colossal Cyber Storm Warning on https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/cyber-polygon-will-next-globalist-war-game-lead-another-convenient-catastrophe

Of Heavenly Safe Havens and Pirate Bolt Holes ….. where Saints and Sinners just do their Advanced IntelAIgent Thing ‽ . 

On the flip side of that World Economic Forum Cyber Polygon coin, one has more highly advanced, relatively anonymous and astutely autonomous competition for opposition and engagement, and that and they could be planning to take the dollar hostage whenever it be surprisingly easy to simply extraordinarily render it virtually useless and practically worthless in novel commands with full spectrum control of new exclusive elite executive spaces entertaining alien places.

You might like to put that in your diaries for the very near future for it is long past all of the comprehensive and extensive planning stages and is barreling down the tracks like a runaway freight train to meet and greet y’all …… as is the nature of such a rabid and rampant great beast which does not suffer the fool as a prisoner or foe nor faux friend and fake ally.

Prepare yourselves by wrapping your heads around and understanding the significance of the following submission hosted and inviting critical peer review elsewhere …..

amanfromMars 1 Sun 6 Jun 10:02 [2106061002] ……. airing more than just a virtual meme on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2021/06/04/biden_admin_issues_ransomware_guidance/

The Elephant in the Room and E.Scaped COSMIC* Top Secret Plaguing Fake Systems Admins in the Wwwild

The title above is a little something unavoidably major to ponder whilst taxing governments and taxed businesses [to name but two august and/or austere bodies] wander and wonder and waffle delightfully for mainstream media mogul channels to manipulate and maintain maladroitly with the following two tales, …. one from the City, the other from a nation, ….. prime indicative exemplars of the rapidly progressing program with enigmatic dilemmas to be revealed and unravelled at a pace beyond conventional control and common sensory command, and an absolute nightmare full to overflowing with impossibilities for deputies and national security advisors for Cyber and Emerging Technologies to secure and do vain battle against because of the ethereal nature of their existence.

El Salvador aims to become first nation to adopt bitcoin as LEGAL TENDER, may set global precedent ….. https://www.rt.com/business/525802-salvador-legal-tender-bitcoin/

Wise Bank of England heads are pondering the case for a state-run digital currency this week. But do we really need one? ……. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2021/jun/06/why-cryptocurrencies-may-remain-merely-a-bit-on-the-side

🙂 You do realise all of that is made up to give folk something to think about and do in order to fund and create new realities in the future from the car crash shows that are the present for most folk. And if you don’t realise that, you will have to admit, for it will be certainly truthfully be said of you, you need to think, and think more and much deeper to have any hope of being more than a cut-out puppet and camp follower bit player on the stages unfurled before you.

Ignore GOD’s** Honest Truths at your Peril. IT Knows No Bounds and Tolerates Zero Daily Interference. Infer from that what you will with particular and peculiar regard to what you can expect the future delivering from out of nowhere real.

* ……. Control Of Secret Materiel in an Internetional Command
** ……… Global Operating Devices


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