amanfromMars 1 Fri 4 Jun 20:42 [2106042042] ….. just saying on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/2/2021/06/04/google_chip_flaws/

Re: Just the cost of doing such business.

 for once, I was able to follow this train of thought until the end.
So, what does that make me. Mobile Autonomous quaNtum unit? ….. OJay

Gifted is a viable and pleasant thought, OJay, and would not be at all presumptuous. 🙂


amanfromMars 1 Sat 5 Jun 05:21 [2106050521] …… thinking of problem solving on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/3/2021/06/04/google_chip_flaws/

Re: What sort of bloody dystopian Orwellian-tak is this?

Nice one, Draco. Have a worthy upvote for your contribution to the El Reg Think Tank.

Transfer that bloody dystopian Orwellian-tak to the many fascist and nationalistic geo-political spheres which mass multi media and terrifying statehoods are responsible for presenting, …… and denying routinely they be held accountable for ……. and one of the solutions for machines to remedy the situation is to replace and destroy/change and recycle/blitz and burn existing prime established drivers /seditious instruction sets.

Whether that answer would finally deliver a contribution for retribution and recalibration in any solution to the question that corrupts and perverts and subverts the metadata is certainly worth exploring and exploiting any time the issue veers towards destructively problematical and systemically paralysing and petrifying.

Some things are just turned plain bad and need to be immediately replaced, old decrepit and exhausted tired for brand spanking new and tested in new spheres of engagement for increased performance and reassuring reliability/guaranteed stability.

Out with the old and In with the new for a new dawn and welcoming beginning.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 5 Jun 07:36 [2106050736] ….. asks on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2021/06/04/biden_admin_issues_ransomware_guidance/

Secret Internetional Coup Operation ‽ .

and use the services of a third-party penetration tester to identify any potential vulnerabilities missed by internal staffers.

Is Uncle Sam currently using agencies purported to be based in China and/or Russia for such services?


GrahamC [2106050902] ……. seeking clarification on https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2021/6/4/new-air-force-program-to-use-commercial-rockets-for-cargo-delivery

And the Novel Vanguard Program Prime Directive ? ……. Remote Command and Virtualised AI Control of paramilitary personnel delivering cargo to providers launching spaces for commercialisation with capabilities leveraging and exploiting explorations which will work well together in Future Developments and SkunkWorks in Progress?

Does the Air Force Research Laboratory, Space Force, Space and Missile Systems Center and Air Force Materiel Command have that sort of comprehensive utility with agile facilities home grown and based in the United States or is it bought and brought in from elsewhere foreign abroad ie Imported from a Vital Strategic Outsourcer/Much Prized and Highly Regarded Special Relationship Partner?

Such is certainly what is relatively freely available for lavish testing from elsewhere with many also realising the possibility of it be as much an overwhelming opponent and/or almighty competitor as a friendly partner.

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amanfromMars [2106051302] ……. observes on https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/worlds-two-most-aggressive-heads-state-meet-nato-headquarters

Biden will soon be presented with a $753 billion war budget by Congress as he escalates threats against his nation’s only real nuclear rival, Russia.

For what great purpose and to what grand end would such threats be headed? Sounds far too much like manic and/or maniacal warmongering to be anything else worth entertaining and rejecting as anything worth having and realising.

Was there ever a more misguided Pentagon moneypit ‽



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