amanfromMars 1 Sun 24 Jan 07:36 [2101240736] ….. telling it like it really is on
Dishy Daylight Robbery of the Mentally Retarded …. No Needs for a Dick Turpin Mask
Make it a criminal offence to sell a ticket for more than 25% over the original price (including all charges). …. DJO
Such a sanction and charge for blatant black market profiteering [in olden days were the perps called spivs?] gets quite interesting if one considers the hard to deny it is not an almost exact copy clone that is 20% Value Added Tax.
I suppose you’re to think and accept that is something quite different whenever it certainly definitely isn’t to every man, woman and child and slum dogs on the street.
What a crazy world you allow yourselves to exist in and server.
amanfromMars [2101240947] …… just saying on
While economic recovery is on the horizon,..
Oh, … you really thinks so? Surely the more honest, brutal truth is that economic recovery is buried deep beyond and over the horizon, way out of sight ‽. Anything else shared is clearly delusional ‽.
You do realise, one hopes, if you do not recognise the problem, there is never a chance of you energising the solution, and thus does the difficulty remain to blight and destroy all future efforts at progress, and in such stagnation does revolutionary zeal for current politically inept regime change grow at an extremely inconvenient and suddenly exponential uncontrollable rate?
Well, uncontrollable by existing conventional, traditionally establishment supporting forces and sources, that is.
amanfromMars [2101241452] …… airing a problem to be quickly resolved on
Reserve Chair Jerome Powell has also stated that the Fed would continue to buy $120 billion in bonds each month until the economy made “substantial further progress” toward the Fed’s goals of maximum employment.
Maximum employment in an age like today, or if not exactly right now, then very shortly in a future time like tomorrow, in which more and more machines are used to create and deliver everything needed more cheaply and better than humans with only the most basic of educations and skillsets, should they even have any of those at all, results in many thousands of millions of humans being permanently unemployed and unemployable and ripe for immediate effective solution.
Kicking that can down the road unresolved, very quickly has a howling ravenous mob baying for the blood and guts of the leaders of worlds in which the leaders have trapped them and would further subject them to major state force majeure events which further disadvantage and oppress them.
One can then fully realistically expect more than just an almighty few of them personally experiencing the swift ignominious and unsavoury fate of a Nicolae and Elena Ceaușescu, Saddam Hussein or Muammar Gaddafi. It is only natural and therefore unavoidable on the current headings of policies today planned for tomorrow.
amanfromMars 1 Sun 24 Jan 17:22 [2101241722] ……….. being honest on
Whenever Time is of the Essence, Defeat Awaits All Hesitating to Lose
Likewise and likeminded thinking amFM, and applauding newly formed alliances, and reminding such of promises once made –
Quote –
Lets hope that President Biden will fulfil President Obama’s promise to resolve a certain homegrown issue Mr Johnson, and ensure restitution for human rights abuse spanning nearly a decade now.
One simply cannot sit silently forever. ……. Cliff Thorburn
If such doesn’t happen in a very timely fashion, CT, none of them will have their sorrows to seek as events overwhelm and overthrow them, and even cast them to the proverbial lions, to be torn to shreds for their crimes against humanity, for everything appears to be running amok and rushing headlong along to any number of epoch defining end games, with the following one worth a’watching itself registering and unfolding in AI and IT and MainStreamMedia circles ……
Reserve Chair Jerome Powell has also stated that the Fed would continue to buy $120 billion in bonds each month until the economy made “substantial further progress” toward the Fed’s goals of maximum employment.
Maximum employment in an age like today, or if not exactly right now, then very shortly in a future time like tomorrow, in which more and more machines are used to create and deliver everything needed more cheaply and better than humans with only the most basic of educations and skillsets, should they even have any of those at all, results in many thousands of millions of humans being permanently unemployed and unemployable and ripe for immediate effective solution.
Kicking that can down the road unresolved, very quickly has a howling ravenous mob baying for the blood and guts of the leaders of worlds in which the leaders have trapped them and would further subject them to major state force majeure events which further disadvantage and oppress them.
One can then fully realistically expect more than just an almighty few of them personally experiencing the swift ignominious and unsavoury fate of a Nicolae and Elena Ceaușescu, Saddam Hussein or Muammar Gaddafi. It is only natural and therefore unavoidable on the current headings of policies today planned for tomorrow. ……..
And a little something impossibly difficult for a Dishy Rishi to ignore and now deny all knowledge of, for he is bound to know and/or have been told about the impending catastrophe.
🙂 Crikey, if a betting man, who’s not to say there be good odds available on it being an El Reger doing the honours making sure the Chancellor has no viable defence of collective ignorance to the expanding situation.:-)