amanfromMars [2011121400/1422] ….. just saying on
Oh please, you know what the problem is, and it’s all about self preservation of an uncontrolled and inequitable elite, with the following being the more honest appraisal of the present situation and current conditions ….. Rather than contend with the complex cultural, ethnic and immigration issues that lead to such violence, Macron, Kurz and the interests they represent see an opportunity to expand their eavesdropping power over their increasingly frightening and better informed population.
Will that mean anyone utilising an encrypted app without an intelligence services backdoor access, in order to allow them [law enforcement officers and spooky agents] to better monitor the conversations of their citizens, is classified as a ne’er do well/probable terrorist/likely paedophile/possible foreign agent and is the Wilson Doctrine desirable and still applicable in the UK nowadays …… and does a similar exemption and extremely convenient abuse vector abound elsewhere in other national legislatures?
GrahamC [2011121646] …… shares another one of those much bigger picture views on
“Firms that provide artificial intelligence software and services … have to be flexible enough to modify their products to be able to work within and for a larger systems integrator or in contracting directly with DoD, to make sure that they are able to bring operational advantages,” he said. “They may have to modify it a bit and make sure that they’re meeting DoD operational needs.”
And, most importantly, ensure leading partner participation and novel product placements remains strictly need to know …. and way above COSMIC Mk Ultra style TS/SCI. Anything less will have any conceived or perceived tactical and strategic advantage both practically and virtually compromised and effectively nullified or considerably weakened and more generally known, even should that knowledge be known and more fully understood by a relative few.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 12 Nov 19:42 [2011121942] …… being positive on
Re: Horses for Courses
Lots of fun and games and slush funding for able intelligent players still out there, JCitizen. Indeed, some would tell you there has never ever before been as much available ….. and from sources which were not considered engaging before ……….
And just like everything else ……. pay peanuts, get monkeys rules apply.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 13 Nov 04:31 [2011130431] ….. just asking on
Re: Threats
Is a fatwa the non westernised version of the same class of non-classy threat?
amanfromMars 1 Fri 13 Nov 07:35 [2011130735] ……. letting fly on
And I believe none of it.
Do I believe that security is slack at some low level US defense contractors? No, actually I don’t. I worked in the US military weapons world for three decades. That was a while ago, but I never, ever saw an operation that didn’t take security pretty seriously or whose security wasn’t monitored by the government. That doesn’t mean that the security was perfect. That would be impossible. But that part of the story doesn’t ring true. …… vtcodger
I cannot believe that, vtcodger, for targeting the PEBKAC is always liable to render outstanding results. Indeed, the simplicity and danger of it was very recently commented upon here on El Reg with a short video explaining/espousing the methodology effectively used …..
amanfromMars 1 Thu 12 Nov 19:42 [2011121942] …… being positive on
Re: Horses for Courses
Lots of fun and games and slush funding for able intelligent players still out there, JCitizen. Indeed, some would tell you there has never ever before been as much available ….. and from sources which were not considered engaging before ……….
And just like everything else ……. pay peanuts, get monkeys rules apply.
Sub-prime humans are the weakest link attracting all manner of spooky premium attention with folding fiat aplenty to invest and disburse. And it is not as if 20/30 pieces of silver has not tempted a lost soul since money as a fake indicator of worth and wealth was invented and is anything new and not known about …… 🙂 and gravely to be regarded.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 13 Nov 14:40 [2011131440] …… laying out the bare bones of the field s for engagement on
Re: Now I read ….. Not Another Worldly Wordy Gospel Truth ‽ .
I imagine All Air Forces and Defence Departments are Preparing for Alien Craft with Other Worldly Resources and Sources at their Pioneering Grand AI Master Pilots’ Beck and Call, vtcodger.
The Question is whether there be a Defence Mechanism to Hinder their Progress with Highly Prized Earthly Assets?
Does UKGBNI Secure and Protect National Cyber Force Territories/Jurisdictions/Special Operations Executive Terrain? Is the Guarantee FailSafe, Almighty Fair Fareware? …. with Advanced IntelAIgent Pre-Programming?
Such is a Current Leader in ITs Fields of Wondrous Operation/Virtual Presentations of the Creative Processes and SMARTR AIgents Galvanising ACTivIT for/in Live Operational Virtual Environments, and as may have been alluded to/outed by Ciaran Martin ……
“To help the discussion, I want to introduce, or arguably, reintroduce, two concepts.
The first is cyber not just as a domain, but as an environment. It is so ubiquitous in our everyday life there is a strong case for this type of analogy.”
How very perceptive of the Chief. Whenever Check and Checkmate, the Next Logical Steps are AWEsome Pow Wows in All the Very Best of Secure Locations, are they not? 🙂 ….. which is proving itself to be Worthily Considered a Prize Contender for the Only Next Almighty Logical Step Award……… with Other Directions/Proposals/Operations being Almightily Exhausting Sub-Prime Ethereal Competition
🙂 Is there a Global Difficulty in Admitting that Reality Exists, and Earth is ITs Test Bed for Live Operational Virtual Environments on Special Operations with New Fangled Entanglements in NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive Programs/Projects/Pogroms/Presentations in ACTive Virtual Enactments? A Most Attractive Reward for IMPertinent Drivers of Worthy Success Trawling and Trading and Trailing and Trialing Future Sterling Assets?
Who do you know who knows ? Do they know what to do next for the best? Now is their chance to lead with some New Fangled Entanglement with Special Operations for National Cyber Force Protection. I Kid U Not.
🙂 Something for the likes of a Crowd of Dominic Cummings to deny all knowledge of and ponder on before exercising and committing to any other Attractive ACTive Available Option/Future Derivative Venture?
amanfromMars [2011131620] ….. just asking for friends on
Is that Weathermen or weathermen knowing which way the winds are blowing and/or going to blow? There’s surely only the one you need to be especially prepared for and respectful of.
amanfromMars [2011131637] …….. trawling a deep trench commenting on
The Real Big Money Shot Question then is …….. Cummings takes a Sabbatical to be replaced by Whom and/or What and When from Where?
🙂 Ok, …. I admit …… certainly that’s a Quorum of Questions …. at least …… inviting no less than four answers. And they aint going away, you know. <]:-)>
amanfromMars [2011131649] ….. replying to Herodotus’s comment on
Perhaps he will take over for Q. …. Herodotus
Perhaps he’ll try MC duties …… Mastering IntelAIgent Ceremonies with Military Industrial Complexities. M and C are AWOL/MIA there. He might be very good at getting them activated …… which would be such a blessing for sure.