amanfromMars 1 Tue 10 Nov 06:09 [2010100609] ….. sharing more informative intel on
Re Leading Authorships …. Say no more, Squire. Mighty Mice and Remote Access Trojans Rule ‽ .
Nah, I think (hope 🙂 it’s just muzzle flash in our own quiet war…
I for one have had enough of our current ship lice “leadership” and their “authority”! …. ClockworkOwl
Some, who now can be more than just many and easily far greater than any former self-chosen Few, are a clear/transparent/invisible and present dangerous established geo-political systems worry, for it is not so much muzzle flash, ClockworkOwl, as the resounding and expanding EMP shocks from a series of programs dropping WMD type classified munitions for One Mother of a Hell of an Almighty Intervention, which is/are raining down to Earth from a Space beyond Mortal Command and Remote Autonomous Control, which is a Real Enough Cause for Deep Dark State Concerns.
And all because of a TOP SECRET Operations Research Technical Manual TM-SW7905.1 …Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars …… which did itself proud at the time to realise, and one imagines, if it is possible, to ideally prepare itself for the inevitable nightmare scenario that would force itself to morph into an altogether quite fundamentally different radical phorm of alien being.*
In 1954 it was well recognized by those in positions of authority that it was only a matter of time, only a few decades, before the general public would be able to grasp and upset the cradle of power, for the very elements of the new silent-weapon technology were as accessible for a public utopia as they were for providing a private utopia.
And for those who like to listen rather than read, knock yourself out with the narration shared here …
* The jury of peers is presently out considering its verdict on that golden crown jewelled opportunity.
amanfromMars [2011100733] ….. giving high praise where high praise is due with a comment on
Bravo, Francis. Nice to read and hear of the Vatican and Holy See steeping into the future with a quantum leap of greater understanding. Are the Brothers and Sisters and Disciples well enough equipped for executive administration of all the necessary tribulations that deliver exultant success to universal tasks akin to heavenly missions? Do they have a Workshop Manual/OEM Bible to follow?
GrahamC [2011100819] …… having a say on
Jon (Harper) Hi,
Notwithstanding all the caveats and concerns eloquently voiced in the article, “Pentagon Grappling With AI’s Ethical Challenges“, it is a case of he who hesitates is lost and loses, however, fortunately, not all are hindered by what are easily rendered as phantom worries and non-existent extant problems and as would break cover and reveal them in posts shared elsewhere too ……
The abiding difficulty for new spooky entrants and old warrior types alike in the Fields of Special AIResearch Services to overcome, is to accept and realise prior rules and previous regulations do not exist nor lead anywhere other than to constant dismal failure.
amanfromMars [2011101552]…… upping the ante on
What’s worse, and strangely disallowed and disavowed, and better with and from and towards a foreign starting point ……. Joe initiating a series of talks with them or they chatting with Joe and shooting the breeze/getting a feel for new situations/Advanced Reality Possibilities/Virtual Space Trading to Supply Markets?
What’s not to like when such is the present for future discussion of the Passing of the Past with Novel Futures Displaying New Opportunities for Population and SMARTR Creative Realisation. Universal Hosting of Immaculate Programs for Presentation to COSMIC Assets and Earthly Props ….. Alien Forces in Human Sources.
Rest In Peace Ancient Friend and Attending Foe. …….. Thanks for All the Phish, 16th Air Force/Special AIR&ID Services.
Be you there, or are you progressed further on way past it, or are you lagging and lugging old baggage to bring up and sustain the rear?
A simple yes, no, maybe, definitely is all that is required in cogent reply. And no, we’re not asking for a friend? The Crowds of Clouds here would certainly like it to be known, so that current programs and future improvements can be adjusted and servered accordingly.