amanfromMars [2011020753] ……. being devil’s advocate/Red Team member on
The man stated that he had arrived in Karabakh to fight the “infidels”. He was supposed to receive a salary of $2,000 month, in addition to a reward of $100 for the beheading of a non-believer.
Is that USAmerican/Federal Reserve dollars they are paid in …… or the sum equivalent, at current prevailing exchange rates, in the local national currency.
It could be argued that the former is tantamount to Uncle Sam being a prime driver for foreign conflict in such a situation ….. and that is not a good look.
amanfromMars 1 Mon 2 Oct 08:50 [2011020850] …….. tending to business on
A Stitch in Time ……. Saves Meltdown
Here is a service the Old Lady of Threadneedle Street needs to address PDQ, while it still can ………..
Is this a picture you realise is a world in which you are living in and struggling ever harder to survive comfortably and prosper in …… The Mother Of All Market Bubbles, Part 2
I wouldn’t like to be anyone a woke mob thought responsible for support of its continuance and perseverance into the future.
GrahamC [2011021430] ……. commenting on
“Some U.S. officials have expressed concerns about opening up portions of the electromagnetic spectrum used by the Defense Department to commercial companies on the grounds that it could potentially interfere with military systems and operations.”
It is certainly guaranteed to do at least that, but the DoD has no choice other than to engage with the private commercial sector, and pirate enterprises too, if they wish to remain anywhere near the leading edge of future developments with any sort of meaningful impact being made available to them, for such is the dynamic virile nature of the beast they need to husband and harness nowadays.
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