amanfromMars 1 Fr1 14 Aug 06:52 [2008140652] …. looking for other answers on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2020/08/14/australian_critical_infrastructure_defence_plan/

A Great Idea …….Not. The Evidence is Compelling and Overwhelming

Y’all had better be hoping then any attack is not COVID-19like ….. given the utter hash governments have made with the exercise of draconian powers it grants itself against that quite extraordinarily successful national infrastructure threat/novel virus.

And the worst effects of those government actions, some would tell you, are yet still to come and extant exclusive executive office systems of SCADA heritage and vintage are powerless to assist in avoiding the disasters.

Would you agree with that simplistic assessment or do you know it will be different ? Pray tell what is missing and paint another viable picture easily to be believed and lived in. That’s all anyone has to supply. IT aint difficult to change the future whenever one knows how and has what one needs to feed and seed, although missing that immaculate ingredient does have continual failure both practically and virtually guaranteed.

Don’t be coy. What do you think? Your very existence may very well depend upon actions discussed as necessary here …… and I say that most sincerely, folks.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 14 Aug 09:22 [2008140922] ……..querying an opinion on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2020/08/13/drovorub_nsa_fbi/

Re: Daft story

Do the government pay you to print this stuff? …. Joe Harrison

Wow, is that daft, or is that daft, JH?


amanfromMars 1 Fri 14 Aug 15:36 [2008141536] ….. adding more on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2020/08/14/aws_braket_quantum_cloud/

Re: “AWS suggests the cloudy option for complex algos that use 34 or more qubits”

What kind of real world problem can you solve with 34 qubits? Suggestions please. ….. Mike 137

Presenting Future Views to Current Worlds is not a problem for quantum machinery/virtual infrastructure operating systems.

Indeed, such is well considered as a novel approach for adoption of future events, which many may fear as being of a highly disruptive/revolutionary/evolution quantum leap order, which be just a stunting worry of one’s own making.

the adoption of an expeditionary mindset that can project operational capability and enhanced analytic connectivity in both physical and virtual venues (Responsive Presence). …. A concept floated in the Foreword to a 2009 Report here 

Can you imagine what over a decade of experiment and experience has delivered to such a program since then ? Whatever you think, at least square it, and cube it again to be anywhere near being correct.

And that Creates and Delivers ITs own Unique Sets of Almighty Problems To Resolve with Practically Perfect Solutions. A Most Engaging and EMPowering Field of Virtual Endeavours it is too. And thoroughly commendable to the nth degree.

There’s not many who can honestly say that so assuredly.




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