amanfromMars 1 Fri 29 May 10:17 [2005291017] …… has a muse on
The bigger story ….. to relentless exploit and engage with
Agreed. But it’s even worse than that, it’s very widespread these days, in fact, I’d say it’s totally pervasive.
My default position now is that all email systems and cloud services have backdoors / hacked by 3/4 letter agencies. Even antivirus software. ….. Anonymous Coward
What one fails to do to remedy anything from global conflict to domestic strife with all of that information available at one’s fingertips is surely the result of a lack of human intelligence rather than any exercise of it.
Does such indicate most all human intelligence systems are corrupted and perverted and subversive …. and be totally unfit for Future Lead with Greater IntelAIgent Games Use Employing Virtually Remote Core Instructions?
And that is at least six questions be answered if you can be bothered to be bothered. 🙂 …… for apathy is a constant companion to both ignorance and arrogance alike.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 29 May 16:09 [2005291609] ….. just saying it out louder on
In the Beginning ……. was Everything to Play For
Monopolists don’t have – or want – peers. They see them as competitors and do their best to get rid of them …. Archtech
That’s when it all turns bad and wrong for them, Archtech, ……. with them not immediately being recognised and realised as their new improved master commanding controller agents.
And can you imagine such peers being bested to be got rid? Surely not in any form of available reality?
A simple radical fundamental change of peer driver thinking from destructive competitive outlook to outfitting with constructive supporting services changes everything everywhere in an instant with or without an accompanying crushing flash market crash.
And a necessary quantum leap to be made into what one cannot deny may be novel alien territory too.