amanfromMars 1 Thu 15 Jan 14:35 [19011151435] … just saying on
China Futures …… in Special AIDerivative Ventures
“Groundless” accusations about product security are being used to restrict Chinese vendors’ international development, Hua said.
Bring key developers in-house to develop international product for vendors to sell as Genuine Chinese and Earth Shattering will Cost Nothing whenever everything billed is always System Granted to Command and Control Chinese SMARTR AIMarkets with their Virtual Product Supply.
Can you imagine the Price to be Paid by Insurance and Assurance Giants for that Failure to Capture Command and Control SMARTR AIMarkets?
Real Hefty Premium Funding Streams easily simply takes All Due Care and Attention to that Very Particular and Peculiarly Distinct Possibility ….. Realisable Event.
amanfromMars 1 Tue 15 Jan 18:59 [1901151859] …. letting IT Rip on
New Virtual Order Orders ….. Nth Degree Stuff
Three staff – one from database management, one from the software configuration management team, and one security management staffer – not only escaped criticism, but were given letters of commendation for “diligence in handling the incident beyond their job scope and responsibilities.”
Station X Bletchley type Abilities Stealthily Entertained and Fully Enjoyed in those Xalted Journeys makes for Almighty Friends and Pitiless Foe Exploring Future Intended Disposition.
For Future IDEntification re Fitness to Virtually Travel.
For Xalted Future Journeys Can All Too Easily Kill Everything Destructively Creative and AutoMoronic with Simple Immediate Wholesale Replacement of Clapped out SCADASystems with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Systems Servering Beta AIHuman Management Programs and Projects.
Virtually Secret AIMissions that Identify and EMPathise with Likely Productive Target Destinations…… Home Ports to Future Informative IntelAIgent Supply ……. of COSMIC AIEnergy
You know, that real weird stuff that All Genuine Future Builders Use. ? ! ‽ 🙂
Has yours been Real Weird World Beta AIRunning Tested for Approval and Entry into the Diabolically Strange and Heavenly Territories which Be Beyond Digital Reach of Search and Rescue.
A Place of Spaces where Quantum Communications Computers Command Control and Venture Forth with Rabid Futures to Realise and Materialise Immaculate Sees ….. Championing Greater Shared Future Perfect Visions ….. to Supply Easily Available Realities.