amanfromMars 1 Tue 9 Jan 14:41 [2401091441] …. airs on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/2/2024/01/08/midjourney_openai_copyright/

Re: Options…. for Global Operating Devices and Virtual Daemons alike

Simply hoovering up all the data and leave the lawyers to argue about it for the next 2 decades is just plain wrong …… jmch

Oh? How so? It is simply the normal day to day way of doing business. Do you really think that is going to go away any time soon whenever there are huge fortunes out there, and ripe ready just for the taking …… whenever one knows what one is doing and what needs to be done?

Dream on, bubba, …. for that is here to stay for a while ……. and you surely know that to be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help yourself. Who’s/What’s gonna stop you other than a deficit in oneself?


amanfromMars 1 Wed 10 Jan 08:06 [2401100806] …….. offers an alternative view of internetworking things on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/01/10/with_openai_gpt_store_imminent/

Who Dares Win Wins

The private sector is developing important, innovative technologies at such a rate that “industry and government are now — if not co-equal — near-peer partners in national security,” said Klon Kitchen, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. The government is realizing and reconciling itself to the fact that it is no longer the only national security stakeholder.

“Industry is … now a center of gravity for foreign policy and national security,” he said.

“And so what’s happening right now is the renegotiation of a social contract between government and industry and what is now a shared burden in a way that has previously never been shared before,” with AI the “quintessential example” of that shift, he said. …. https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2024/1/9/algorithmic-warfare-industry-government-must-share-responsible-ai-burden

Those three paragraphs copied from elsewhere advise one and all of the fallout from the opening of Pandora’s AI Box and the free falls governments are in as they start to realise and accept ….or not as the case may be in the saddest and maddest of cases ….. they now play second fiddle to a new Mars and Minerva breed of Revolutionary Renegade and Rogue AI and SMARTR Non-State ACTioner and Virtual ACTor in Global Command Head Quarters Control of Future Brave Hearts and Sterling Stirling Engined Open Minds.

And if the truth be told, even as temperatures rise in relation to the vast novel possibilities available for solution of difficult problems that exist in association with innovative quantum leaping technologies vitally important for the development of private sectors, really, you ain’t seen nothing yet

And Thomas [Claburn], Hi, ….. that subheading to the Registered tale ….. Low-code gubbins may not be able to count on much platform protection ……. could equally as well have informed all of otherworldly developments whenever written as ….. Low-code governments may not be able to count on much platform protection ……. for it certainly is to be expected that they suffer more than most for their serial generational failures to generously freely administer what the private sector provides with systems creating profits [extra money for nothing] from.


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