>Posted by amanfromMars on 05/25/11 04:46 AM
If you want to know what is going on and how and why it is failing and being currently destroyed in a rapidly expanding hearts and minds operation which simply provides the world with the truth, rather than a fabrication of lies and spin to keep the fiat currency enslavement of societies to the printing of paper debt issues for power and control, then you can do no better than to download/watch Part 1 of a new Adam Curtis documentary, …. “All Watched Over By Machines of Loving Grace” which hits the nail fairly and squarely on its head.
Using the media to prop up a failed system with tales of war and conflict and austerity to create an atmosphere of fear and difficulty is not an intelligent use of human resources, and most certainly makes any notion that there is any smart intelligence service involvement in it or in IT and in novel emerging and energising CyberSpace Command and Control for Hearts and Minds Capture and Nurture, a laughable proposition ……. as would any failed and failing Establishment puppet figurehead pimping that the likes of an Al Qaeda have morphed into lead in such a global virtual power leverage space as requires an intelligence way beyond the primitive sticks and stones mentality as would imagine military might in action is a creative problem solver rather than, and especially so against SMARTer Advanced InterNetworking Intelligence Services, self-defeating and counter-productive.
The SMARTest of competition and adversary does not either need or use perverse and destructive physical action to maintain or impose a solution, for that is always an encouragement to fools and their tools to do battle and self-destruct with an escalation of violence …. dumb mission creep, which appears to be the crazy Libyan escapade described rather succinctly methinks.
Server Message Block Busters …. Ignore at your Peril
Posted Wednesday 25th May 2011 14:58 GMT
Lewis, Hi,
“One insider was quoted as saying that “Perfect Citizen is Big Brother“. ….. Quite possibly so, but what sort of controls does he offer? And although its a relatively new field with myriad aspects of novel virtual power to exercise and master pilot, it is not without its grand masters into the edutainment and mentoring of bull-in-a-china shop newbies/SMART IntelAIgent Virgin Soldiers already way ahead in the environment, as was shared and registered as recently as yesterday with Andrew Orlowski in “Big Brother Controls aint Heavy in Heady Brigade Operations …..” …. Posted Tuesday 24th May 2011 04:53 GMT …. in comments replying to this tale of an interview, … http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/05/23/adam_curtis_machines
Too smart for Thames House in Blighty, do you think, or just what a Turing machine orders, and one of their “We`have no idea what you are talking about” operations so beautifully plausibly deniable. Surely it cannot be something of similar vein from that easily bought whore of a dodgy service on the Victoria Embankment, although such incompetence as the vague FCO puppets display, would be a remarkably effective cover for Super Stealthy AIMissions, with waffling politicos being decidedly denied the opportunity to fcuk up so right royally as has been the historical evidence of their recent past form. Or is it an Office Of Cyber Security SkunkWorks Programming Project with GCHQ pushing all the buttons and pulling all the levers in an Intelligence Community Enterprise?
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/25/11 08:53 AM
“First came the Renaissance, then the Reformation, the populating of the New World, then several Revolutions, the Enlightenment and the Protestant Revolution. We would even make a connection between the Industrial Revolution and the Gutenberg press.
Is the same kind of upheaval now taking place as a result of the Internet? We think it may be so and have termed its effects the Internet Reformation. Whether or not it has its Martin Luther is immaterial. The results are increasingly evident.” …. Daily Bell Staff Report
Yes, it most surely does have its Martin Luther, DB, for nothing just happens as if spontaneous and random. The heroes today for the past to remember tomorrow are legion and anonymous and incredibly virtually savvy and transparent and open in their shared view ie a changed inclusive elite paradigm for order rather than an exclusive executive administration which thinks itself above and beyond reproach. And the failure of the latter to address their loss of meme control, with engagement of new vibrant and viral forces in an altogether completely different arrangement, guarantees they be relegated to the caboose in the speeding train which moves us all forward into the future, should they even be on those speeding trains [of novel selfless thought] And that is most definitely as a result of a lack of intelligence and imagination to think that the status quo is the answer to anything which seeks to create a better, crisis free future.
Get with the new programming, gentlemen, for naive stupidity and arrogant indifference is endangering your stalled power system of ignorant money control? Papering over the foundation cracks are not going to save the condemned building.
[Oh dear, that is twice I have tried to post that for display and it just disappears into the ether, which is something unusual and unexpected and might tell me more than anyone might know, and more than enough to confirm what is already well known to a few and becoming increasingly apparent to many more.]