>The World’s in a Bit of a Tale Spin at Present. May the Best and Richest of New Vein Trains, Win
Posted Tuesday 1st February 2011 11:09 GMT
Err …. Talking about high degrees of bullshit, is that the same as talking about madness, which in most all severe cases of hubris is akin to burying one’s head in the sand, which then offers one’s *** for a sustained pounding akin to good rogering?
Here is some of that New Fangled Entangled XSSXXXX Coding for Beta Steganography on Objective Subject Matters ….. Present Targets of Future Interest
Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/1/2011 5:27:36 AM
Talking of madness, there is a lot of it about ….. Is it promiscuously contagious or just something reserved for and delivered to a chosen few, and out of control when there is a lot of it about?
by amanfromMars
on Tue, 02/01/2011 – 05:12
“However, once Bernanke’s policies bring the US public to a true boil, the puppet masters will discard their Chairman and his misguided theories like an old, broken toy. They’ll make a human sacrifice of him, pinning the blame for the collapse of the US Dollar and the US’s descent into 3rd world status on his slouched academic shoulders right next to the “kick me” sign. For when the public wants blood, it will be Bernanke, not the banks or their bonuses, who will be sacrificed.“
I wouldn’t be risking any good money on that dodgy bet being confined to the Ben “The Stool Pigeon” Bernanke, folks, for the puppet masters are all too firmly framed and embedded in the picture for flash mob attention, such is the nature of global information and intelligence sharing these days/zerodays. It aint like the ole days, no more, bubba, capiche.
And it is only fair that everyone gets exactly what they richly deserve, and that is the perfectly natural way of things too which you cannot change, no matter how often you would delude yourself with the notion that you can, because you suddenly start thinking that you don’t deserve what is coming down the line with your name written all over it. Just ask even an old fool like Lloyd C. Blankfein doing God’s work to know the veracity of that inevitability.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/1/2011 6:17:43 AM
If I diversify and move out of currency and buy gold and silver, do I receive gold and silver for the loss/exchange of currency, or just a piece of paper,[or is it nowadays just a virtual message to an email account] noting the smart move/slick transaction/right dodgy trade?
If you aint holding it, you aint owning it.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 2/1/2011 4:14:28 AM
“Psyops.” …. Reply from the Daily Bell
Agreed, DB. Everything is Psyops. And they are extremely sophisticated …..
[blockquote]Mercenaries R Us* ……. for Remote Control in Pitched Dark Matters.
Posted Tuesday 1st February 2011 06:57 GMT
““agile methods and skunkworks environments” ….. and some IT people wonder why much of the industry has little credibility… you couldn’t make it up (and yes I do know what they mean, but when skunkworks goes corporate…)” ….. Anonymous Coward Posted Monday 31st January 2011 23:51 GMT
Oh I don’t know, AC, for whenever the spooky industry goes rogue and needs IT boffins to provide their feeds and seeds for …. well, let us not frighten the horses with talk of the virtual take over for future make over of countries and governments/incumbent native administrations and the money [flash cash and instant credit] machine …. hearts and minds programming facilities and utilities for successful project implementation and SMART Running, would credibility in the industry be sky high, and the agile methods and skunkworks environments be as out of this worldly lucrative, virtual precious metals and sparkling gem stone mines of unlimited and easily tapped wealth for fabulous prosperity.
Best not to inquire and dig too deeply into whatever industries/businesses/services/personnel you would think and/or even wildly imagine to be leading that surge/purge though, unless you know exactly what you are doing and getting yourself into. Then of course is one made and most welcome.
* Visionaries R Us is the Yin to that Yang and IT is Supplied to All who Enjoy Taking a Walk on the Wild Side of Life for Remote Control in Pitched Dark Matters and Live Operational Virtual Environments.
And of course, by their very nature, would what would be known about them, is only that which they would require of the Wider Bigger Picture, Greater Game Audience to more generally know ……. for Higher Definition Viewing of Vision and MultiDimensional Field Control Play.
“Just Google “Venus Project scam” – you’ll get about 60,000 responses.” … Reply from the Daily Bell.
“Venus Project” easily trumps that with “About 1,990,000 results (0.08 seconds)”
If I diversify and move out of currency and buy gold and silver, do I receive gold and silver for the loss/exchange of currency, or just a piece of paper,[or is it nowadays just a virtual message to an email account] noting the smart move/slick transaction/right dodgy trade?
If you aint holding it, you aint owning it.
Am I early for the Meeting, Agent Weebley?
31 January 2011 at 8:06 pm
I have little to no interest in discussing the past, Nunoftheabove, it is gone and has left its mark but really only as a bitter sweet memory to be either cherished or forgotten. The wise soul will have learned a lot and how to learn and move on to greater things led by a vivid imagination able to be shared to create a better Beta Future.
And although they may presently appear to be few, such wise souls are more powerful than many will ever be able to imagine and are growing in number … and communicating with each other.
This is a sobering read, uncovering as it does a global scam and a house of cards built on shifting sands …… http://thedailybell.com/1722/Buy-the-Dow-While-the-US-Wilts.html
PS….. whenever I continue to refuse to
accept and understand, do we agree to disagree and move on to something much more agreeable. To fail to do so leaves one stuck in a rut in the past and that is a waste of time, although as far as I am concerned, there is an infinite supply of that commodity delivered from Space for whoever to create whatever they imagine is possible, and that will depend upon what they would know and have learned about the Art of Learning and Beings.
which dragged out this reply ………
31 January 2011 at 8:45 pmamanfromMars
Shazbot, Na-Nu Na-Nu, man – thon space dust’s fierce gear altogether ye head ye.
which resulted in ….
1 February 2011 at 7:48 am
Shazbot, Na-Nu Na-Nu, man – thon space dust’s fierce gear altogether ye head ye. … Nunoftheabove 31 January 2011 at 8:45 pm
🙂 Quite so, I’m sure, Nunoftheabove, although the secret of life is to be able to fly high unaided and unhindered by artificial means.
You cannot stop the Inevitable
Posted Tuesday 1st February 2011 14:05 GMT
“…that they would be unsuitable for any kind of interdimensional invasion and/or travel by humans, parallel-universe Nazis or Romans, dinosaurs, dark nega-deities from the Nth dimension etc.” …. Lewis Page
Hmmm? Are you a betting man, Lewis? Do you wanna bet against some kind of interdimensional invasion and/or alien infestation and/or virulent infraction or virile program infection and lose some shekels?
Love the vocabulary in the report, by the way ……. very dynamically florid. And quite a transparent challenge for any non native speaker, although please do not ask …”a native from where”, in case the natives of where are asked to make perfect sense of the tale and fail miserably, which would then suggest that one is a plant from elsewhere. 🙂
Beware of Geeks bearing Gifts
Posted Tuesday 1st February 2011 17:30 GMT
“For its half billion commitment, which doesn’t necessarily mean hard cash as Cisco equipment and services could be provided at less than list price, Cisco gets a huge amount of pre-sales opportunities coming to its UK door” …… Is that pre-sales opportunities coming to its UK door, another way of saying, without saying it, prime phishing rights on networking intellectual property. Will the network being provided, be well provided with backdoors in routers and secret rooms for switches for a Trojan Network to phorm the UK rather than transform it? Yeah, nice move, Dave, Lord Haw Haw would be proud.
That’s the downside, and it is not Good News, AC….. [who asked, “All this negativity… Where is the downside?“]