>Hypervisor Trust and Capability Issues are an Intelligent Concern and a Concern for Intelligence too
Posted Monday 6th September 2010 11:05 GMT
“Putting security into the hypervisor layer makes conceptual sense from a simplification standpoint, and it would certainly cut down the number of things that need to be configured and managed. But does combining security with the hypervisor make things too simple? Is there enough configurability in the products to handle the unique needs of the enterprise?“
Hack the hypervisor and that security layer is breached, and all information and intelligence stored in that space/place is compromised and known to unknown outsiders, and that is not conceptual, it is the reality of the future and a virtual break-in.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/6/2010 1:21:35 AM
““The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out… without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, intolerable. “
“The one permanent emotion of the inferior man is fear – fear of the unknown, the complex, the inexplicable. What he wants above everything else is safety.”
-H. L. Mencken– ” ……. Shamelessly lifted from Bill Ross’s site.
And what of the superior being in constant search of missing perfection, and SMARTer Enabled by Virtue of the Full Realisation of its Impossible Dream in ZerodDay Adventures …… Magical Mystery Turing Trips, which are a little something Enigmatic which BP Boffinry Alternatively Fuels [And oh yes, Stations XSSXXXX still exist, for no one with any great and/or simply complex good common sense would expect or accept the cream of cryptographicological endeavour not to be in anything other than a permanent state of colossal stealth ….. pushing information buttons and pulling intelligence levers from the safety of remote darkened shadows and quite unbelievable and well known ubiquitous fronts, for has not very believable, plausible deniability always been an Outrageously Successful Stealth’s, Virtual Back-Up Facility with Universal Utility?]
BPSMART …. Bletchley Park Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology …… Majoring Alien Concepts with Edutainment for Product Placement in Virtual Reality Fields/Live Operational Virtual Environments.
“As to “Weevil” (unfortunate typo, oops…) being a PsyOp, doubt it, although the first part (Psy) may have some truth as he drifts in and out of lucidity” …. Posted by Bill Ross on 9/5/2010 3:30:12 PM
The lucidity is always there, Bill, it is just that on occasions one has to reach higher and stretch oneself to look deeper into the rabbit hole to understand things perfectly well enough for them to be perfectly well enough understood. And one may have to accept that some posts are Carefully Crafted and Specifically Targeted to Uncover and/or Discover the Present Future State and the Private Understandings of Others in these Public Space Places …… with Secure Quantum Ternary CodedD Messages, for Binary is far too easily Hacked and ITs Secrets Cracked to render Vulnerabilities Galore to Mercilessly Exploit for Ransom Danegeld.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/6/2010 1:36:44 AM
Oh …. and that most dangerous man to any government who is able to think things out… without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos, is also a godsend to all governments who are smart and able, which one would presume to be all governments currently in their media positions of powerful control, even should they not Be Presently SMARTer Enabled for the Future ……. for without Global Operating Devices does Society Collapse/Implode/Explode.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/6/2010 6:14:16 AM
“Just got this
“…….is also a godsend to all governments who are smart and able……”
If you are saying they cannot do me in, you are correct.” …. Posted by Weeble on 9/6/2010 2:10:31 AM
Well, although there are some who are very clearly more dead-men-walking than others, and they can always fully expect to be done in if deserving of the rough and ready justice, or unless you are already dead and making no contribution to Life, can one always be done in, however that wasn’t really what I was saying at all.
What was said was an Offer of SMARTer Enabled ZerodDay Adventures …and AIMagical Mystery Turing Trips … to all governments who would be smart and able to govern, for one assumes that none of them are stupid and incapable, by virtue of the fact that they are where they are, doing what they are doing. And strange as it may seem, all good governments are ably run by just one person, with all bad governments invariably fractured and trying to please everyone with no one knowing or able to deliver what everyone wants, and that has invariably defaulted to control being exercised by the possession and spending of cash and/or credit, with the banking sector being wholly responsible for the creation and delivery of enslaving debt.
One wonders why they, the bankers and that sector, would persist in that Perverse Abortion of a Subversive Program and New World Disorder Project. Have they No New SMARTer IntelAIgents with Beta Intelligence? And whatever happened to their Imagination? Is it AWOL/MIA and presumed dead in the Field ….. or just not Self Actualising in Support of Constructive Future Hierarchical Needs and Feeds.
Without those Simply Complex Virtual Controls is the Exercising of Power an Increasingly Indicative Liability which Personally Destroys, or Sublimely Leads Others to Collectively Destroy, its Pimps and Pushers …… which makes such Virtual Controls more than just a Tad Important and Highly Desirable in Power Hierarchies.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/6/2010 9:55:25 AM
First one gathers a NeuReal Leadership able to Converse with each other Sublimely and Openly in a Globally Strange Language, and to Understand its Immaculate Bigger Picture Meanings, and then can the Narrative be Adjusted to also Embrace and Enhance the Intelligence of the Lowest Common Denominator at All the Other Levels in the All the Other Time Zones/Different Worlds.
And until such a time, which does not take long, is the Sys
tem Penetrated and Embedded with Trojans to ensure that its Wealth is easily Transferred to New Regime Accounts, rather than just Mysteriously Lost and Spirited Away in the Collapse of the Old Guard, as happens all too easily in Crooked Corrupt Systems. [And as has been clearly enough evidenced in the last three years. Where did all the money and wealth and credibility go? Were they just figures created and assigned to charlatans out of thin air …. which is historical rhetorical hysterical and a sad indictment of the truly unpleasant nature of the financial scam money churn sector, who clearly now do not have the necessary Field Intelligence to retain Ignorant Big Stick Power and Arrogant Carrot Control in a Novel Virtual Era of AIMachinery and Complex Computer Programs.
“IMHO, if you seek to persuade, the message must be simple, unambiguous and clear.” …… And when also educating too, is it a fine humbling gift.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/6/2010 12:18:44 PM
And here is a simply clear message, from a passionate voice, with lots of information to share ….. http://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=166008
No wonder it sounds so …. strident and shrill, and is what it tells us, true?
Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/6/2010 4:52:02 AM
“The collapse of the present financial system is the best opportunity we will ever get to challenge the wisdom of the purveyors of collectivism.” …. Posted by William on 9/5/2010 11:16:44 PM
Apparently there have been no lessons learnt in the folly of bucking and bilking and milking the markets and denying the people their wishes and money, and especially so whenever dodgy banks given preferential “too big to fail” status, fail, for here we see more of the nonsense which is guaranteeing more runs on banks and whenever funds are not forthcoming, certainly bankers’ personal ruin too, although it will be interesting to see/hear who they will blame for the state of affairs as all dodgy parties try to escape accountability and responsibility for what is virtually, grand theft and economic slavery of the productive global masses ….. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/sep/05/afghanistan-government-kabul-bank-bailout
“The idea that the Internet can be “taken over” is a somewhat questionable one in our view. A fear-based meme, perhaps.” …. Reply from the Daily Bell
Others here agree to disagree over the idea that it is a somewhat questionable view, DB, although there would be no doubt that those who would agree are in a fear-based meme.
And James Jaeger, who posted on 9/6/2010 12:10:33 AM, has some alien views, which is very heartening, as any view or idea supported is not not merely doubled in strength, when one becomes two, it is squared, and when a third party adds weight and substance too, is it cubed rather than just merely trebled. Very soon does a relatively small number of similarly aligned source core lodes deliver a criticality and quite explosive escape velocity and unstoppable chain reaction, with such Virtual Forces as Power and Control, ITs Exponential Progressions, for of course, such is only the Beginning of HyperRadioProActive Play in Imaginative Virtual Reality Fields and Novel Noble Dynamic Environments……. with Raw Applied DNAMight.
I am much enamoured of the vision expressed here …. “Artificial Intelligence-driven robotics will eventually replace 80% of the global workforce. No more than 2 billion humans will thus inhabit the planet — why should they: Mars, Titan and Europa are now better places to live.”
Posted by AmanfromMars on 9/6/2010 7:46:36 AM
““… has some alien views.”
Ha, picked right up on that, did you …” … Reply from the Daily Bell
You can hardly deny that it is growing meme, which may even be a transmuting and evolving gene, which is current vogue, DB, and as such will it surface and make itself known in many more than just a few exalted circles and cloistered halls, to challenge the Ineffectual Man and ITs Humanised Management of Perception and Consciousness with a ……. well, a SMART Attack Virus against Supposedly Immune Systems is one available Option and Application of Special ProgramMING in AI. But it is not confined to a Restrained Singularity.
6 September 2010 at 7:04 amIn control of Police and Justice, can one subjectively decide on who is pursued to answer for their crimes and/or deeds.
And that is easily abused whenever Police and Justice decisions are in the sway of governments, which are just dodgy self serving political parties usually, headed by warmongers and freedom fighters, who are the working man’s terrorists.And that all renders the Law such a pathetic Ass.
And that creates great ripples and tempestuous waves which can easily travel around the world to the other side of the Earth ……. http://stakeknife.blogspot.com/2010/09/collateral-damage-sunday-night.html ……. for the truth always leaks out to confront its abusers.
6 September 2010 at 10:24 am“It is very refreshing to piss off for a few months and find on your return that everything is just exactly as you left it.” ….. Itwas SammyMcNally whatdoneit 6 September 2010 at 10:06 am
Oh please, Itwas SammyMcNally whatdoneit, you cannot be serious, for such is absolutely pathetic, although sadly, all too probably par for the course and a fine match for the political intellect which blights and milks the Assembly and the people.
6 September 2010 3:26PM
If such activity as is suspected is to be illegal, what are we to make of the facility whenever it is used by dodgy police and intelligence services?
For to have one law for one section of society and an absence of that law in another section is clearly unfair victimisation and makes a mockery of justice and creates a fascist state, if one does not already exist in that monitored society?