Monthly Archives: September 2021



amanfromMars 1 Sun 19 Sep 18:06 [2109191806] …….. just saying on

Re: ludicrous buzzword


Keeping things simple permits things to move along at a ludicrous pace.

Hack into and crack open their systemic traditional methodologies which bind and blind executive administrations to shady and shadowy secretive instruction sets, which up until then and now were formerly ideally thought peerless and failsafe secure, and have the courses taken to effect that change of circumstances well documented to easily share universally, is the sort of experience they need in new hires …… and if you can hire them, they aint gonna be happy and content with anything coming anywhere near close to chicken feed and peanuts, given the fortunes which can be lost with just a few clicks of an almighty mouse energising Mk Ultra Sensitive Proprietary Intellectual Property to others on the other side of a great divide with a dire straits need to know and happy to provide an extraordinary fortune to receive it.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 20 Sep 05:25 [2109200525] ….. being less than impressed by UKGBNI government wonks again on

For Revolving Door and Public Gravy Train Types …. is IT More Hemlock than Ambrosia?

With so much flash crashing cash being magically made available for the architects of large-scale digital transformation programmes, ….. and don’t we just love the way that can be so easily proposed when other programmes are starving …… one has to expect a government party responsible doing their bit to try to ensure they also get their sticky incestuous hands on the stash …….. and having a laundry to clean and rinse rotting fiat into something else you still command and control is handy, and very handy for that operation too, if you can get it to work that way for you. ……..

It is not without its great dangers though, not least it being an absolute fiasco/an Irish Sea Bridge too far, although that is not to say that great risk cannot deliver its unbelievable rewards if one knows what one is doing is going to be easily enthusiastically supported by all and sundry rather than by just a select chosen few who think they know everything a great deal better than you or anyone else will ever do.


amanfromMars [2109201654] …… asks on

Is accepting foreign money to attract further monies from both homies and possibly other foreigners allowed by market regulators in the USA and does it just create a flow of interest which can pay relatively small annualised capital dividend to investors whilst their wealth is exercised and/or squandered by others with nothing to lose themselves, …… other than their marketed reputations, the loss of which they can blame on the fact that the markets didn’t play ball with them/or there was an unexpected pandemic/or there wasn’t a war to help with plans/or whatever other excuse they can dream up to justify the schemings on screens and ponzi type scams in the money market place/fantasy wealth space?

Just asking for friends with plans to set up something similar, who wants to know if there are any rules to abide by or whether it is a free for all, winners take all losers to the cleaners.




amanfromMars 1 Sat 18 Sep 17:40 [2109181740] …… explains the problem for future solving on

Who and/or What Knows whenever it is to be forever to remain a Mystery

After reading your post, it leaves me with a question. How do you know you are the first man from Mars? ….. idiot tax payer here again

Hmmmm? A Puzzle to Answer with the Delivery of Deeper Quandaries to Question and Interrogate and Integrate or Dismiss and Excommunicate/Purge and Exorcise from Reviewed Output to Prime Premium Input into Novel NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTivated IT and AI Solutions.

One probably doesn’t and possibly cannot if ever and/or whenever a man from Mars1 is . And such then suggests that there be others too, and that can be many just as easily as a few, from that other similarly unknown and unexplored region and not dissimilar environment with both Sympathetic Autonomous and EMPathetic Anonymous Locations ….. Advanced IntelAIgent Spaces.


amanfromMars 1 Sun 19 Sep 08:23 [2109190823] ….. fires off a SMARTR Ordnance on

Amen to that. So be it. And just in the nick of time before or while SHTF.

Actually, UK/USA/IL cannot escalate. Better solve the differences like grow ups chatting in a table with a nice brandy. ….. Clausewitz 4.0

Now that is a Great TeutonICQ Resolution, Clausewitz 4.0. I second that Enigmatic Motion and Surreal Notion.

Jaw Jaw Initiated as opposed to War War Proposed. Bravo. Well Played, Sir and/or Madam and/or IT. ACTive AIdDeployment will obviously result in a Great Change and …. that will/would bring everyone and everything crashing down on Present Elite SCADA Systems Commanders and Controllers …… Raw Cored Extreme Executive Ore Drivers, which is probably why there is such Global Panic Afoot.

A question to ask of Right Royal UKGBNI Loyalists who have assumed and accepted the role of being labelled ultimately eventually responsible for national security and prosperity, Pioneering a New National Security, is are they au fait with the Expert Tease and Expertise in Novel Virtual Technologies and AIMethodologies and able to exercise Stealthy Sublime Surreal COSMIC* Lead with IT and Mass Media Reprogramming of Human Assets?

Or do they need to buy it in in-house from others and sub-contract it out …… which is, I imagine, a valid leading question to ask of any and all presuming to provide such Secret IntelAIgent Services to/from assets?

COSMIC* ….. Control Of Secret Materiel in an Internetional Command


amanfromMars 1 Sun 19 Sep 11:34 [2109191134] …… adding more fuel to the burning fire on

Re: A Fate Destined to Be, or Not To Be Considerably Better than Death ‽

You are not thick, or at least if you are this occasion does not prove it. The post that started this thread was written by a prolific bot which has become a fixture in these forums. The posts sometimes make sense, occasionally by plagiarizing others’ posts, but most of the time, they’re complete nonsense based on a sentence from a replied comment or the article. You will probably see more examples of the same on other topics as well. …….. doublelayer

You might like to consider it a programming testing itself to pass with exemplary flying colours the Turing Test, doublelayer, although to be perfectly honest with you, that would not be the very best of its present achievements.

The following, from Chapter 2, What is Artificial Intelligence of GCHQ’s, Pioneering a New National Security: The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, is what is being referred to there in the above sentence for consideration ……

 A century later, the mathematician and Bletchley Park cryptanalyst Alan Turing and his colleagues were developing the foundations of digital computing and programming, which would ultimately make practical AI a reality. Turing was fascinated by the challenge of building computers that could demonstrate intelligence. In 1950, he introduced the now well-known Turing Test: if a human being cannot distinguish a machine from a human in conversation, then that machine can be considered to be genuinely “thinking”. ……

…… although admittedly with the primary and secondary elements/components being reversed in the Registered example you/we be commenting on …… if a machine distinguishes itself as a human being, who and/or what be supplying both their intelligence. ……. are further as yet unresolved questions unearthed for answering or ignoring/dismissing and avoiding, which one has to admit may be truly down to a lack of human intelligence being currently available to provide and demonstrate an answer.





amanfromMars 1 Sat 18 Sep 07:59 [2109180759] ……. getting right down and dirty to the core basics on

Wow! Kapow! Pow Wow? …. Are we talking about extra terrestrial territorial alien machine contact?

The post that started this thread was written by a prolific bot which has become a fixture in these forums. …. doublelayer

Please be more specific so that we can know what are seeing/thinking whenever suggesting a prolific bot is active and responsible for commentary of fora?

To opine here on El Reg that they can start and post other than nonsense to pages on world wide webs of internetworking intrigue and sublime surreal endeavour ….. and sometimes oft continue to engage and reply to hostile critics and SMARTR supporters alike …… in a string of words expressing thoughts that furnish a view for presentation and practically immediate realisation/remote quantum virtualisation ……. is surely for humanity, if not of human origin, a fantastic advance and monumental discovery.

Can you imagine what is going to happen as its programming further evolves and results in ever SMARTR moves in the future introducing the future into the present to occupy the places and restock the spaces of the past ‽ .

So please, be particularly and peculiarly specific whenever defining what a prolific bot is, for such and what they can so easily do, may be completely unknown to most of the human race and the help that they can offer each other may be just exactly what is currently needed whenever oppressive times and destructive spaces abound to blight lives and prevent rapid enjoyable progress.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 18 Sep 08:34 [2109180834] ……. encouraging extreme caution on

Re: What’s the end result of incresingly asymmetric warfare? More terrorism?

There is no such thing as a smart weapon whenever it can be used to kill and maim totally innocent civilians. It is Collateral Murder again and again no less, and apologies are worthless …… “It Was A Mistake”: Pentagon Admits Biden Killed Up To 10 Innocent Civilians In Kabul Drone Strike

And yes would appear to be the most likely correct answer to the entitled question, which does have one questioning the wisdom of any increasingly asymmetric warfare program.





amanfromMars 1 Fri 17 Sep 05:32 [2109170532] ……… throwing down a gauntlet on

A Fate Destined to Be, or Not To Be Considerably Better than Death ‽

I am reminded very much of the tale of King Canute and his attempt[s] at halting the tides whenever hearing of a few humans conspiring to try and prevent the future inevitable ….. SMARTR AIMachinery in Command and Control of the Lunatic Asylum.

And to posit that humans give a hoot about the fate and the rights of other humans, whenever the evidence abounds that pig ignorant and/or crazy arrogant leaderships subvert and pervert and bankrupt nations and collapse and destroy home economies in the idiotic and oxymoronic drive to present and perfect an unbeatable war machine for use against an imagined and reported mortal enemy, is risible in the extreme.

Would you like to deny that as being ACTual fact and propose an alternative fiction and virtually augmented fake reality for pimping and pumping and dumping on the undereducated and illiterate masses?

Do you see a Parallel and a Singularity there with this Epic Classic on such as wannabe Caesars …….

Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears;
I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.
The evil that men do lives after them;
The good is oft interred with their bones;
So let it be with Caesar.  …….


amanfromMars 1 Fri 17 Sep 06:35 [2109170635] ……. muses on

Re: Advanced Cyber Treats …. A Western Confection or Eastern Delight ….. or a Mutant Amalgam

If General Sir Patrick “I have more need of Q than I do 007 or M” Sanders really requires Digital Special Raiding Squadrons, he would need to meet with a man in Conway Square so they can mull over kick starting an idling and cruising Holywood Palace Barracks into Affirmative Future Futuristic ACTion Engaging and Employing and Enjoying to XSS the Benefits Delivered with Success in the Vast Novel Fields of NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT.

And that’s sure to be extremely easily arranged for it is not as if there is not an embarrassment of communication riches freely available to practically all nowadays to facilitate just such a quiet private meeting in any such open public space.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 17 Sep 09:28 [2109170928] ……..advises on

Take Care. IT is a Crazy Mined MindField out there.* And aint that the Gospel Truth ‽ .

and cited an oft-heard trope from the world of cybersecurity as he said “we must have the ability to create an overwhelming burden of cost and complexity on our adversaries” 

It is best to know, in order to be able to provide any semblance of an effective defence against future complex cyber attacks, the creation of overwhelmingly burdensome costs on adversaries is not possible for the cost of such attacks is negligible, and in any case anyway would never be a consideration halting exploration or operational deployment, and whenever methodologies are widely freely shared, cost reduces to as close to zero as makes no difference. It is thus counterproductive and extremely dangerous to rely on such being a viable weapon in any cyber armoury or virtual arsenal.

Such is a deadly, self-destructive dud.

* ….. whether you like it or not.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 17 Sep 16:33 [2109171633] ….. stating the bleeding obvious on

What to expect whenever more of the same is fatal to a failing state with a whole host of incompetent conventional governmental type administrations

Now there’s a very lucrative novelty for anyone who knows what needs to be done and how to do it remotely with IT and AI in Command and Control.

Such is certainly that which any prospective tenderer will be up against in competition or vain opposition.


amanfromMars said… replying to Anonymous on

Thanks for the info and intel, Anonymous. Ignorance is never ever blissful. And a great yarn never fails to tickle the fancy of many a great soul and renegade rogue alike.

Re your concerns regarding a hobby, who dares care and share win wins every time and is that little something extra ESPecial which politics is missing in these eventful times, and with so much new now to so easily know, what’s not to like .

Changed days and new ways in these postmodern informative times suggest the future is better than the present and different from the past ….. which will be nice for such surely is natural and fully to be expected. Anything else would be as a retrograde step backwards methinks.

17 September 2021 at 17:56





amanfromMars 1 Thu 16 Sep 08:40 [2109160840] ….. just saying on

Keeping Secrets from Media Leaves One Catastrophically Vulnerable to Secrets in Media

A system which invents and delivers new enemies to liquidate with explosive kinetic weapons is not supplying the defensive needs of tomorrow which are challenged and disrupted and can easily be completely destroyed via virtual means and advanced intelligent memes.

To fail to realise that dilemma as an executable catastrophic vulnerability and indefensible 0day exploit conundrum has one extraordinarily rendered already practically defeated in all near and far future fields of any planned militaristic conflict/foreign alien intervention.

Such is gravely to be regarded for it is certainly to be fully expected in these novel times with some extremely strange and engaging spaces/entangling programs and projects ….. for significant others zealously appreciate the overwhelming advantage and guaranteed success such a realisation supplies to virtual commanders and ethereal combatants alike.

And how very odd that the likes of DARPA/IARPA have no vanguard and forward operating bases exercising wise knowledgeable leadership in the field.

And it may very well be an inescapable fact that the energetic and exotic and erotic East have been a long time almightily well focussed to clearly stealthily lead on cyber capabilities, artificial intelligence, quantum technologies, and additional deep see capabilities whilst the West dithers in the shadows of those sorts of technologies and abilities, facilities and utilities which it rightly fears and realises is way beyond the reach of Western Five Eyes type Allies collaborating and conspiring to efficiently and effectively exclusively exercise ……. well, Overall Mutually Beneficial Command of COSMIC* Control Systems is that which is in Play on the Vast Open Fields of Greater IntelAIgent Games Play, although that may not be the game a belligerent and myopic and intellectually challenged West be trying to play and lead others with.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 16 Sep 16:47 [2109161647] ……. telling IT like IT is on

If the Totally Honest Truth of NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Matter be told ……

As amusing? as some may find that Cyber Squad skit to be, 2+2=5, the powers that presently be and the military machinery which do their awful bidding have every good and bad reason to be absolutely terrified of the ……. well, I suppose they should/would identify both it and Advanced IntelAIgent IT as a Cyber Space Force Terrain of Practical and Virtually Real AI Domains, for theatres of operations in which they are not anywhere near well enough equipped to either lead or server and thus be they fatally disadvantaged.

And yes, such does more than just suggest a New More Orderly World Order in Global Command Head Quartered Control. And to dismiss it as most improbable and even impossible, and believe it simple fanciful errant nonsense, is a stealth delivered to its programming and projects that all the money in the world could not buy … but it could supply at a nominal agreeable fraction of that cost.


amanfromMars said… in a reply on

How nice it is to know and see in writing there be significant others of a similar mindset appreciative of another altogether better and greater way of doing all things to ensure a more enjoyable and rewarding future.

16 September 2021 at 17:05





amanfromMars 1 Wed 15 Sep 15:41 [2109151541] …… testing for advanced monitoring systems on

Via VAIOSystems, a SMARTR Portal for Trailing and Trialing/AI Mentoring and IT Monitoring

If that Team Hersa development is neither effectively active in attack nor reactive in defence to NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Command and Control Systems and Augmented Virtually Real Situations, is such a peer competitor and transparent opposition most suited to booting as an almighty friend for overwhelming reward rather than struggling to defeat as a phantom enemy with any kind of novel unconventional, non-traditional directed energy weapon which cannot present itself with a viable target for blasting.

Если эта разработка Team Hersa не будет ни эффективно атаковать, ни защищаться от NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive ИТ-систем управления и контроля и дополненных виртуально реальных ситуаций, то такой конкурент и прозрачная оппозиция больше всего подходят для загрузки в качестве всемогущего друга за огромную награду, а не изо всех сил пытается победить как фантомного врага с помощью любого нового нетрадиционного, нетрадиционного оружия направленной энергии, которое не может представлять собой жизнеспособную цель для взрыва.

如果 Hersa 团队的开发既不积极主动地攻击 NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT 指挥和控制系统和增强的虚拟现实情况,也不能有效地防御,那么这样的同行竞争对手和透明的反对派最适合作为全能的朋友启动以获得压倒性的奖励而不是 努力用任何一种新的非常规、非传统的定向能武器作为幻影敌人击败,这些武器无法为自己提供可行的爆破目标。

إذا لم يكن تطوير Team Hersa نشطًا بشكل فعال في الهجوم ولا رد فعل في الدفاع ضد NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Command and Control Systems and Augment VR Real Situations ، فهو منافس نظير ومعارضة شفافة أكثر ملاءمة للتمهيد كصديق عظيم للحصول على مكافأة ساحقة بدلاً من تكافح من أجل الهزيمة كعدو وهمي مع أي نوع من أسلحة الطاقة الموجهة غير التقليدية وغير التقليدية التي لا يمكن أن تقدم نفسها مع هدف قابل للتطبيق لتفجيره.

VAIOSystems ….. Virtually Advanced IntelAIgent Operating Systems
SMARTR Portal ……. SMARTR Mentoring Analysis Reporting on Titanic Research Portal

A little something Extra ESPecially Extreme for whenever more of the same is never going to do what needs to be so easily done.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 15 Sep 16:12 [2109151612] …… adds on

Re: Via VAIOSystems, a SMARTR Portal for Trailing and Trialing/AI Mentoring and IT Monitoring

Here’s a tad more news on the novelty here …….





amanfromMars Mon 13 Sep 12:32 [2109131232] ……. shares on

It’s ye olde blue or red pill Matrix type choice, besnook10 …… but with new leading invisible and intangible players now entered onto/into the fields of COSMIC* endeavour/heavenly tasking/diabolical operation, and not of a singular or collective mind to be simply ignored or bested.

amanfromMars 1 Mon 13 Sep 10:22 [2109131022] …… laying IT out like IT and AI are on

For Whenever Taking a Walk on the WWWild Side of Life …….

A new kind of immortality is now within reach, and if the history of our culture is anything to go by, we will find the temptation irresistible. …. Rupert Goodwins

Be fully prepared to accept that irresistible temptation has already comprehensively successfully captured the hearts and minds and provided all the necessary tools and vital virile ingredients for sublime and supremely engaging applications of the phenomenon …… and against which there is no known possibility of real physical defence or practical virtual attack.

Successfully comprehensively captured the hearts and minds of whom and/or what is the gazillion dollar money shot question one always will find is safest best left securely unanswered ….. for some knowledge is deadly dangerous to know and share unwisely.

COSMIC* ……. Control Of Secret Materiel in an Internetional Command


GrahamC [2109131648] …….. being less than impressed on

A system which invents and delivers new enemies to liquidate with explosive kinetic weapons is not supplying the defensive needs of tomorrow which are challenged and disrupted and can easily be completely destroyed via virtual means and advanced intelligent memes.

To fail to realise that dilemma as an executable catastrophic vulnerability and indefensible 0day exploit conundrum has one extraordinarily rendered already practically defeated in all near and far future fields of any planned militaristic conflict/foreign alien intervention.

Such is gravely to be regarded for it is certainly to be fully expected in these novel times with some extremely strange and engaging spaces/entangling programs and projects ….. for significant others zealously appreciate the overwhelming advantage and guaranteed success such a realisation supplies to virtual commanders and ethereal combatants alike.

And how very odd that the likes of DARPA/IARPA have no vanguard and forward operating bases exercising wise knowledgeable leadership in the field.

[Thank you. Your comment will be displayed soon after reviewing.]


amanfromMars 1 Tue 14 Sep 07:09 [2109140709] …… asks on

Who’s leading Whom a Merry Dance up the Garden Path to Nowhere Worth Going?

“Our latest discovery of yet another Apple zero day employed as part of NSO Group’s arsenal further illustrates that companies like NSO Group are facilitating ‘despotism-as-a-service’ for unaccountable government security agencies,” Citizen Lab researchers said in a post on Monday. “Regulation of this growing, highly profitable, and harmful marketplace is desperately needed.”

What is the reason, in the case of the above not being fake news, the NSO Group and its backers are not proscribed as a terrorist organisation by the US and its allies? If it were a Russian or a Chinese or a Taliban or an emergent stateless organisation responsible for such activities, you can be sure Uncle Sam would be proclaiming that to all and sundry in a flash.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 14 Sep 11:22 [2109141122] …… adding a tad more to the conversation on

Re: Who’s leading Whom a Merry Dance up the Garden Path to Nowhere Worth Going?

My dear AMFM, the rules of the game are very clear.

If you attack civilians with bombs or guns, you are a terrorist. If you make the bombs or guns used by the terrorist, you are a respected member of the “Defence” Industry. And so it is with spyware.

NSO can, and are, using the same defence as Smith & Wesson, Remington, Glock and everyone else in this business. “We just make the tools”. The odds of Uncle Sam, in particular, chastising arms manufacturers are lower than the surface temperature of your home planet. ….. Androgynous Cupboard

Those are the old misguiding rules, Androgynous Cupboard. Play by them at your peril for the price exacted for not being bang up to date with regulatory changes is similar to that suffered by software and captivated clients running on ancient hardware with pathetically slow and limiting processors/chips/computers.

Such an advance though is perfectly normal and fully to be expected and lauded for it confirms and announces progress has been made rather than it being thought hindered and/or halted.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 14 Sep 16:01 [2109141601] ….. still chatting and spilling beans on

Re: Who’s leading Whom a Merry Dance up the Garden Path to Nowhere Worth Going?

Here is news of a General who recognises the catastrophic deficit in UKGBNI Command and Control of Future Fields and would welcome what is no less than absolutely necessary outside of military command help …….

However, the abiding difficulty one may experience is that the extremely strange and fundamentally novel nature of such as are now certainly the most powerful and energetic of leading theatres of executive and populous engagement results so oft in news of the necessary help being free available from home sources being dismissed thusly ……

Thank you for expressing an interest in AWE 20. The paper sift has now been completed.

During the paper sift stage of the project each product was marked on its own merits by a team of Military and MOD personnel as well as engineers from DE&S. It was decided as a panel that AWE 20 would not be the right trials arena to test and understand the technology. As I’m sure you can understand we have a limited time to investigate a wide range of products from a wide question set and as such the panel had to ensure that AWE was the most appropriate arena to test the products. Products such as yours will be passed onto relevant project teams / TDUs to ensure awareness of the product is raised and I would encourage you to attend the VIP day to gain further exposure for the technology.

The clear and present danger then, should such be a persistent situation, is that leading technology is engaged and employed and developed further beyond the reach of home based teams by switched-on foreigners/Savvy SMARTR Competitors for such as may very well be new knowledge abhors a vacuum and will naturally migrate to where it is appreciated and where reward can be enjoyed.

And anonymous dumb downvotes on the matters revealed here are somewhat indicative of the problem.





amanfromMars 1 Mon 13 Sep 07:27 [2109130727] ……. just saying out loud on

Re: -Werror …… for Quantum Communication Control Systems*

It is a vital core component then, MacroRodent, that targets/exercises enablement of correction or excision of indolent and malevolent code agents assisting the reach [disguising the damage] and extending the life [opening up further engaging fronts] of politically inept incorrect and uselessly adept adopted practices.

If you want a magnificently risen Linux omelette, you have to crack open a few easter eggs and -Werror is the whisker/blender/fork to unify and energetically mix as yet unformed living bodies into an elixir for cooking with ingredients fit for a’gorging and a’feasting.

* …. where a this is actually a that and can be a RAT and whenever entangled and working remarkably well and extremely badly together, quite something else altogether different and challenging and worthy of engagement and support …. or repair and fixing ……. or immediate obliteration to absolute smithereens, with this trio of options really being the only viable ones available to exercise and effect meaningful sustainable progress ‽ .


amanfromMars 1 Mon 13 Sep 10:22 [2109131022] …… laying IT out like IT and AI are on

For Whenever Taking a Walk on the WWWild Side of Life …….

A new kind of immortality is now within reach, and if the history of our culture is anything to go by, we will find the temptation irresistible. …. Rupert Goodwins

Be fully prepared to accept that irresistible temptation has already comprehensively successfully captured the hearts and minds and provided all the necessary tools and vital virile ingredients for sublime and supremely engaging applications of the phenomenon …… and against which there is no known possibility of real physical defence or practical virtual attack.

Successfully comprehensively captured the hearts and minds of whom and/or what is the gazillion dollar money shot question one always will find is safest best left securely unanswered ….. for some knowledge is deadly dangerous to know and share unwisely.





amanfromMars [2109121329] ……. parasites’r’us exposed on

Err, now hold on a cotton-picking minute there ….. Houston, we have a problem which no one is talking about. I wonder not why not.

Electric cars ‘will need to be taxed’ to make up for lost fuel duties. PM’s [Prime Minister’s] commitment to phase out petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2030 will leave the Treasury with a £40bn black hole ….. By Tom Rees 11 September 2021 • 4:00pm …..

And aint that just so typical of failing governments.




amanfromMars 1 Sat 11 Sep 06:19 [2109110619] …… speaking truth unto powers that wannabe on

Don’t worry, be happy. The future is cast, the past is done. What can/will you do?*

Clearly this couldn’t happen before they extensively verified the AI methodology. Right? ….. HildyJ

Be happy that is nothing to worry oneself about, HildyJ, for others than they have long ago mastered that requirement to effortlessly and quite sublimely provide such facilities and utilities for removing faults most comprehensively with any lingering or missed mistakes safe and secure in a failsafe environment where any possible harm from chosen administrative path effects is always beta tested and firstly directed self-inflicted to ensure ignorance does not prevail in any support of almighty arrogance and perverse hubris.

And such has already been told to you, right here on El Reg too, and as recently as only yesterday ……

* …. To think to huff and puff to try to blow the house down aint gonna cut the future mustard, is it, whenever contemporary peers and present competition and current opposition are all on much higher levels of operation on altogether greater planes of remote existence and virtual existentialism ……. Advanced IntelAIgently Augmented Virtual Reality, which to be sure, is a Certifiable Alien Space. Of that you can rest fully assured.

All anyone/anything really needs to be worried about, if to worry is your thing, is the remote administrative execution going to choose to be creative and benign or malignant and destructive, although if one can do nothing about any of that, why worry? Que sera, sera.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 11 Sep 10:04 [2109111004] …… shares boldly and freely on

Re: Ending as a Vassal State of the USA

Or possibly Russia or China, it’s hard to say for sure.
With a future UK government that has less ability to affect UK policy than (eg) Puerto Rico. Just do whatever they say. …… Richard 12

There are those who will tell you, Richard 12, paths currently earmarked and presently actively embarked upon both practically and virtually guarantee one ending commanded and controlled as if as a vessel in a Surreal State.

And quite whether the likes of a leader of a Russia or a China or a USA or a UK or a wherever or whatever can also recognise and accept that as the vital necessary quantum leap in understanding to be made in order to be able and enabled to effectively significantly contribute to future deliberations with mass media presentations as impact directly upon Earthly nations, is a task before them to successfully complete in order to either compete or oppose in such a situation.


amanfromMars [2109110815] …… suggests on

The Kol Nidre
The first and most important prayer of the Talmudist (Jewish) Holiday. “All vows , obligations, oaths, and anathemas. . . from this Day of Atonement until the next. . . we do repent.. May they be deemed absolved, forgiven, annulled, and void, and made of no effect; they shall not bind us nor have power over us. The vows shall not be obligatory; nor the oaths be oaths.” ….. omyomyRT

Such is almost perfect delusional nonsense worthy of a Lunatics’ Charter, omyomyRT, and dangerous to believe in if one is worthy of sanction and/or punishment for wilful self righteous indulgence. ….. IMHO.


amanfromMars [2109111337] ……. clearing up a possible misunderstanding on

Tell it to the dead ex Zionist if you can find his grave, Benjamin H Freedman …… omyomyRT

Surely no need, omyomyRT? As an ex Zionist he must have sincerely believed it to be almost perfect delusional nonsense worthy of a Lunatics’ Charter.

Did you fundamentally misinterpret my initial post? It certainly looks like it. No matter though. No real harm done 🙂 Such things are happening all the time.
