amanfromMars 1 Sun 19 Sep 18:06 [2109191806] …….. just saying on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2021/09/17/uk_gov_digital_transformation/

Re: ludicrous buzzword


Keeping things simple permits things to move along at a ludicrous pace.

Hack into and crack open their systemic traditional methodologies which bind and blind executive administrations to shady and shadowy secretive instruction sets, which up until then and now were formerly ideally thought peerless and failsafe secure, and have the courses taken to effect that change of circumstances well documented to easily share universally, is the sort of experience they need in new hires …… and if you can hire them, they aint gonna be happy and content with anything coming anywhere near close to chicken feed and peanuts, given the fortunes which can be lost with just a few clicks of an almighty mouse energising Mk Ultra Sensitive Proprietary Intellectual Property to others on the other side of a great divide with a dire straits need to know and happy to provide an extraordinary fortune to receive it.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 20 Sep 05:25 [2109200525] ….. being less than impressed by UKGBNI government wonks again on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2021/09/17/uk_gov_digital_transformation/

For Revolving Door and Public Gravy Train Types …. is IT More Hemlock than Ambrosia?

With so much flash crashing cash being magically made available for the architects of large-scale digital transformation programmes, ….. and don’t we just love the way that can be so easily proposed when other programmes are starving …… one has to expect a government party responsible doing their bit to try to ensure they also get their sticky incestuous hands on the stash …….. and having a laundry to clean and rinse rotting fiat into something else you still command and control is handy, and very handy for that operation too, if you can get it to work that way for you. …….. https://www.express.co.uk/finance/city/1492959/cryptocurrency-latest-rishi-sunak-britcoin-digital-currency

It is not without its great dangers though, not least it being an absolute fiasco/an Irish Sea Bridge too far, although that is not to say that great risk cannot deliver its unbelievable rewards if one knows what one is doing is going to be easily enthusiastically supported by all and sundry rather than by just a select chosen few who think they know everything a great deal better than you or anyone else will ever do.


amanfromMars [2109201654] …… asks on https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/trump-treasury-secretary-steve-mnuchin-launches-25-billion-private-equity-fund

Is accepting foreign money to attract further monies from both homies and possibly other foreigners allowed by market regulators in the USA and does it just create a flow of interest which can pay relatively small annualised capital dividend to investors whilst their wealth is exercised and/or squandered by others with nothing to lose themselves, …… other than their marketed reputations, the loss of which they can blame on the fact that the markets didn’t play ball with them/or there was an unexpected pandemic/or there wasn’t a war to help with plans/or whatever other excuse they can dream up to justify the schemings on screens and ponzi type scams in the money market place/fantasy wealth space?

Just asking for friends with plans to set up something similar, who wants to know if there are any rules to abide by or whether it is a free for all, winners take all losers to the cleaners.


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