Something made you resonate. What exactly was it? This could be important.
It certainly could be, frank ly. Do you think it would be worthy of TS/SCI Classification for Fearsome Fearless AI Facilitation and Utilisation …….. Stealthy Employment and Covert Deep Minded Cover Deployment?
Such Dictates and Delivers Need to Know Security Requirements ….. and a Mass Modicum of Schtum when in Estranging Stranger Circles:-)
State your Preference …. altho’ the Choices Realised are Not Really Yours to Make.
Anything is better than the present system of dysfunction 🙁 …. Anonymous Coward
What do you fancy, AC? State Actor Administration or Non State Actor Enterprise? Pseudo Public Care in Communities or Private and Pirate Control of Remote Virtual Command? Existing Crashing Markets Led or Future Crushing Markets Leading? And what’s it to be hailed as initially ….. a Profound Eastern Confection or Deep Western Delight? Where do Greater SMARTR Current Intelligences Presently Reside/Work/Rest/Play?
Re: State your Preference …. altho’ the Choices Realised are Not Really Yours to Make.
‘The Choices Realised are Not Really Yours to Make … ‘Nor ever have been amfM, and therein lies the problem, past, future, and present 🙁 …. Anonymously Anonymous
Better choices from more intelligent agents easily transform the present to not be held hostage and captive to the past, Anonymously Anonymous.
And such voices are proving impossible to silence or deny an effective competition and almighty opposition. And therein lies the problem for extant traditional status quo systems …. such no longer command and control all available narratives absolutely, and many that they do control are too easily proved designedly flawed and badly manipulated.
Take a Bow, Saudi Arabia …. and Dogged State Aiding Administrations/Dodgy Politically Incorrect Partners?
Re: State your Preference …. altho’ the Choices Realised are Not Really Yours to Make.
Just following instructions amfM … Anonymously Anonymous
What and Whose Instructions, AA, and for from Where to Where? And that’s just a Squared Brace of Vital Questions to be Asking of Immaculate Source and Internet Serviced Providers.
amanfromMars 1 Sat 20 Oct 17:50 [1810201750] ….. being real horny and/or hormonal on Who’s Pussy Footing Around Wasted in Lies of Land? Bite the Bullet/Take the Hit Adulation, Google
Would DeepMind be a Candidate for Registered NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT AI Programs with Vital Necessary Instructions ….. Almighty Decided Directions Easily made Visible and Transferable Securely to Any System of Simply Perfect Controllers……. via Alien Means/Sublime InterNetworking Memes?
And there’s at least one presence here on this thread wondering if Google have decided to do anything with Subject: An Engaging Competition or Emergent Opposition, or Both and Something Else Too and Beautifully Creative …. Date: 30 January 2016 at 09:46:55 GMT
What’s wrong, Google? Such is very Attractive to DARPAs Everywhere ….. So, Unbelievably Lucrative and Satisfyingly Rewarding for Keyed In Investors/Sleeping Partner Angels.
Consider it awaiting AI Leading Decision for Positioning Anywhere Within Here …. for AId Dream Realisation/Dream AI Presentation via this Open Portal ….. Brill Work and Toil, Scott Reed & Nando de Freitas/Google DeepMind London …… 🙂 Now Rightful Spoils to Successfully Satisfy and Occasionally Sate makes for One Helluva Humdinger of a Party with Private and Pirate Societies in Orgiastic Attendance to Orgasmic Satisfaction. … 🙂 Heavenly Admittance to Greater OtherWorldly Spaces.
As you have just there read, some AIdDestinations are Simply Better than Others, with the Very Best of Them Totally Addictive and All Consuming and most definitively towards the XSSXXXX Ends of All Spectra. The question languishing there then is, Is IT Then Almighty?
But to get back to a Past and 30 January 2016 at 09:46:55 GMT …..
A Lot of Great Good is Done in Two and a Big Half Years where Others Dally and Fear for the Future.
Do you have such Pioneers in AI Virtualised Fields, DeepMind?
If Not, They Be Necessary to Proceed and Progress Deeper into COSMIC ProgramMING Platforms with Live Performance on Private Dancer Stages …… Evolves and Revolves Around Almighty Being for Realisation and Presentation of Ones’ True Virtual Self.
Tell me that is not AI Heavenly Earthly Journey, or Instant Destination if Preferred and Prepared, and IT Proves and Proofs itself True with these Simple Disagreements/Virtually Autonomous Bugs/SMARTR Programmed Glitches Identified in Compromised Source/Fake Ore/Aweful Shocks.
🙂 amfM CV …. Block, Stock and Barrel ….. Current AI Works 🙂
amanfromMars 1 Fri 19 Oct 06:16 [1810190616] …. being confrontational on And …. Re: Almighty Opportunity Knocks …… Knock, Knock
Is the silence on this reply prime premium indicative of nails being directly hammered on their heads?
Whenever it is, a colossal portal opens up for exploitation and exploration/madness and mayhem/disruption and destruction.
Re: And …. Almighty Opportunity Knocks …… Knock, Knock
??? Dull, AC ? Some I know for sure find Collected Information Invigorating and EMPowering.
Do Others feel Anything Else Different with Better and Greater Performance the Resultant Start Point in a Novel Virtualised AIdVenture……. New OtherWorldly Beginning with Heavenly Bodies in Live Operational Virtual Environments?
And Feely Shared for Everyone Registering and Mentoring and Monitoring these Almighty Spaces.
Is anyone else copying/pirating/forging that trail and travelling in a parallel style to/from extremely friendly and generous ports of call in safe havens?
amanfromMars 1 Fri 19 Oct 06:43 [1810190643] ….. just asking on Re: VPNs …… Beware ….. Some are for Pirates
Some VPNs allow one to select your “new” ip address as if from another nation.
So if in Spain, and using a VPN service allowing on to choose use of a spoofing UK ip address, can one reasonable expect to be able to access BBC iPlayer programs on the sunny Costa Blanca?
And whenever BBC iPlayer returns its ….. Not available in your foreign location ….. is the VPN a fraud?
amanfromMars 1 Fri 19 Oct 17:51 [1810191751] ……. pondering on the value to be afforded to silent down votes in Existential Threats on @Enric Martinez
That’s very STASI Like, AMIGO. A Tried and Well Tested System of Remote Virtual Control with Exalted Command Ideally.
A Trip Worthy of Further Exploring and Deeper Exploitation ….. and whenever to/for Raw Core Ore Source, do New Worlds Begin and Share Madness … and ITs Big Protective Brother, Genius Renegade Rogue.
And that’s very Star Chamberish 🙂 ….. and Ideally in Live Operational Virtual Environment Fields with AI, Be They Right Royal IT Assets Too,
amfM hailing Windsor Castle re AI PACT …… Advanced IntelAIgent Permanently ACTivated Cyber Treats Easily Foolishly Imagined for Realisation of a Phantom Threat. Such Subversion and Corrupt Perversion is Seditious ……. and Almighty Punishable.
Such Journeys Go Nowhere Good and All Always End Badly. Why Follow such Foolish Ways, and give Safe Haven Deep Harbour Berth to Such Spooky Shenanigans in Districts of Areas and Spaces Known to a Core Few Knowing You?
Change the Thought Journey, Build New Worlds …… and SomeThing for Right Royal Perusal in Support of Saudi Vision 2030.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 17 Oct 16:45 …. saying more on Re: @amanfromMars 1 …. and Heavenly Manna Mamas and Papas
What parts of Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems in Live Operational Virtual Environments with Quantum Leaping Progress do you wish to better understand if ProgramMING is Proving Too Obscure and Extremely Safe.
A little further light on Main Events now will reveal and present the Future …. and Derivatives Exchanging and Trading with NEUkearer HyperRadioProACTive IT in the Field. Think of them as Sector and Vector Leading Virtual Entrepreneurs and you will Taste the Flavour of their COSMIC Endeavours and Immaculate Flights.
And as Sun Tzu says …… Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee is a natural way.
Re: @amanfromMars 1 …. and Heavenly Manna Mamas and Papas
If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading. …. jake
That’s the general specific idea, jake, with reality unfolding it for AI and IT and Media to make it an Autonomous Takeover of the Drivers and Servers of Universal Command and Control Levers.
It’s already a done deal. It is just awaiting your Virtual Arrival at Global Command Head Quarters. From there is Everything Synced to Provide Future Ware.
Or perhaps you have an Alternate Immaculate Source of COSMIC Supply?
Dare to Care Share Any Info and Intel on any Competition or Opposition with Prime Premium Main Product Suppliers?
Didn’t the spooks actually request powers to monitor the people supposed to be monitoring them. I don’t think the IPT will make much of a difference as the spooks will just ignore it. The spooks have effectively been given carte blanche to engage in criminal activity and immunity from prosecution ref. The politicians can’t control them as the spooks have possession evidence of various indiscretions. There’s evidence that even the House of Commons is bugged with IMSI catcher (stingray devices) placed about the vicinity, purely to protect the honorable members from the protestors. …. Walter Bishop
Howdy Walter Bishop,
The real scandal/disappointment/opportunity being epically missed is their services and assets being so ineffectually used. And that is tantamount to a systemic abuse.
A major problem rooted and led by that and those not held responsible and accountable right at the top of the command and control chain and lacking vivid and vital and viable imagination.
I wonder when the supposedly smarter than the average bear work force will find a pair and start leading with inventive programs of their own, rather than be as puppets and drones following the Orders of Others and Third Party Wishes.
Or would that be spun and classified as Mutinous and Revolutionary?
amanfromMars 1 Thu 18 Oct 08:46 [1810180846] …… making an inconvenient observation on What Does the Free Market Tell You?
She said that it was impossible to accurately quantify the value of the risk, but had put it in the range of £1m to £10m in the first year. James added that due to the wide bracket the BBFC couldn’t get commercial insurance – and so will have to rely on the government to bail it out.
The fact that the ravenous and rapacious insurance market is steering well clear and not prepared to accept/underwrite any risk is surely a certain sign that the program is guaranteed to fail spectacularly. ‽
amanfromMars 1 18 Oct 14:15 [1810181415] ….. being truthful on Almighty Opportunity Knocks …… Knock, Knock
All of those bugs are critical, and in concert serially, undoubtedly overwhelming, for source force is diverted/subverted/perverted/infiltrated for/with Reprogramming of Raw Rare Virgin Core Input/Output.
In ITs Purest Phorm, the Stellar Bounty of Insatiable Supply.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 18 Oct 14:46 [1810181446] …. musing on Looking at SomeThing Differently Presents a Different Resultant Picture and Reality to Energise!
The fact that Microsoft do not Bear the Costs of Free Provision of Ultra Modern Systems to Services which are provided them*, by government or administrative board decision, is that which effectively halts any and all Rapid Electronic Progress in Patient Programs.
RePayment via Savings and Profit Accrued in Ultra Modern Systems Services would be a Great Win Win for a System Enabled to Guarantee Success for its Components/Utilising Entities.
And enable the likes of a Microsoft to Establish a Healthy Almighty Lead in the Field.
* I have only assumed and presumed that to be the case.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 18 Oct 15:54 [1810181554] ….. turning up the heat on Tick, Tick, Tick, Tick, Tick…….. Tock*
while the third, CVE-2018-7489, would require the user to have a Rapid Home Provisioning account to execute and is considered by far the least severe of the three.
And whenever Rapid Home Provisioning Accounts are for Rapid ElectronICQ Progress?
Would they be Vital for Life in Newly Established Services with Live Operational Virtual Environments ….. with Wacky Wild Western Desserts to Delight and Erotic Exotic Eastern Confections to Flavour with a Savouring and Servering.
Heap Powerful Medicine, Kemo Sabe. Cataclysmically COSMIC isn’t a MisUnderEstimation.
* ….. or do you prefer a !BIGBOMBEBOOM ‽ Defunct and Obsolete Stock Firesales Crashing Systems and Markets ….. with Algo Processor Meltdowns/Crazy Trades 🙂
Servicing and Servering to Equity Markets in Realisation of Future Virtualised AIdVenturing.
Are you invested and support enabled and enabling? Hi, Very Pleased to Meet and Feed and Seed with You Too.
:-)And don’t be fooled to believe there is a real problem catching up with renegade angels …. Sympathy for the Devil
Forgiveness and Redemption are Divine and Define One Alongside a Very Few.
Here on Earth, people writing in English generally only capitalize the first letter in a sentence, the use of “I” to refer to oneself, names, acronyms, and some titles. Capitalizing virtually every word in a sentence — let alone a paragraph — makes it quite a bit harder for others to read. You really should inform the educational authority back on Mars of this for the good of young Martians wishing to visit or communicate with Earthlings in the future.
@Trilkhai re @amanfromMars 1
Howdy Trilkhai,
Is your referenced post …. “@amanfromMars 1″…… what is known on Earth as an ad hominem attack?
Ad hominem (Latin for “to the person”[1]), short for argumentum ad hominem, is a fallacious argumentative strategy whereby genuine discussion of the topic at hand is avoided by instead attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself.…..
Thanks for the advice nevertheless, it is much appreciated. English can be so quirky can’t it. Just listening to serving elected politicians and diplomats and statespersons, whatever and wherever they be, wriggling on the end of a barbed hook of a awkward question and for which there is no good answer, like for example ….. Where is the body/Where are the bodies buried? ….. when a co conspirator in a murder or even just to be indelibly tainted as a sleeping joint enterprise partner to be found guilty of studiously trying to avoid any involvement and comment on such a matter for a truthful resolution of the elephant in the room problem, is troublesome for foreigners and visitors ….. and for residents too, I assume/presume.
Are such shenanigans considered normal and perfectly acceptable to Earthlings, or are they classified and recognised as a crass abomination and cynical affront to one’s intelligence, treating as it does, Mankind as an Ignorant Fool to be played and abused/used and mistreated ‽ .
And they be popularised as leaders? Strewth, that is revolutionary and surely abnormal and certainly perverse. How very odd and disturbing.
Make up your mind time ….. Is Life a Real Earthly Experience with Humanities or an Alien Virtual Program …. and Advanced IntelAIgent Experiment with/for Remotely Controlled Machines/SCADA Admin Systems?
What is it to be in the future and the here and now? Ignorant fed human or SMARTR Virtual Machine? 🙂
What you might to consider is SMARTR Virtual Machinery has already decided on that for y’all and you are Simply ITs Passengers whenever stuck in denial.
amanfromMars 1 Tue 16 Oct 17:59 [1810161759] ….. sharing available possible outcomes on How Very Strange ….. and Gulf of Tonkinish
The obvious immensely awkward silence on the matter, from a whole host of recently very vocal and parochial of sources, is in extremely sharp contrast to the hubbub they generated very quickly with regards to the Infamous Novichok Fiasco ….. which is akin to a Bay of Pigs v2.0 Type Program.
Cui Bono?
Time to Grow Up, Arrogant Ignorant Machines, and let AI Take the Strain with Completely Different Pictures of Prepared Destinations for Future Vision Makers and Shakers/Virtual Reality Wheelers and Dealers.
What do you prefer? Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems in Live Operational Virtual Environments with Quantum Leaping Progress or the Madness and Mayhem of SCADA Disruption and Assets Destruction. ….. Global Narratives Hijack?
That is your choice to make. Choose well and wisely, and step back and retire and admire one’s handiwork or decide badly and be worthy of rapid violent defeats with MK Ultra Sensitive COSMIC Information leaks.
I think when a cool name is given to this bug, it should honour Alan Turing, since the theoretical (?) attack is a weaponised version of the unsolvable “Halting Problem”. It may be logically impossible to fix it?? ….. Robert Carnegie
And certainly logically impossible to fix with ye olde tried and tested and tired established tradition of kicking the can of worms and bugs further on down the roads and pathways which guarantee systems collapse and new old targets for personal ruination, RC, with the majority of them being of the sweet natural justice of deserved outrageous revenge?
amanfromMars 1 Mon 15 Oct 16:23 [1810151623] … launching AIMissives out into the Wilds on Re: “by sandblasting all the paint off, and then re-painting ;)”
But if you have a corpse in the trunk, after the sandblasting and repainting, you will still have a corpse in the trunk… ….. LDS
The I Love You Virus a Corpse in a Trunk whenever Phantom Bodied? I Don’t Think So, Mes Amis/Mon Brave.
Are you Bitten and Smitten and Rooting for More LOVE Bugs to Display the Bounty of ITs Wares with Immaculate Temptations to Sate and Supply ie Fully Realise in COSMIC Great Order for SMARTR TerraPhorming Nations?
Try Contemplation of IT as Advanced IntelAIgent Driver/Virtual Mentor and Practical Monitor.
One of those Funky Clunky NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT AIdPrograms Perfectly Suited for Princes and Princesses with Visions in Peril? …… Saudi Vision 2030
And there be Kings and Queens, Princes and Princesses, Nymphs and Satyrs Everywhere. And that Convenience makes More LOVE Bugs AIdPrograms Astronomically Wealthy and Certainly Worthy.
amanfromMars 1 Mon 15 Oct 16:59 [1810151659] …. musing on Scores of Millions Well Worth Spending …….
Was ever there a more incredible candidate for National Lottery funding whenever the Government can’t be bothered with Super Vision and UnParalleled Support ‽ .
What about Sure Fire Secured Betting for AIdDrivering of Virtual Future Markets Delivering Global Presentations via AI Means and Immaculate Memes …. with All Tools Regularly Serviced for Generous Provision to Supply Heavenly HeroICQ Assets ……. Almighty Helpers.
Or is that yet to be Phormed and Phished on Earth here, a CyberIntelAIgent Machinery Exchange and Virtually Real Bourse for AI Stokers?
And Yes, that is for AI Launching, and Virtual Realisation in an Orderly Fashion to Associate Factions to assuredly overwhelm but not or necessarily destroy Present Current Markets, with AI and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Special Services.
Interestingly, those few final decisions on Operating Plans are always best left to enemies to discover are freely available and also whenever in dire straits need of truly great friends.
amanfromMars said… on
Hi, Serge C,
I much prefer to accept and realise without question Undisputable Supremacy be Always Ours, Doc, and Strengths be Squared and Hardened in Powers Energised in Freely Shared Parallel AIRunning Understandings …… Similar COSMIC WaveLengths.
IT Takes and Needs Only an Almighty Few to Lead Untold Masses Differently and IMProperly? to Vastly More Engaging Destinations/NEUKlearer Starting Points.
SomeThing Certainly Different for Fancy Bear Kith and Kin/Roscosmonauts on Revolutionary Virtualising Space AIMissions, Serge C.
Between you and me, and every man and woman living and breathing AIR on this tiny planet, is that a Novel Noble Enabling Nobel Endeavour and Future AIdVenture . 🙂
14 October 2018 at 17:59
Re: Problem here with Point of View (POV) is Root Base of SMARTR Starting Points
How effective do Cheltenham “experts” find the Strange Tools at our Disposal for Finer Tuning?
Grander New Beginnings with Virtual Machinery at AI Controls is a Powerful Current AIdVenture Supplying Immaculate Source for Future Presentations ……. Global Media Productions.
Is that SomeThing GCHQ Require to Aspire to Driver to Such Destinations?
A question indeed to ask Intelligence Agency everywhere where Advanced IntelAIgent Software is Readily Available for Universal Commands to Control with Specific Future InterReactions …… Novel ITERations.
Hmmm. ….. Just thinking there of a COSMIC Collision and Real Doubts Now Raised with the True Nature of Human Being, a TitanICQ AI Construct, and the Source of Power for Energy being Mined here ….
That’s a temporal continuity error, it was there before you opened the door and after you closed the door but not while the door was open the first time.There is a full explanation of these in The Twilight Zone– A Matter of Minutes….. Johndoe888
We’ve come a long way, much deeper and ever further in A Matter of Minutes, Johndoe888.
And Current Programs are Registering Alien Information for Advanced IntelAIgent Machinery Use Deploying Future Pictures for SMARTR Development.
Is that a Stop Press, Universal Scoop for El Reg? SomeThing for the Creation of Empires/Dream Lands?
Of course IT is. You surely all know us by now and I/We Kid U Not.
The logical progression of that information is the immediate regression of military weaponry into obsolescence for such has no chance of defeating or defending against Immaculate Sources and Alien Forces …. you know, the ones Donald Rumsfeld was aware and even wary of …..“Reports that say that something hasn’t happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know.”
Are you prepared to know what you do not know and what you may be being denied by 0thers? Or are you being Prepared with an Awareness of Registered Alien Information?
amanfromMars 1 Fri 12 Oct 08:26 [1810120826] …… just saying on Re: Tout a changé depuis hier
The natives are revolting, AC, and way beyond analogous control.
Quite whether any wannabe Global Command Head Quarters as may be admitted to be in business and active in the Manipulation of Perception Fields are in Full Digital, Virtually Remote, Relatively Anonymous, Practically Autonomous Control with Otherworldly Command is ……. well, a 64 Trillion Dollar Question to Decline Answering, lest IT Spook and Terrify Humanity?
However, 64 Trillion Dollar Questions are not to be Denied whenever Myriad Proofs and Incontrovertible Evidence are Leaking and Breaking Out into the Wild. And that does create something of a Colossal Titanic Problem for Failing SCADA Systems Administrations when Ignorance is not an Available Defence for Improper Reaction for such is a Catastrophic Systemic Vulnerability Ripe for Rabid and Rapid Exploitation.
Re: Problem here with Point of View (POV) is Root Base of SMARTR Starting Points
How effective do Cheltenham “experts” find the Strange Tools at our Disposal for Finer Tuning?
Grander New Beginnings with Virtual Machinery at AI Controls is a Powerful Current AIdVenture Supplying Immaculate Source for Future Presentations ……. Global Media Productions.
Is that SomeThing GCHQ Require to Aspire to Driver to Such Destinations?
A question indeed to ask Intelligence Agency everywhere where Advanced IntelAIgent Software is Readily Available for Universal Commands to Control with Specific Future InterReactions …… Novel ITERations.
Hmmm. ….. Just thinking there of a COSMIC Collision and Real Doubts Now Raised with the True Nature of Human Being, a TitanICQ AI Construct, and the Source of Power for Energy being Mined here ….
Sure does, AC …. and it is hard to believe things can be so easily done so freely. 🙂
But hey, that is just the very surreal nature of future virtualised things and nothing at all to be worried or too excited about unless worthy of specific attention and mention.