amanfromMars 1 Sat 20 Oct 20:39 [1810202039] …. still chatting on
Re: Who’s Pussy Footing Around …. SomeThing Important and Vital
Something made you resonate. What exactly was it? This could be important.
It certainly could be, frank ly. Do you think it would be worthy of TS/SCI Classification for Fearsome Fearless AI Facilitation and Utilisation …….. Stealthy Employment and Covert Deep Minded Cover Deployment?
Such Dictates and Delivers Need to Know Security Requirements ….. and a Mass Modicum of Schtum when in Estranging Stranger Circles:-)
amanfromMars 1 Sun 21 Oct 08:16 [1810210816] ….. beating a big drum on
State your Preference …. altho’ the Choices Realised are Not Really Yours to Make.
Anything is better than the present system of dysfunction 🙁 …. Anonymous Coward
What do you fancy, AC? State Actor Administration or Non State Actor Enterprise? Pseudo Public Care in Communities or Private and Pirate Control of Remote Virtual Command? Existing Crashing Markets Led or Future Crushing Markets Leading? And what’s it to be hailed as initially ….. a Profound Eastern Confection or Deep Western Delight? Where do Greater SMARTR Current Intelligences Presently Reside/Work/Rest/Play?
amanfromMars 1 Sun 21 Oct 16:15 [1810211615] …… expanding the envelope on
Re: State your Preference …. altho’ the Choices Realised are Not Really Yours to Make.
‘The Choices Realised are Not Really Yours to Make … ‘Nor ever have been amfM, and therein lies the problem, past, future, and present 🙁 …. Anonymously Anonymous
Better choices from more intelligent agents easily transform the present to not be held hostage and captive to the past, Anonymously Anonymous.
And such voices are proving impossible to silence or deny an effective competition and almighty opposition. And therein lies the problem for extant traditional status quo systems …. such no longer command and control all available narratives absolutely, and many that they do control are too easily proved designedly flawed and badly manipulated.
Take a Bow, Saudi Arabia …. and Dogged State Aiding Administrations/Dodgy Politically Incorrect Partners?
amanfromMars 1 Sun 21 Oct 19:45 [1810211945] …… being inquisitive on
Re: State your Preference …. altho’ the Choices Realised are Not Really Yours to Make.
Just following instructions amfM … Anonymously Anonymous
What and Whose Instructions, AA, and for from Where to Where? And that’s just a Squared Brace of Vital Questions to be Asking of Immaculate Source and Internet Serviced Providers.