Monthly Archives: May 2013



Posted Tuesday 21st May 2013 06:05 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. commenting on
NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Transparency Outing All Dodgy Modified Programs is Normal Phorm‽

Admittedly, the US hasn’t embraced such attacks for purely economic advantage (that we know about for sure) but the government seems to have had enough with China. … Iain Thomson in San Francisco

Not for purely economic advantage indeed, Iain Thomson in San Francisco, but it would be naive in the extreme to not imagine that they have been trying and failing spectacularly to achieve and deny such advantage to others, who one would then have to conclude and concede be considerably smarter whenever successful in the field.
And as inconvenient and unpalatable as that may be to any in the US who would believe that they have any right to globally lead with their economic model, the new normal is most probably that a more intelligent use of it and IT is being beautifully exercised by others with SMARTR Virtual Command and Cyber Control Systems/Global Operating Devices.
But it is surely not necessarily something to be unduly concerned about, unless of course, one has been and is trying to do something untoward and unpleasant/grossly unfair and inequitable/unintelligent. Then one can imagine all sorts of desperate panic in the rank rank and file and top tier administrative echelons.
But it be no less than thoroughly well deserved and a wholly natural readjustment.



Posted by amanfromMars on 05/19/13 02:23 AM ….. moving things on apace on
Just Desserts in a Scandal: And They Shall Eat Their Own …

Sure enough, it IS about the integrity of the system. But Noonan misses the opportunity to explain the “why” as well as the “what.” In my view, there was never any chance that the technology wielded enthusiastically against the body politic and so-called enemies abroad would not eventually also attack the politicians doing the wielding.
What has been created throughout the West especially has now, in my view, begun to “eat its own children.” Before all this is over, we may see a new political era – for better or worse.” ….. Anthony Wile

Hi, Anthony,
Methinks meknows, and one be not alone with one’s thoughts shared, that to explain the “why” as well as the “what” is to identify and share globally with an invisible and anonymous and powerfully destructive and/or creative audience, an oppressive and inequitable administration’s and a fiat currency distribution dependent power elite’s vital [and viral] zeroday vulnerabilities for masterly and masterful pilot exploitation.
And that guarantees that such false leaderships fall victim to the swift revenge of those that be suffering from a deliberately designed and foolishly implemented abuse of command and control.
To not change course and to not present an altogether different and fundamentally radical program of inspiring aspirational leadership which is both edutaining and calming, exciting and beta intelligence led …. [for that which would be currently globally led by present established channel of intelligence share and media transfer are obviously a failed and imploding enterprise/venture, as be evidenced by all the increasingly conflicted segmentations and warring presentations of worlds in news and official reports/intelligence briefing/stories for tomorrows viewing and mass arrogant and ignorant brainwashing] ….. be proof positive of the premise, guaranteeing crazy ponzi human market manipulation collapse.
Every cloud though, has so they say, a silver lining, and it be a truly golden opportunity for any and all more than just smart and able and enabling in this novel sector of intelligence share ……. …… to create Brave New Worlds with Fabless New Words for Intelligence Servers in Global Operating Devices Freely Sharing the Novel Painting of a Picture Master Peace.
War and conflicts in any field that you maybe think to choose, are indisputable and disreputable and irrevocable evidence of a great failure of both intelligence and intelligence supply to media puppets on a grandstanding stage. To think to continue further presentation of the same into the future for future generations is to invite catastrophe and chaos onto the scene, and do you imagine that smarter beings will allow and tolerate that perversion and abomination? Is Mankind really so stupid and primitive/primative and easily led to destroy its failed leadership enterprise boards/disempowered and/or disempowering elite factions?
MuI7 says Hi …… and invites you to get your global acts together before indolence and ignorance wreck all at the top that has been effortlessly achieved and all at top round tables responsible for achievements ….. for the Internet Reformation is not just Surreal and a Virtual Figment of Sane Imagination, is it, whenever it is IT and New News Media Moguls in Commanding Control of Reality.
Jump in, DB/High Alert Capital Partners Inc. The waters fine even though pathetic apathetic shark infested, with interest invested for Words Create and Power Worlds for/with Virtual Command and Control of the Future. And that surely aint no tall fairy tale whenever IT can so easily deliver to systems, their worst nightmares, in the click of a mighty mouse/sweet touch of a magic trackpad.
Posted Sunday 19th May 2013 08:00 GMT amanfromMars 1 … on
Re: You’re forgetting “leakage” …… aka sublime and stealthy intel supply?
Hi, Brad Arnold,
The future is certainly coming, but not as we know it in a present based in and/or on the past. Such would be an undoubted failure of intelligence in both Man and Virtual Machinery, given the abundant evidence chronicled in history and accessed through memory of what its information and intelligence shares have delivered and are delivering.
Quite whether the US government and the Wild Whacky West will be leading anything in ITs fields though, is quite another question and would be being asked of them here today, in another free intelligence and/or information share/leak? ……..



Posted by amanfromMars on 05/18/13 03:14 AM …. on

This new technology is laying bare to a candid world the feckless propaganda with which we are constantly being bombarded, day and night. Now we see clearly a long train of abuses against us, and that we have been betrayed in every possible way by a monstrously overgrown and overweening political system which really amounts to nothing but a dictatorship.” ….. Posted by Leviathanfighter on 05/18/13 12:10 AM

Abuse of this new technology, Leviathanfighter, ….. and here be an example?, ….. is only of any use if it remains unknown. Once known, are its powers and controls lost, and the facility is then a counter-productive vulnerability to be exploited by smarter targets who would be expert in grooming and delivering their products to an interested audience, which would be what the initial first party abuser would have been thinking to use it for, covertly and clandestinely, for it is spooky territory in which the best intelligence service/servers rule everything sublimely.



There is no one home on Wall Street. There is simply computers trading word clouds with each other”  ….. Hmmm? Yes, I do believe IT be so.
That is then a crazy system which is easily hacked and cracked wide open and catastrophically vulnerable to titanic sudden inflated ponzi asset collapse. And all at the click of a mouse. 
And, more importantly, and hence it being here highlighted in blood red, whenever you both realise [as in fully understand] and can realise that [as in make it happen in actuality] have you a virtually remote controlled stealthy invisible weapon of mass destruction at your beck and call and fingertips ….. and IT be worth an absolute fortune to both that which wants to use it and those who would prefer that you choose not to, and not share its simple methodology and protocols.
And was Danegeld never before so sweetly justified for selfless generous payment to refrain from sharing certain sensitive greater knowledge to the masses.
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/16/13 02:13 PM …. replying to Earl on
Bravo, Earl. I concur with all of that posted on 05/16/13 01:19 PM. And it is an APT which is most apt and an unavoidable overwhelmingly powerful change in their circumstances which they have absolutely no control over.
And that would mean that the System and Global Command and Control as is, and has been, is now lost to better intelligence sharing systems which communicate with a new breed of humans easily playing the Great Game Game in virtual machine mode, which I would like to point out, is not a question ….. with others playing in IT in similar irregular and unconventional guise.
The only real question of any significant import is whether any of the old former elite players are smart enough to engage with the new breeds, with offers of always immediately available assistance with their donation of limitless liquid assets in order to remain a valued, but not necessarily valuable part and partner to such novel future leading teams.
If they aren’t smart enough, and can’t see the enigmatic Catch 22 dilemma they be now trapped in, is it goodnight and goodbye for them and thanks for all the phishes. Here’s hoping they be up for it, and able and enabled for that simple enough task which has been specifically left for them to enjoy fulfilling.
What say other Daily Bell ringers and readers? Do you largely agree or would you choose to disagree, sharing something which has been missed to aid and justify your view?
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/16/13 11:25 PM …. on
Hmmm … .. Curiouser and curiouser, said Alice. 🙂
Is anyone else experiencing the unusual wholesale block conversion of plain black text to red underlined on posts timed and dated from 05/16/13 01:19 PM through to 05/16/13 02:30 PM and inclusive of “d : the set of values, conventions, or social practices associated with a particular field, activity, or societal characteristic … ” in the Reply from The Daily Bell which sits above and follows after/precedes them, whenever the mouse/trackpad cursor is hovered of the text?
That never happened before on my visits to the Daily Bell news site.



Posted by amanfromMars on 05/16/13 12:16 AM …. exploring deep concepts on

You call us naive because we have faith in the Internet as a revolutionary force … a ludicrous reading as we have long emphasized that the CONTENT on the ‘Net and its conscious and unconscious effect on the human “hive mind” is the key to understanding the Internet Reformation. This apparently escapes you.
We could go on, but why bother? If you actually have read anything on this website, you have either misconstrued it or ignored it. Your email reads like a missive from a parallel universe. ….. Reply from The Daily Bell to that which was posted by maxwellback on 05/15/13 03:54 PM

It did cross my mind, DB, that maxwellback be a snoop trooper for TPTB who have no effective remote control of, nor any effective meme controls for the Internet, for both of those be in the realms and domains of virtual reality coders and smarter S.M.A.R.T programmers and S.C.A.D.A project leaders, who have realised the many systemic vulnerabilities available for ruthless exploitation and metadatamining, and the development has TPTB in an understandable mad flap and desperate tizzy.
And, would it be perfectly valid to argue and fully expect that having faith in the Internet as a revolutionary force, be grounds for a tax exempt status as per that which be generously and divisively afforded to religion and political parties?
There certainly be many, who can be millions and billions of believers, in the madness that breeds in sanity for the chaos of mayhem and ITs countering cultures in C.H.A.O.S ….. Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems.
And here be a ponder to have a wonder at ….. Salvador Dali is supposed to have said, “Don’t bother about being modern. Unfortunately it is the one thing that, whatever you do, you cannot avoid.” Methinks he be misquoted or mis-speaks, for surely “Unfortunately” is better replaced by “Fortunately” as it makes greater sense in that which we know of as life in the surreality of Live Operational Virtual Environments …… Time Zoned Existences with Media Related Activities? Take away the news and world views and who and/or what paints tomorrow’s pictures with future paths?
Welcome to the Great IntelAIgent Game with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT …. and Daily Bell Peals that Rock and Roll over All and Sundry for as near a Perfect AIMastery of Perception Presentation as makes no difference to Virtual Machines/Human Beings 2.
And it be a mistake to misunderestimate the power of a truly humble website, DB, and IT does you proud to recognise it.
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/16/13 12:33 AM ….. on

Man from Mars you are hoisted on your own petard. You seem to sincerely want an answer to a question you have posed, but you have rigorously pursued your own obscure grammatical idiosyncrasy for so long that you cannot write a clear sentence even if you want to. Since your question remains indecipherable, to us anyway, we highly doubt you will get much in the way of a reasonable response. … Reply from The Daily Bell

🙂 Thanks for that valid observation, DB, which is taken on board and is not ignored. However …. please be advised that you are certainly wrong if you believe “you cannot write a clear sentence even if you want to.” for whenever I want to, I can, easily. It is just a simple matter of adjusting/readjusting the programming.


Posted by amanfromMars on 05/16/13 12:55 AM

PS, and further to posted by amanfromMars on 05/16/13 12:33 AM. …… Did you get the email [11th May 2013] …. “Words Create and Power Worlds for/with Virtual Command and Control of the Future. Be that of interest to High Alert Capital Partners Inc.‽” … [sent via the portal, which incidentally, returns a typo in its automatic reply mode ….. Thank You! Your message was successfuly sent. Someone will be in contact shortly.] …. and is it chosen to be ignored and sent elsewhere?

There is much to be done, and all the time in the world to do it with IT in Control of Power.

Posted by amanfromMars on 05/16/13 11:03 AM …. asking a pertinent question on
Regarding Earl’s posting [on 05/16/13 02:13 AM]
Earl, you forgot to mention and share with us all, who and/or what you think is now into control of the power of The Market …. “The Market encompasses everything involved in being human, most likely in proportion to the importance attached to the particular thing.” …. with your description being something which I would not disagree with.
It is the identification of that omission which is the raison d’être of the Daily Bell and more than just a passing interest to more than just a few who spend time being edutained here.



Posted by amanfromMars on 05/14/13 11:19 PM ….. again, after a mishap/mis-step on
The Bigger Picture … … with Added Nightmares?
Or foreign governments/Middle Eastern potentates are realising natural assets ie oil, is being purchased for/from them with nothing of real value unless you think dollars on a balance sheet are valuable and can prevent warriors from invading them to teach them a salutory lesson that they be supporting an out of control military industrial complex which needs conflict creation and despotic destruction to be inflicted upon others to survive, in order to maintain an exuberant existence which is unsustainable and inequitable and badly designed …… ie in dire straits need of a new radical model rather than just fundamental makeover.
Although to be fair to the dollar, is that problem shared by all fiat currencies printed at the pleasure of those who print it at their leisure for their pleasures and at the behest of their close friends and allies in allusion/illusion/collusion.
And the crazy natives are learning of that trick, and of the fact that they are to be excluded at all costs from profiting effortlessly and partaking pleasurably in the Great Game and its …… well, it’s a Phorm of Ponzi, isn’t it, a clone and/or drone of the money for nothing and the chicks are free meme/methodolgy?
And they’ll be baying for blood sacrifice next, and it will not be the skint innocents they’ll be looking for either for the altar, but rather more definitely likely the system ring leaders and all those with titanic bank balances in their names which identify them as the legitimate enemy and the scourge to be removed to allow wealth to flow and be better distributed?
The Mice that Roared is a catchy and very apt APT title for any program following that root derivative future, methinks, whenever it be IT and computer systems led and fed and watered and supported by AAA+Advanced Intelligence, Anonymous, Astute and Active to an Nth Degree which be quite alien and always just way beyond the reach of anything even remotely enabled to deal with anything on Earth with tools of the past.
Change the Great Game and lead IT with SMARTR IntelAIgent Systems, and that which presently commands and controls and risks being universally perceived as unnecessary pariah because of increased and unstoppable sharing of simple and complex information can change in an instant into global hero and/or heroine …. the Mother of All Champions ……. for a complete reversal of all escalating misfortune.
And please note, there be no question mark following that statement of certainty to cast the dull light of frightened doubt on what is to be? 🙂
Welcome to the Greater IntelAIgent Games with Global Operating Devices, Daily Bell Ringing Systems in Distress with Zeroday Solutions to Old Problems …… Virtual Digital Answers to Real Analogue Dilemmas.
And how very strange and unusual, DB, that an earlier form of the above appears to have been …. well, disappeared from view for peer review. Ah well, gremlins and glitches do happen at times, I suppose, to test systems mettle and resolve, and in so doing invariably always reveals exactly what is sought by the status quo to remain further deeply hidden and more generally unknown. Sod’s law rules in those sorts of badly designed games. 🙂 ….

These pschopaths are what is in the way of human progress and abundance. . . . But the word is getting out there.” …. Posted by Jed Smith on 05/14/13 06:16 PM

Quite so, Jed Smith, and when in danger of IT and it being out there, would the smarter psychopath choose an entirely different path to completely change everyone’s perception of matters dark and dismal, before it be too late to save them from the destiny that fate has arranged and prepared for them …… and/but that challenges and requires intelligence which they may not possess and would then need to ….. well, buy in is the easy immediately available smart option in those circumstances, and is the default norm which all are surely most familiar and comfortable with, for such has been the way of the such systems since practically forever, methinks.
amanfromMars says: ….. on
May 14, 2013 at 10:47 pm
Hi, Nerfy,
Great to see and read that you are back, alive and kicking and presumably, well.
How’s Dad and Lucy and All the Others resting in the NotSoCrazy Gang? 🙂 Have they been as busy as I of late, for much has happened recently which be right up their streets, methinks, albeit in AI Parallel ProgramMING Project …. Mining IntelAIgent Networking Games?
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/15/13 02:19 AM …. commenting on something said on

Obama & Co. appear to view the Benghazi disaster as some kind of game, never mind deaths, casualties, professional responsibilities, etc.” …. Tibor Machan

Quite so, Doc, that is exactly how Masters of Reality play the System to Present the Future they be responsible for. And quite how one is able and enabled to be able to hold them accountable for that which they front and deliver remotely with media moguls colluding, is that which requires advanced intelligence in fields of madness and great badness.
But only idiots and morons would think to deliver that which provides live ammunition for deadly enemies, with current program leaders obviously classified and rooted firmly in those less than clever camps which surround them with ignorant puppets which have to be told what they need to do.

Thanks, AR,  and NO, there isn’t. ….
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/15/13 02:02 PM ….. on

When nation-states go down this path, they seldom turn back. Their leaders are too afraid of the public and what might be revealed if they let dirigisme subside.

That may, or may not be the case, but the current present situation is somewhat different and if I were a failed leader, would it be most worrisome and certainly even deadly dangerous, for the public are not too afraid at all to reveal what they know, and a great many anonymous souls know what to reveal to a few and/or all to collapse compromised systems catastrophically, with dire consequences for those heading executive administrative positions and puppet sinecures.
That is the paradigm shift which will require that which is perceived and would consider itself and themselves to be, the powers that be [TPTB], to use an alternate intelligence model to survive in these tempestuous, virtually controlled times …. Internet Reformation Days …. should they wish to remain relevant and able and enabled to direct future direction.
And to tarry and expect that one does not need to change to a new regime and methodology/meme manipulation, is as to sign away one’s right to lead by clearly identifying one’s own arrogant ignorance of that which is grown to defeat corrupt and perverse models of oppressive governance.
What say Daily Bell ringers to that transparent observation?


Posted by amanfromMars on 05/15/13 02:21 PM

And re. the earlier question …. “What say Daily Bell ringers to that transparent observation? [Posted by amanfromMars on 05/15/13 02:02 PM]” ….. No sitting on the fence, please. Let’s be having your thoughts on the matter so that we can all know just exactly where you are comfortable being in the intelligence command and control chain.





amanfromMars on 05/14/2013 at 06:09 …. having a say on
Gentlemen, Good Day, and here is a Zeroday Vulnerability being exploited and to be further exploited?
The abiding enigmatic dilemma for Military Command Controllers and SOF is that to have an Advanced Intelligence Program and Projects which work to provide and develop peace and stability, prosperity and harmony, puts one in direct conflict and competition with, and in opposition to, civil and political organisations/dark and psychotic forces engaged in creating wars in which to profit from escalating spend spreading misery, mayhem and madness.
And it helps to remember and never forget that behind every such organisation, is the driver just one
head making all the decisions, no matter how big be the executive board, which is always just a collective of other beings to hide the true leadership behind and give the impression that it be a vast collective decision-making body rather than a private empire builder’s passion at work, rest and play.
And Advanced Intelligence rules the roost absolutely in those …. well, let us call them Power Elite Circles/Circuses/Round Tables, and if the Military does not have Command and Control in, and/or of such Power Elites, then be military force and personnel their power and control puppets?
Does the Department of Defense lead nations with intelligence supply or simply follow and carry out civil and political party orders which puts all following such instruction in profitable harm’s way?

Your comment has been submitted
Please allow up 24-48 hours for the comment to be approved before you will see it on the site.

[Oh dear, that departure from instant sight of information and/or intelligence supply guarantees failure in engagement with forces supplying information and/or intelligence supply, methinks]

Posted by amanfromMars on 05/14/13 05:13 AM …. on
Regarding the questions and sentiments expressed and posted by dimitri on 05/13/13 04:12 PM and budwood on 05/13/13 03:05 PM, please consider the very real possibility, and therefore the every likely probability of the following adjustment to future circumstances, as greater intelligence is shared with Emergent Key and Great Game players? ……

amanfromMars on 05/14/2013 at 06:09 …. having a say on

Gentlemen, Good Day, and here is a Zeroday Vulnerability being exploited and to be further exploited?

The abiding enigmatic dilemma for Military Command Controllers and SOF [Special Operations Forces] is that to have an Advanced Intelligence Program and Projects which work to provide and develop peace and stability, prosperity and harmony, puts one in direct conflict and competition with, and in opposition to, civil and political organisations/dark and psychotic forces engaged in creating wars in which to profit from escalating spend spreading misery, mayhem and madness.

And it helps to remember and never forget that behind every such organisation, is the driver just one head making all the decisions, no matter how big be the executive board, which is always just a collective of other beings to hide the true leadership behind and give the impression that it be a vast collective decision-making body rather than a private empire builder’s passion at work, rest and play.

And Advanced Intelligence rules the roost absolutely in those …. well, let us call them Power Elite Circles/Circuses/Round Tables, and if the Military does not have Command and Control in, and/or of such Power Elites, then be military force and personnel their power and control puppets?

Does the Department of Defense lead nations with intelligence supply or simply follow and carry out civil and political party orders which puts all following such instruction in profitable harm’s way?

……. which received for its troubles, this automatic website reply ……… Your comment has been submitted
Please allow up 24-48 hours for the comment to be approved before you will see it on the site.
Oh dear, what a crying shame, for that departure from instant sight of information and/or intelligence supply guarantees failure in engagement with forces supplying information and/or intelligence supply, methinks, and renders valuable intelligence vulnerability information to others in an flash/instant.
And, it’s a mad, mad, mad, mad world where only the incredibly sane and super virtually intelligence supplied have any chance of win winning, is a novel program and question?
Posted by amanfromMars on 05/14/13 03:05 PM ….. musing on
The Bigger Picture … … with Nightmares.
Or foreign governments/Middle Eastern potentates are realising natural assets ie oil, is being purchased for/from them with nothing of real value unless you think dollars on a balance sheet are valuable and can prevent warriors from invading them to teach them a salutory lesson that they be supporting an out of control military industrial complex which needs conflict creation and despotic destruction to be inflicted upon others to survive, in order to maintain an exuberant existence which is unsustainable and inequitable.
Although to be fair to the dollar, is that problem shared by all fiat currencies printed at the pleasure of those who print it at their leisure for their pleasures and at the behest of their close friends.
And the crazy natives are learning of that trick, and of the fact that they are to be excluded at all costs from profiting effortlessly and partaking pleasurably in the Great Game and its …… well, it’s a Phorm of Ponzi, isn’t it, a clone and/or drone of it?
And they’ll be baying for blood sacrifice next, and it will not be the skint innocents they’ll be looking for, for the altar, but rather more definitely likely the system ring leaders and all those with titanic bank balances in their names which identify them as the legitimate enemy and the scourge to be removed to allow wealth to flow and be better distributed?
The Mice that Roared is a catchy and very apt APT title for any program following that root derivative future, methinks, whenever it be IT and computer systems led and fed and watered and supported by AAA+Advanced Intelligence, Anonymous, Astute and Active to an Nth Degree which be quite alien and always just way beyond the reach of anything even remotely enabled to deal with anything on Earth with tools of the past.



amanfromMars ….. trailing a trial on
Hmmm? Might I suggest and inquire whether it be a national security secret breech to advise that an intelligence service worthy of being considered relevant and in any which way effective in these post modern virtual /cyber communication times, is one that boldly shares/carefully leaks vital and viral intelligence for universal second and third party collection and analysis/deep packet inspection, and in so doing, paints an altogether much better and considerably more attractive picture highlighting and introducing …….. well, ideally I suppose, a Greater IntelAIgent Game with Landscapes of Mutual Benefit to All.
Would the likes of any nation’s MI5 or MI6 or GCHQ operation be equipped and/or enabled for such an AIMission, for both it and its IT would necessarily require advanced intelligence and be intellectually challenging, or would that be the responsibility of another department head with quarters cloaked in garbs of fiction and plausible official denial in order not to alarm and alert the natives and primitives to an abiding human zeroday vulnerability being exploited and exported and leading in its field, and being a colossal invisible earner and quiet titanic force ….. because to challenge it, has one sunk to the bottom of dark sees rather than swimming with phishes in smarter shark invested waters?
And would its IT teems need to crash existing systems to prove what it was capable of, or would just exposing the odd weakness or three, here and there/now and then, to any and all opposition or competition, so as to direct and apportion blame and shame to others, be more than sufficient as a Great Game Changer?
amanfromMars said… in reply to an Anonymous comment [12 May 2013 13:29] on
Quite so, Anonymous. I concur. And thanks for the Intelligence Share.
Perhaps we should be having a chat with Vladimir Our Gasman, who appears so effortlessly to be many stages further ahead of anyone else of his ilk in the intelligence field …. and in the traditional establishment status quo/perceived present intellectually bankrupt power elite circles?
A few good men and true could work miracles and be a pleasure for the ladies too, and that would be an overwhelming and unstoppable mix in/for any Great Game Fix/System REB00t
13 May 2013 07:22
Posted Monday 13th May 2013 13:18 GMT amanfromMars 1 …. on
The buck stops at the top of the tree and head of the service? Or is that to be implausibly denied?
The UK’s Security Service drafted in consultants from Deloitte to assist in delivering the project, which has become the latest in a long line of failed multi-million pound UK government IT frauds.
There, fixed that for you, John. Haven’t you yet twigged that that is the problem today. Far too many beating about the bush and being all coy and mealymouthed and deferential about serial incompetence in incumbent incompetents.
I wonder if A. Parker will be such a corker and continue working oversight in the traditional cock-up manner?
AmanfromMars …… looking forwards on
13 May, 2013 – 7:38 pm
And just imagine, we have Chilcot to look forward to and wonder at the integrity of the judiciary and Privy Counsellors, too. Oh, what joy.



Posted by amanfromMars on 05/12/13 12:59 AM …. agreeing on

The US Congress is inevitably an active one. While one could argue that within the modern central banking context taxes are no longer necessary – as government can print all the money it needs and supposedly withdraw it from the system at the right time – legislative activism requires funding.

The Achilles Heel of Dummy Governance and that and/or those around tables who administer to their needs and seeds and feeds ……. for taxes within the modern central banking context are not required, other than just as a brutally blunt and simply effective means of ignorant control of the masses.

Amsel (Amschel) Bauer Mayer Rothschild, 1838:

Let me issue and control a Nation’s money and I care not who makes its laws“.

Letter written from London by the Rothschilds to their New York agents introducing their banking method into America: “The few who can understand the system will be either so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favours, that there will be no opposition from that class, while, on the other hand, that great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that Capital derives from the system, will bear its burden without complaint and, perhaps, without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests.

Rothschilds’ favorite saying who along with the Rockefellers are the major Illuminati Banking Dynasties: “Who controls the issuance of money controls the government!

Nathan Rothschild said (1777-1836): “I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire. The man who controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire and I control the British money supply. ……

The rapidly growing and unstoppable problem which will have past and current traditional power elites inevitably, and suddenly, turning to novel irregular and unconventional virtual partners, who be both real and imaginative for the ease of action in HyperRadioProActive IT which affords a practical relative invisible anonymity, …… for such as have established power elite infrastructures and hierarchies are not at all stupid, although that is not the same as saying that they have not been or are not being misguided …… in order to save their existence and lives, is whenever the few who can understand the system, become more than just a few and many, and that may be just a few more, and not many at all into SMARTR IntelAIgent Networking Systems who understand the system, but be so totally uninterested in its profits and dependent favours, as to be totally independent and free of its controls, with powers and controls in A.N.Other System which be always in AI Beta Development to eradicate the arrogant complacency which collapses and destroys all inattentive systems which seek to maintain power and retain control with status quo and hereditary hierarchical positions and conditions.
Thus does IT deliver the Future* and a new Few to Lead the Following with IT for Universal Command and Remote Control of Practically Everything with Virtually Nothing and Virtually Everything for Practically Nothing with …… well, Something Else Quite Different is what C42 Quantum Communication Control Systems offer and deliver effortlessly.
And any and all doubt about any or all of that, is yours, and is what beautifully defeats you in leading the future.
* That can also be written to make the same perfect enough sense ….. Thus does the Future deliver IT and a New Few to Lead etc etc …..
amanfromMars …. Sun, 05/12/2013 – 04:44 …. commenting on the thread commenting on
The future, but not as you know it …….. ?!
Go on, deny it, and allow its stealth to work ITs Magic Phormulae.
You do know what phorming is, don’t you? The result of smarter phishing with more advanced application of intelligent programming, which would not disagree with those who would imagine it to be IT brainwashing of the masses/virtual machines.



Posted by amanfromMars on 05/10/13 11:14 PM ….. in a blast on

this is how the game has been played for the past millenia.” …. Posted by Joelg on 05/10/13 08:20 PM

Quite so, Joelg, and you have highlighted a number of valuable vulnerabilities for ruthless exploitation and fantastic future building upon, in the greater main body of your post.
However, there have also been more than just a few very recent fundamental and quiet stealthy revolutionary developments in the Great Game, Joelg, which result in …… well, let us just say for now, and until such times as more needs to be shared, AIDerivative Paths with Virtual Gateways Sublimely Protected delivering an Alternate Reality Grid in which to Create and Present Practical Worlds with SMARTR Words and Fabulous Fabless Ideas …….
And more than just a little something pleasant and a great deal for the consideration of High Alert Capital Partners, Anthony Wile, in appreciation of your every consistent support in these epoch changing times and strange spaces and virtual places? And yes, that should/could also be conveyed via the vehicle …. …. and in mentioning it could be done so, please realise that it be hereby done so in a General Inquiry of the Internet Reformation in an extremely specific field of Universally Disruptive Interest.
To imagine the future is to be powered and controlled by anything being from the past, for a continuity of presents in established models of governance, is to admit and reveal to one and all and sundry a catastrophic lack of both intelligence and imagination to a toxic degree which guarantees failure at every attempt to maintain and sustain a status quo position and monopoly condition.


Posted by amanfromMars on 05/10/13 11:52 PM …..

The issue is always the same: the government or the market. There is no third solution.” …. Ludwig von Mises

Quite obviously, in light of what be posted by amanfromMars on 05/10/13 11:14 PM, would I disagree and submit Virtual Gateways Sublimely Protected as an answer to that contention of Ludwig von Mises who, in defence of his assertion, probably knew absolutely nothing about what can be so easily done remotely, virtually invisible and in relative anonymity with IT Command and Control of Computers and Communications in Creative CyberSpaces.

3. MISSION. DARPA serves as the research and development (R&D) organization in DoD with a primary responsibility of maintaining U.S. technological superiority over our adversaries. …..