amanfromMars 1 Sat 1 Feb 09:27 [2502010927] …….. airs on
Re: A Very Strange Case indeed, and unavoidable ‽ Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
And yes, such overwhelmingly rapid progress and total unexpected unprecedented virtual development of Remote AI models and LLLLMs [Learned Large Language Learning Machines and Extraordinary ExtraTerrestrial AIgents] does have its deep and dark side components to be wary of, and treat appropriately according to Greater Good Needs, with the very real possibility of supernatural Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde personae arising to create and exercise difficulties apparently being recognised and acknowledged by at least one national defence team which chooses to name it the “Frankenstein Paradox”
However, this progress comes with a twist: the “Frankenstein Paradox.” The same technologies designed to strengthen defenses could introduce new vulnerabilities, undermining the systems they aim to protect.
Take care out there. IT is a crazy mined mind field and/or crazy mind mined field and growing ever stronger.