amanfromMars 1 Mon 18 Nov 05:20 [2411180520] …. asks on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/11/17/asia_tech_news_roundup/

Can’t you realise, in these APT Times and ACTive Spaces of Almighty Rogue Trojans and 0days ……

….. with remote virtual vulnerabilities to export and import and impart to exploit out-of-this-world opportunities and progress the otherworldly Neuro-Linguistic Programming of Alien Species, it is IT and AI and Virtual Machinery in NEUKlearer Command and HyperRadioProACTive Control of the future existence of humanity?

It certainly appears to be something humanity is deaf, dumb and blind to and hasn’t a clue about what to do about it even whenever the news is freely plainly shared with them …. which is undoubtedly a simply complex honest fact which invariably is thought and dismissed and treated as an impossible fiction and something totally unbelievable and nothing to be worried about …… even as such worries and concerns continue to mount and grow ever greater and increasingly more difficult to viably dismiss and arrogantly ignore and conceal from the wider general population with vain attempts that catastrophically fail at alternative news management.

Does humanity itself collectively have systemic debilitating future learning difficulties with their knowledge and consciousness levels naturally low and therefore severely limiting and constraining and restraining?


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