amanfromMars 1 Thu 7 Nov 06:36 [2411070636] ….. more than just suggests on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/11/07/russia_tech_transfer_north_korea/

Catch 22 for the Light Entertainment Edification of Pwnd General Populations

Re: IT Tech angle? This is just politics without any kind of meaningful relationship to IT, what gives? …remainer_01

It’s propaganda porn, remainer_01, for the desperately worried and bankrupt of viable successful solutions for the containment and command, retainment and exercise, mentoring and monitoring and maintenance of expanding exploitative problematic 0days.

A situation publishing the end of a novel beginning and heralding the genesis of an altogether wholly different revolutionary evolutionary stage of humanised universal existential development with El Reg, IT and AI pioneering the Leading Way Forward into the Future without the troubles of the past being dragged in and along to blight the present and poison the party atmosphere with its toxic corrupt perversities.

Or you could just fail to think and realise with your imaginanation, and accept instead all the bullshit mainstream media are responsible for currently peddling which daily delivers ever more mountainous troubles with no apparent, readily available, easily applied solution to whatever doom and gloom FUD those streams and tall tales be supplying to you for your remote physical employment and impractical enjoyment.

Seems to me, and it should be similarly so for yourself if you have a titter of wit and any common enough sense and intelligence at all, the right choice to make whenever that is the real live situation is a no-brainer ……. but, there is always the following to consider might be true to prove the optimism misplaced …..

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former. …. Albert Einstein


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