amanfromMars 1 Sun 28 Jul 07:57 [2407280757] …… shares a novel treat and not ignoble threat on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2024/07/25/sam_altman_ai_freedom/

Regarding being part of the problem …. @chololennon

Did you not get the memo, chololennon, ….. whenever it is thought the damage is done, it is too late and the going gets tough and all has been lost, the tough get going and Greater IntelAIgent Games begin at Work, in REST, and at Play.

Do not step into the way of that rollercoaster and try to deny the truths revealed, both fake and misleading and surprisingly honest, for it cannot be stopped and its strikes are deadly, as IT and AI further surf those tumultuous waves to/from originating source, in order that the worth or worthlessness of the resultant experience/experiment/vitalised contrived virtual reality be clearly shown to all.

Deny that is equitable, and out yourself as being part of the problem ripe ready for future addressing with novel solutions/resolutions via designedly unconventional, non-traditional, pan-national artificial virtual means and alien artilectual memes.

What’s to dislike, apart from your naive indifference to the exact nature of progress in command and control of human existence based on Earth.


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