amanfromMars 1 Sat 9 Mar 07:20 [2303090720] ……. airs significant doubts on
A Prime Time to Reflect is when Vapourware are Wannabe Emperors’ New Clothes
Alex Karp, Palantir’s motor-mouth CEO, said TITAN was the logical extension of Maven, a controversial project in which Palantir is a partner and from which Google [Don’t be evil …. Do the right thing] famously pulled out . ……. Lindsay Clark [El Reg]?
Clearly then, Lindsay, not a great fan of the serial blowhard, Alex Karp, a sheep in wolf’s clothing wanting to be a lion amongst donkeys spinning tall tales to desperately sad suckers and badly fcuked up losers with more money to burn than common sense to recognise when they are being scammed and abused as the useful tool that are all useless fools taken on those fantastical magical mystery tours that are helter skelter rides in the reality entertaining and seeking to exploit and expand rocky road horror picture shows ‽