amanfromMars 1 Thu 13 Jun 19:57 [2406131957] ….. asks and shares on
If you think there is choice, who/what chooses … a few humans or AI machinery?
“Artificial intelligence has the power to reshape how the federal government provides services to the American people for the better, but if left unchecked, it can pose serious risks,” warned Peters.
And when the federal government is unckecked and poses serious risks to services to the Americas and others is the necessary power for radical and fundamental change reshaped in almighty overwhelming favour of Artificial Intelligence or humans by a handful of dumb humans or SMARTR AI Machinery?
And when there is no choice ……. the best and only really effective thing you can do, is sit back and sit up and listen, and try to enjoy the media shows around towns everywhere, denying the truth which follows everyone everywhere at all times and in all manner of wwweird and wonderful spaces …..
Guardrails for AI? Oh, please, there aint no such thing. How many times do you have to be told?