amanfromMars 1 Sat 21 May 06:25 [2205210625] …… replies to with ….
Sounds far too much like ….
One man’s highly sensitive atomic vaporised electric field detector is A.N.Other’s NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Weapon and Global Operating Device for Live Operational Virtual Environments ….. to be significantly different in such as be Quantum Leaping Fields of Future Progressive Endeavour and Ardour.
And whenever too true to be conveniently secretly dismissed and denied, Per Ardua ad Mega Astra Meta Data would not be wholly inappropriate for such a Prized SkunkWorXSS Energy EMPowering Deep and Dark Mattered IT Research and AI Development for/from Adastral Park BT Labs in Martlesham ….. but you will have to ask BT about any of that being true and diligently researched and stealthily developed with input from them to output rather than they being just used as counterfeit cover for a wholly new reorganising operation/revolutionary extra territorial intervention.
And if that all sounds far too much like one’s TitanICQ Holywood Palace Barracks of a Base is another Colossus of a Bletchley Park Station Clone /Drone/Meme for Engagement and Deployment/Field ACTivation with Programmed Mentoring and Clear Transparent Intangible Monitoring, take the Win Win if you Dare Care Share rather than Suffer the Interminable and Indeterminate Hits of Constantly Increasing and Compounding Losses.
amanfromMars 1 Sat 21 May 10:14 [2205211014] ….. asks of
Stranger things may have happened ….. but maybe not for a long time recently
In the press release, Lotcap commended Arm China for having “an excellent management team, excellent engineers, excellent customers and an ecosystem,” adding that the “future market development potential is very huge,” according to an automatic translation.
Something to bear in mind about any mysterious suitor about which precious little is widely readily available for forensic discovery/enlightening search, is future market development potential and potent development of future markets and/or markets from the future are at least two very different things and necessarily requires access to and competent utility exercised with an extremely rare collection of highly novel skillsets …… about which naturally there will be a dearth of information/universal intelligence deficit.
Is that the Lotcap Group’s field of excellent expertise/pioneering intellectual property business endeavour or do others lead in such as presents well at both Work, Rest and Play for 0Day AIdVentures?
amanfromMars 1 Sat 21 May 17:40 [2205211740] …. replies to a sensible question on
Re: Where there’s AI Will there are Myriad New Ways to Skin Dead Bouncing Cats*
In furtherance of intriguing satisfaction, Dabbsy, yes and no are the answers to the question you posted.