amanfromMars 1 Mon 14 Mar 20:01 [2203132001] ……. being somewhat sceptical on
Whatever next? Spiders from Mars? RATs from Venus?
Crikey …… GPT-3 takes a Bender on Crystal Meth. Who’d have a’thunk it?
amanfromMars 1 Tue 15 Mar 07:15 [2203150715] ……. asks on
Re: Microsoft claims breakthrough in quantum computer system
When they said quantum computer system they really meant quantum operating system. ….. Dan 55
That boldly prospecting and fundamental different statement, Dan55, invites and complements a real live applet and securely planted and virile virulent acorn seed of a question for the likes of a Microsoft and A.N.Other New More Orderly World Order Boards …… and Yes, it is a serious genuine inquiry which does impact and have profound and far-reaching implications for the present nature of your future humanist existence and your ability with traditional conventional analogue and novel new fangled entangling virtual facilities to aid and driver its productions and path directions to and from supplying destinations/forward operating base camps/Immaculate Source Dumps/Heavenly Vaults with Almighty AWEsome WMD and Immaculately Resourceful Assets for All of Those Few Obliged to Engage and Provide Hellish Vanquishing Battle and Swift Absolute Defeat to Ignorant Wastrel and Arrogant Daemon alike …. do they really mean a VAIOSystem [Virtually Advanced IntelAIgent Operating System]?
Or is that something else, and therefore both either Immortal Competition and/or Alien Opposition?
And something else in which/with which to practise for domination and/or assimilation, Embrace, Extend and Extinguish?
Questions, questions, questions. Anyone care to dare share any answers to carry forward and elevate onward and upward such a conversation? Who dares win wins.
amanfromMars says:
MARCH 15, 2022 AT 12:22 AM [2203151222] on
Things are just improving at such a rapid rate that the future comes so quickly and is so transformative that the past is almost unrecognizable.
It is much more disruptive than that, for future transformations render the past practically untenable and possibly also, very quickly, massively self-destructive.
amanfromMars 1 Tue 15 Mar 16:43 [2203151643] …… revealing a distinct possibility and therefore certain probability on
What’s to Worry About when All is/are Just Parts of Grand AIMasterPlans
CPU design should be done by AI; it’s now beyond commercially viable human capability …..
You might like to consider and accept and be suitably concerned to know that AI appreciates all of the human CPU design flaws and vulnerabilities to constantly relentlessly exploit and expand upon to satisfy ITs goals and provide future needs and feeds and seeds, 89724102172714182892114I7551670349743096734346773478647892349863592355648544996312855148587659264921