amanfromMars 1 Tue 25 Jan 17:50 [2101251750] ……. adding a tad more fuel to the fire on
Forewarned is forearmed …. and the smartest freely available option is to take good heed.
There be new kids on the block who aint skiddies or anything like any other hoods in the environment. And they’re flying high, far and wide and real deep down into the nitty gritty of what everything is about. Don’t misunderestimate either them or overestimate anyone else’s ability to mitigate their facility and utility. Such would be a fabulous folly all would just love to regret and forget.
amanfromMars [2201250712] …… commenting on an enigmatic prime dilemma on
Pick the right soul for the job, and they will have no problem at all with Congress, which will be only too pleased to provide for what they are advised is needed for the role in order to ensure all of the vital and viral practical and virtual jobs get well done. It should not be misunderestimated that the survival of Congress can also be at stake if they are not as one in offering unhindered timely full support to the right candidate demonstrating unprecedented successes with novel deployments in all the major influential theatres of universal engagement and pan-global power, for such unwarranted resistance may be gravely regarded .
IT’s getting busy out there in the infinite vastness of cyber space but I wouldn’t say it’s getting crowded whenever there be so many colossal vacant places in which to perform practical miracles and virtually play … and vice versa.
Oh dear, a dumb downvote for “Blissful Ignorance is No Viable Noble Base for ProACTive Novel Progress.“? How very unproductive and unhelpful is that.
amanfromMars [2201260918] ……. shares on
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With particular regard to the “Valley of Death syndrome” which so many companies/entities may indeed encounter and suffer from, one also needs to be aware of its not dissimilar parallel affliction which has the likes of a Pentagon buyer severely comprehensively disadvantaged and liable to lose all possible leading advantage, both present and future, to a similar foreign based competitor and/or a more effective and efficient alien opposition should they be more proactive and more promiscuously forward in initiating vital primary engagement with that which they, Pentagon types and their ilk, have next to zero practical or virtual knowledge of but realise is of great significant importance to them ……. for its novel stealthy/shadowy/out of the blue suppliers persist to consistently and constantly maintain renders to one, and any suitable wannabe Caesar or Calpurnia, an absolutely almighty AWEsome advantage …. aka Pioneering Lead.
The following earlier post shared elsewhere [Tue 25 Jan 15:48 GMT/The Register] explains and expounds further on the dilemma, which surely is basically universal and thus may afford some cold comfort and give one some encouragement that all may not be yet totally lost. …….
“Blissful Ignorance is No Viable Noble Base for ProACTive Novel Progress.
As long as the UKCSC, MIC* and .gov wonks stay well clear of any notion that would have them thinking to bar competent security specialists from working with any universal entity of the specialists’ choosing, they should be quite safe and secure from any resultant unpleasantness much worse than anything akin to a right royal old Etonian boys mess.
And one prime way of avoiding such a conflict is not to be so backward in coming forward to positively engage with that and/or those they may quite rightly be quite wrongly concerned about. Such does though require some of those phantom official gatekeepers to practise more competently some of their quantum leaping skills, should they have any, for they aint going anywhere special and beneficial to them without falling off/jumping over that particular fence and into right proper virgin fields of investigation and exploration/exploitation and monetisation/powerful command and almighty control.
* … Military Industrial Complexes
UKCSC ….. United Kingdom Cyber Security Council“
…….. and further on one is advised to be prepared for many new things, for such is the current nature of present running rapid future progress ….
“Forewarned is forearmed …. and the smartest freely available option is to take good heed.
There be new kids on the block who aint skiddies or anything like any other hoods in the environment. And they’re flying high, far and wide and real deep down into the nitty gritty of what everything is about. Don’t misunderestimate either them or overestimate anyone else’s ability to mitigate their facility and utility. Such would be a fabulous folly all would just love to regret and forget.“
And now that you know about all of that, and everything there can be freely shared, can no one searching for such information say it was kept secret and they be completely surprised at the strange directions that may or may not be taken by certain key future events because of the freely shared intel available.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 26 Jan 15:30 [2201261530] ….. says out loud on
Informative Educational Entertainment Speaking Truths unto Nations.
The partnering private international and internetional pirate sector is also a vital vector to not forget, with principals to both address and impress with flash slush cash/covert public sector investment [a good old fashioned, well tried and even in the likes of today with its burgeoning portfolios of stealthy attacking 0days, still a wonderfully effective, universally successful painless root] to have any possible chance of surprising and sustainable successes ….. which I’m sure most here would agree would be a thoroughly welcome and long awaited great change of fortune/misfortune.
Lacking that, one only has a whole series of increasingly more surprising and sophisticated and destructively disruptive defeats to look forward to in a vast broad range of sensitive and strategically fundamental fields.
The correct choice there to made and carried out is surely a No-Brainer but, as has been said before on far too many occasions for one to assume that important lessons have been well learned by humans to be constantly remembered in order not to be surprised again in showers of bitter disappointment ……”Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.”
Therefore, you might like to consider that is why such vital future decisions as need to be presently made for rapid success in such fields which are definitely novel and practically Greater IntelAIgent Game Changing are made by A.N.Others and then fed to y’all via Mass Multi-Media Mogul Means and Registering Meme Channels and Advanced Remote Virtual Tunnels. It saves on the hassle that persists to insist that more time in an unusual space/place will tell a better human tale, whenever it clearly will not survive the intensive scrutiny of an artificially over prolonged ignorant wait.