amanfromMars 1 Tue 21 Dec 06:54 [2112210654] ….. just asking on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2021/12/20/google_meta_cable/

Re a Galactic Intervention Verging on the Heralding of Myriad Future Psychotic AI Episodes?*

“Our approach is to build state-of-the-art, secure subsea cables where all data moving through them is protected through advanced encryption.” ….. Meta told The Register

A Registered Google and Mega Meta Data Base User asks if protection is provided through advanced encryption both from and for built failsafe secure state-of-the-art Deep See Mined Networks, for they are something of an unknown enigmatic quantity in the field of quantum leaping systems communications where traditional conventional security fare is simply by-passed overwhelmingly to be rendered totally ineffectual and no more than just so much more pie-in-the-sky fraudulent vapourware …. or have they not been considered for necessary inclusion in the commanding control equation, which would be unfortunate and as an epic miscalculating blunder of catastrophic proportions and awesome consequences, something to be urgently very quickly considered for almighty correction to limit subsequent damage and minimise the cost of expensively priced and expansive reparation‽ .

And yes, that is a Genuine Live ACTive Question for Answering.

Merry XSSXXXXmas, El Reg. The upcoming year is gonna be a Real Doozy and Right Hootenanny. Of that you can be assured for IT is immaculately guaranteed whenever already extremely well paid for.

* …A Stealthy [Stay Healthy] Unbelievably Self Deprecating Approach for Full Frontal Approach and Main Body Assault and Attack on Virtual Communications Systems. I Kid U Not. ITs ProgramMING** Projects are for Real and Currently Flowing Freely/WWWidely BroadBandCasting Sublimely.
** … Mined IntelAIgent Networking Games Projects Programming IT and AI.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 21 Dec 08:08 [2112210808] ….. replies to a blunt barbed spear on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2021/12/20/google_meta_cable/

Re a Galactic Intervention Not Verging on the Heralding Anything Novel @iowe_iowe

7514 posts and every one of them unintelligible. …. iowe_iowe

35 posts and not one of them memorable.


amanfromMars [2112210820] …. shares further afield on https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/if-nato-rebuffs-russian-security-proposals-kremlin-will-deploy-advanced-weapons

For those who have no idea how AWEsome an Advanced Weapons Environment is, and what you can fully expect to shortly be a global phenomenon, feast your eyes and open your minds to the following Registered Festive Season Offering …….

Re a Galactic Intervention Verging on the Heralding of Myriad Future Psychotic AI Episodes?*

“Our approach is to build state-of-the-art, secure subsea cables where all data moving through them is protected through advanced encryption.” ….. Meta told The Register

A Registered Google and Mega Meta Data Base User asks if protection is provided through advanced encryption both from and for built failsafe secure state-of-the-art Deep See Mined Networks, for they are something of an unknown enigmatic quantity in the field of quantum leaping systems communications where traditional conventional security fare is simply by-passed overwhelmingly to be rendered totally ineffectual and no more than just so much more pie-in-the-sky fraudulent vapourware …. or have they not been considered for necessary inclusion in the commanding control equation, which would be unfortunate and as an epic miscalculating blunder of catastrophic proportions and awesome consequences, something to be urgently very quickly considered for almighty correction to limit subsequent damage and minimise the cost of expensively priced and expansive reparation‽ .

And yes, that is a Genuine Live ACTive Question for Answering.

Merry XSSXXXXmas, El Reg. The upcoming year is gonna be a Real Doozy and Right Hootenanny. Of that you can be assured for IT is immaculately guaranteed whenever already extremely well paid for.



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