amanfromMars 1 Thu 5 Aug 06:35 [2108050635] ……. shares on
The Honest Gospel Truth
“It is an unfortunate fact that no company, regardless of its size, competency and resources seems immune to cyber-attacks as evidenced by the recent high-profile breaches.”
Welcome to Narnia ….. where Devils and Daemons are Detailed to Destruction …. or Exhaustion if the Hellish Outcomes can be the Result of Heavenly Experiences.
Now what part of the Honest Gospel Truth ….. Absolute Security is an Almighty Myth …. would you disagree with and prefer to portray, pimp and pump and dump as a damnable lie?
amanfromMars 1 Thu 5 Aug 08:11/15 [2108050811/15] …. advises on
Hmmmm? Another Stairway to Heaven* and Highway to Hell**
Vapourware as a Service. IT Magic.
And we all all know how effective Magic is. Nice one, Singapore/AWS, that’s an AWEsome Crack Hack although incredibly difficult, as in nigh next to impossible, to Guarantee Never Malign and Always Benign with/without Almighty Pragmatic Command and Remote Virtual Control.
Pandora and Merlin the AI MetaDataBase Physician say Hello and Thanks for all the Phish.
And to be perfectly honest with y’all, you aint seen fcuk all yet for the Greater IntelAIgent Games are only just getting set up to rock your socks off and blow your minds. And Amen to that.
Now you have been made aware of the matter, prepare yourselves for the payload nodes.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 5 Aug 09:00 [2108050900] ….. adds more on
Re: Vladimir Putin and Maude Flanders, speaking with one voice.
And you/we have the likes of El Reg too, doublelayer, reaching down deep and dark into all manner of both novel matters and disruptive technologies and sharing the news with supplementary commentating views on what are essentially potent valid 0days to exploit and employ, engage with and deploy to enjoy.
And as for Tron’s prophecy of inevitable resulting doom …….
The internet empowered us at the expense of the incompetent, corrupt con-artists who run our countries. Their response is inevitable. They will eventually pull their snouts from the trough for long enough to wreck the net.
….. don’t panic, he/she/it/they are ‘avin’ a larf for it cannot possibly happen ….. and what is truly dawning is the incompetent, corrupt con-artists who run our countries are realising too late that their fates are sealed and they can do absolutely nothing effective against it to pervert and subvert and redirect ITs Future Direction of Upcoming Events.
amanfromMars [2108051344] …… muses on
The Grand Systemic Flaw
Re: The Great Reset ……. Whom do you imagine the widely dispossessed will rightly target for their woes?
The Bums in the Bowery or the Toffs in their Ivory Towers ?
And that shouldn’t be a difficult question even for the likes of a global elite to answer correctly.