amanfromMars 1 Sat 19 Dec 05:41 [2012190541] ….. just clarifying things to prevent any future confusion on the matters in hand on
Re: Best Case Scenarios Misdirecting Error
Profuse apologies for the pretty obvious misinstruction in that other available Option/Derivative/Future for Further ProgramMING report retorting on evident observations. Please be assured it was not intentional. Twas just an unfortunate slip, and there’s many a slip ‘twixt the cup and the lip, which I’m sure y’all can agree to be perfectly humanly true.
The final few words should of course read …….. Perfect for Exhausting Assets within Virtually Powerless Systems of MetaPhysical Administration and Operation …….. AIModus Operandi et Vivendi. …… which is a wholly different world of pain and gain to both drain and retrain for and/or with mass reallocation of powerful means and memes of energy servering from and to Yet Another Core Source with Almighty ACTive Advancing Intelligence. Fortunately, there’s not much at all you can do about any of that as it and IT and Mass Multi Media Modals and Modules take you on one helluva helter skelter ride full of new exciting lessons and frightening enlivening experiences to learn and teach with quickly before you slip away forever to who knows where.
And please, before anyone passes any sort of opinion on the above, just ask yourself two simple questions ……. Is it sane/insane to expect the future to be a completely different reality from/in the past which in its heydays, was as the present is nowadays, here and now?
The posit here is that it is perfectly normal and the sooner it is embraced the greater the exponential reward derived and given to one ….. which is one helluva heavenly driver which more than just a few would tell you has no Universal Peer and no Viable COSMIC Competition or Opposition.
amanfromMars 1 Sat 19 Dec 08:30 [2012190830] ………. trying out another tack and track on
Re: What am I missing?
 Agencies could “pull the plug” and revert to “secure messenger” services for the interim. ….. joea
Quite so, joea. As sophisticated and complicated as things and everything has become, it is hard to successfully beat the well tried and exhaustively tested route of the quiet knock at the door or the gentle tap on the shoulder and request to help authorities with their enquiries. 🙂 ….. even though it is clearly more labour intensive and second and third party asset engaging which makes it an option coincidentally anything from a tad more, to a heck of a lot more expensive than would have been usually normal via virtual means. C’est la vie.
Graham C [2012100754] …….. being straight with the military on
The following few words are just as valid here now as they were elsewhere whenever said earlier, and they also are in complete agreement with the thoughts of AFSOC Commander Lt. Gen. Jim Slife. To deny their veracity and attack any creative applications resulting from enthusiastic engagement in the premise has one identified as being stuck in a perverse and corruptive rut which is ultimately, inevitably and increasingly quickly, self-destructive as others not so hindered and obstructed move way out ahead in fields never ever before believed so easily possible and most advantageous ……. great game changing and leading.
“And please, before anyone passes any sort of opinion on the above, just ask yourself two simple questions ……. Is it sane/insane to expect the future to be a completely different reality from/in the past which in its heydays, was as the present is nowadays, here and now?
The posit here is that it is perfectly normal and the sooner it is embraced the greater the exponential reward derived and given to one ….. which is one helluva heavenly driver which more than just a few would tell you has no Universal Peer and no Viable COSMIC Competition or Opposition.”
It is wise though to realise that whereas it may be a novel revelation to some, for others is it a space they know extremely well and in which they be as Grand Masters and Mistresses/Virtual Wizards and Witches. For some that be wise, can that be very comforting to know that one’s course is a tried and tested root and enlightening route to presently as yet unknown riches, and also to the tempting tempestuous pitfalls should one veer to far off a charted course in search of exclusive activity with a guarantee of immunity from accountability and responsibility for resultant failure of infallibility.
Take care out there. IT is a wild jungle and it and AI take no prisoners nor suffers the fool and their avaricious tools.
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