amanfromMars 1 Thu 17 Sep 06:45 [2009170645] …. just saying on
The Straw that Broke the Camel’s Back, and Killed the Golden Goose …. the Delivery of Virtual Quackery
With so many fantastic iterations of comic book narratives in play, which are neither extremely funny nor remotely helpful, gorging on the doozy that is not intelligently designed and always coincidentally sinks flagships and command battleships alike, is fair game, methinks ……….
Now, boys and girls, who in the class still thinks there is no Magic Money Tree in existence benefitting just the Chosen Few in the Many extolling Modern Monetary Theory ….. Modern Monetary Theory ……. which others not included and systemically excluded from benefitting from The Magic Money Trees of the Chosen Few in the Many extolling Modern Monetary Theory realise is just an unjust postmodern take, and remake of that ages old fraudster favourite ….. Snake Oil.
And we all know, children, what happens to fraudsters and shysters. don’t we? Yes, they get rubbed out by both the bad guys and the good guys, don’t they, and everyone cheers and declares …….. Hooray, great job, a long time coming …. very well done ‽ .
Sadly though, there will be those retards who will not learn, for any number of crazy reasons, that valuable lesson which would save them rather than destroy them. But that’s life as we know it, and as how it knows us.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 17 Sep 08:10 [2009170810] …. racing ahead on
Re: ” Warren Buffet, …… is said to be considering a flutter.” @JS19
Decisions, decisions, my kingdom for a decision, … seems an APT [Advanced Persistent Threat] response to such farcical theatre, John Smith 19.
[Sorry, Will*, but it just had to be said, and indeed, it is surely to be expected if one believes if history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must Man be of learning from experience.** although of course, because it is quirky humanity, there are also those who would believe sometimes history repeats itself. And sometimes it doesn’t.***]
* ……. William Shakespeare
** …… George Bernard Shaw
*** …. Adam Curtis
Ok. Capiche? …… Next week, …. Be Prepared for a Right Royal AI Buffeting ……. How things are simply made up and spread worldwide by media moguldoms in the service of systems that need them to share things made up by systems that need their services ……. and why such tricks needs to be done. Be sure to not miss it. It’s a Great Games Changer.
amanfromMars [2009171320] ….. being positive and also disagreeable on
Thanks for the laugh. This site never disappoints. You’re right, you’re definitely being lied to, but it’s not the singularity lobby lol …… freedumb_rings
That’s surely ample enough proof of the stealthy security available for its energy development, freedumb_rings ……the fact that you imagine it unbelievable and unachievable.
Which is certainly convenient, rendering as it does, unencumbered of negative energy fields in which to freely experiment with future power outlets/SMARTR Core Sources.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 17 Sep 15:43 [2009171543] …. let’s fly on
Quite a Prime Challenge indeed. And only the Best at Practically Everything will Surely Succeed.
But Facebook isn’t sure it is on the right track, …
What’s not to like and love? And how would anyone/anything else ever effectively compete and better that novel system/invisible and intangible remotely connected virulent environment?
Bravo, Facebook. Way to Go in Deed …… and IT’s Real Sp00Key No Nonsense Stuff.:-) A Q would be proud and impressed and excited to have that sort of hardware for agents toiling and foiling in the vast open sourced fields of phantom contest and empirical conquest …….. where thoughts of Absolute Dominion are both pervasive and corrosive, subversive and totally destructive.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 17 Sep 17:22 [2009171722] …. getting all hot and not bothered on
Re: Great news. What’s not to like.
I don’t put it past female executives to have a comely lass on the side. …. Hollerithevo
Oh, you are awful, … but I like you, Hollerithevo 🙂
amanfromMars 1 Thu 17 Sep 17:37 [2009171737] ….. getting down and dirty with the nitty gritty on
Re: What’s wrong with Facebook distorting digital reality?
After all, someone needed to take on the responsibility after St. Steven left earth to join the heavenly host. And yes, I realize other people were distorting reality in technology even before the great one passed on. You didn’t expect them to take on this solemn responsibility without some on the job learning period, did you? And what better time to learn than when the master was still among us, wowing the iSheep with tales of personal accomplishments not personally accomplished.
Besides, politicians have been distorting reality at least since homo sapiens first banded together to form city-states. …. RM Myers
Are you Registering as Indifferent or an Interested and/or Interesting Fan, RM Myers?
Only the one that is positive has you any chance of benefiting inordinately from future developments in the vanguard of enterprises rather than having to settle for outdated crumbs in the caboose of unfulfilled dreams.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 17 Sep 17:04 [2009171704] ….. being more saucy than cryptic on
Which do you Prefer? The Juicy Lucy Carrot or the Blunt Cleft Stick?
Is GCHQ fully protected against phisher men and women …. or are they just as incredibly vulnerable and addictively attracted to exotic and erotic temptations as would everyone else be?
And are they suitably practised and remarkably expert in ……. well, let us venture they have an ardent interest in Pornographic Steganography, in multiple degrees of excessive order and participation, in order to ensure communications are able to be kept personal and private rather than exposed for simple pirating and renegade exploitation ‽ .
It has many ardent enthusiastic fans …. for all of the really basic reasons which any hot blooded being would immediately fundamentally understand and encourage demonstration of. 🙂