amanfromMars [2001151759] …… just saying on https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/32-misinformation-schemes-used-wall-street-corporate-america-media

How can you possibly have more buyers than sellers?

Every transaction has a buyer and a seller.

Please explain. …… Crisismode

Simple ….. the markets do not have enough transactions for sale …… and that makes them temptingly prone to third party asset invention for profitable non competitive fake returns …… classic ponzi mode with everything churning fiat as if it was earned and delivered in gratitude from grateful partners rather than being realised invented and mis-sold to greedy friends and suckered enemies alike, for such has never ever been in the history of times never ever to be forgot, maintainable as sustainable. It is the sweetest of honey bear traps and releases a hornets’ nest of stings which one does well to survive.

To imagine one be responsible and unaccountable and can continue to prosper is a colossal hubris and an ignorant arrogance  personified in the extreme.


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