amanfromMars [1709101652] …… throwing out titanic survivor lifebelts on
Precious little is left of her citizens’ sovereignty, for sure. You can bet that Goldman Sachs has much of our sovereignty. …. autonomous
Hi, autonomous,
Is it right then to conclude and inform the likes of Goldman Sachses that it is such transfers of sovereignty for fantastic fiat and practical tools for mining wealth to store and put in deposit for interest payments are Virtual Grand AI Thefts …… if disbursement is throttled by elite executive sysadmins which artificially exhaust and render impoverishment because of a lack of Prime Premium Quality Intellectual Property, or for any other possible reason should the same resultant purloined wealth implantation transpire?
What would they rightly or wrongly plead to that as a Crime against Humanities?
Or would they cut a costly deal with NEUKlearer Authorities and agree to pay handsomely for freedom to continue?
First Degree Guilty????
amanfromMars [1709102050] ….. spraying encouragement on
Baaa if you support a universal basic income!
Take a walk on the wild side, JJ, and let tanking systems take the strain, for they are responsible the present drain[s] which offer no gain[s].
Taking artificial wealth rather than supplying it, when you can choose to do either, is a really stupid, moronic move and because such supply has never been done before universally, is no valid reason to not try the new program/project. Indeed, in the light of emerging evidence are current catastrophic failures of past policy decisions surely a very good reason to do something completely different and virtually new too.
You can be sure digital currency marketeers are aware of the fabulous profits to be generated via alternative means and memes, and the strength and advantage they would realise and wield over traditional ForeX markets.