

>Posted by amanfromMars on 06/23/11 03:37 AM

I’m really tired of hearing about the British Royals and their families. I couldn’t give a damn about Pippa Middleton’s latest adventures or what dress she’s been spotted wearing lately. In fact I care about Pippa Middleton about as much as I care about Nicole Ritchie. Not one iota. But hey, a lot of people do care and to each their own. At least Pippa and the newlywed royal couple seem to be projecting a positive image rather than being wrapped up in scandals. Although I wish they were involved in scandals. Perhaps then the British public would wake up and quit worshipping these bloody Royals and demand an end to the British monarchy, which I feel is an antiquated institution and little more than a tourist attraction and fodder for the tabloid media. It’s a pity that the royal public relations disaster in the wake of Lady Diana Spencer’s untimely death didn’t put an end to the monarchy. Oh well, we’ve still got Prince Harry so there’s hope yet.” …. Posted by Gypsy_Man’68 on 06/23/11 03:26 AM

Quite so. I do believe one has. An interesting Special Op is Royalty.


  Posted by amanfromMars on 06/22/11 10:55 PM

Incidentally, many non-Muslims are scared of psycho extremists who say they want to impose Sharia Law in Western countries – a complete absurdity and contrary to the original Islamic plural legal systems! But they are Muslims in name only and the press love them for it!

But it is a disservice that they both love to deliver, and that can’t be good. With Global Control of IT are AI Beta Solutions in Virtual Reality Suites available.

Magical Jinn a la Mystery Turing Root. Allahu akbar.

From whom do you receive Cosmic Views and Infinite News?

“The Worgl experiment exactly used the twofold Islamic economic principles during the depression; with amazing results for the town’s economy, where the rest of the country was in dire straits. The central bank soon put an end to this successful experiment!”

Worgl v2.0? Via Virtous Virtual Memes for Legions Anon?

Thanks for that wonderfully instructive and informative post, Summer.

Bring back, Worgl. Release Worgl. Which is what the TARP and QE exercises should have been rather than the Systems Bank Robbery of Public Property, Consumer Wealth, that it has been, and is.

With SCADA Exe Code hacked, what of Global Money if Banking is a SCADA System? And how is it not supervisory control and data acquisition intensive dependent.


Posted by amanfromMars on 06/23/11 03:23 AM

@ DB

“Who does the supervising, Ingo? Nancy Pelosi? Barney Frank?”

The supervising of central bank operations should be done by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. It has all sorts of executive agencies it can call on to do the job. When it came to shutting down the “Liberty Dollar” operation in Idaho, they all showed up…the Treasury, the Secret Service, the FBI and the people from the FED (Board of Governors).
There is no shortage to find enforcers of FED regulations.

Though the Fed central bank is thought to be a creature of the big banks, it is in fact a creature of the U.S. Congress with certain privileges reserved for the banks. There is thought to be a certain independence that the Board of Governors and its Chairman excercises over the monetary policy, but when it comes to fiscal policy, the Congress is fully in charge. Fiscal policy is responsible for creating local economic conditions.

Nancy Pelosi and Barney Frank are the legislators who bring us the rules and regulations. It is people in congressional districts that elect representatives to the U.S. House in a manner that allows people like those two nimwits to rise to the top. Their idiocy was to be checked by U.S. Senators sent to the U.S. Congress by the state governments. The ratification of the 17th Amendment changed all that.

That central banking wouldn’t work because it goes against the laws of mathematics, never mind oversight of banking operations, should be clear to anyone. Any time paper currency is created, supervision is essential, regardless.

Commercial banking, creating a redeemable currency against Real Bills is viable in the long run. However, I wouldn’t trust the honesty of any banker who can create paper currency. Therefore, bank examiners hired by an agency of the state government should be supervising currency creation by commercial banks. Why should there be an objection to revealing honest banking operations. Only if you mean to defraud the people with your paper currency should you want to object the show your books to an examiner.

Waiting for the free market to expose crooked bankers has never worked without the participants in free market banking first taking a bath.” … Posted by Bischoff on 06/22/11 11:39 PM

Waiting for the free market to expose crooked bankers has never worked without the participants in free market banking first taking a bath.” … Make it a Spa experience, and the market will play whatever New Real Games are made available.

Corner that Futures Market and Certainty is Delivered too in a Constructive CHAOS of the New World Order Terrain Team.

A Novel Program in Human Terrain Systems with AIMODified DOD Assets/CyberIntelAIgents.

Should a Military be under Political Control or Intelligence Led?

What provides answers for actions, virtually controlled for remote power production of Future Presents. More Immaculate Conceptions Unburdened of the Past and Loded with SMART Hindsight for Failsafe Improvement …. in Future SMART Development Fields and Live Operational Virtual Environments …. is One SMART Engine. And in Jinn, Surrendered to Omniscience in Qum for the Delusion of Power that Controls and Drivers Sweet Sticky Destiny’s Wild Child.


A situation which is not unknown and which is poorly prepared to make good use of foreign advanced technology and sublime alien methodologies ….. “That such firms will continue to target the public with advanced information warfare capabilities on behalf of major corporations is by itself an extraordinary danger to mankind as a whole, particularly insomuch as that such capabilities are becoming more effective while remaining largely unknown outside of the intelligence industry. But a far greater danger is posed by the practice of arming small and unaccountable groups of state and military personnel with a set of tools by which to achieve better and better “situational awareness” on entire populations while also being able to manipulate the information flow in such a way as to deceive those same populations. The idea that such power can be wielded without being misused is contradicted by even a brief review of history.” ….. http://cryptogon.com/?p=23173&nbsp


Invasion of Privacy Creates Secrets Laws

Posted Thursday 23rd June 2011 04:21 GMT   

Will the prosecution evidence against Cleary, ie the way and means of his attack, be shared and be made public record?

If not, where is the crime? And is virtual/digitally transferred/binary coded action against a criminal organisation, a punishable offence?

Now that would be a Great Game Changer.


In the Virtual World is Nothing Impossible that Digital Delivers . Be Careful What You Wish For.
Posted Wednesday 22nd June 2011 18:32 GMT   

The hypervisor is just an advanced information filtration unit…. mega meta data processor working to an algorithm/fluid protocol. Intelligence is thus filtered through a bias intent on mega meta data processor working to an algorithm/fluid protocol, and algorithm change is a default progressive step and quantum leap.

Adjust the Algorithm, Change the Output.


 Posted by amanfromMars on 06/23/11 06:29 AM

“What I’m talking about his giving power back to the citizen of all nations by having publicly held Central bank that puts it’s citizen first capitalism second after all we are the A1 Stock holders.”

Keep digging, Stephen. That’s a might big hole. So now you want citizens to manage a publicly held bank “for all nations.” Wow. Thought that’s what the elites wanted.

Believe in mercantilism or not, it exists. And if you believe we are CointelPro, we would be fascinated to find out what in your perfervid mind is NOT.” …..  Reply from The Daily Bell

Is that not what Mr Clegg the Other Primed Minister is proposing, DB …… http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/nick-clegg/8593363/Give-voters-shares-in-bailed-out-banks-says-Nick-Clegg.html

If politicians owned banks, would there be any cash shortages and refusals for credit to expand horizons and deliver future goods which are shared ideas made real ….. and that is AIdDream Production in its BASIC Phorm.

Of course, development and sophistication have added all manner of bells and whistles to blow for the excitement of true friends.


Posted by amanfromMars on 06/23/11 12:50 PM

It is as I said , and not only me:

As you describes the situation from now on with the Greeks test-case we are entering in the Era of the New Nazi-Soviet Union . The same ideas had my self 30 years long listen in one of the former USSR satellites. But at that time the sovereignty and independence it was much greater than in this Bruxelles Soviets Union. It is time to say good by for ever to freedom and real market economy in Europe . Even the HOPE is dead in the EU Pandora Box !” …. Posted by alexsemen on 06/23/11 06:41 AM

Agreed, Daily Bell. Wait and see. It’s AI@ITsWork and is a bit tricky to Master in Control of Power. IT is a Labour of LOVE, no less.

How Heavenly.

Sticky Sweet Doughnuts from GCHQ Office of CyberIntelAIgent Security Systems. An Ethical Detica Gem in a Game of Thrones/Wrestle with Imagination/Grapple with Reality?

And no comment and “No Comment” on the matter is comment enough, speaking volumes.


Not just any ole OS for delivering SMART Fuel and Intellectual Property for Private Nationalisation

Posted Thursday 23rd June 2011 18:06 GMT   

Does BP OS dictate origin and ownership questions or answer them sublimely.


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