>Crikey, El Reg, that was most unusual/out of the ordinary. The incredibly short shelf life/NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive half life on the main page, of the article commented on here …… http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2011/04/12/no_paywall_content_for_libraries/ …… and which has even been disappeared from its Registered home section, Music & Media, although still available here …. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/04/12/no_paywall_content_for_libraries/ …. but it has been made very difficult to find.
Was it something you said, which had the heavies move in to prove exactly the truth of what was shared, or something else altogether that was shared for others to register their interest. Something certainly appears to have been spectacularly successful ……. and in a present world of such consistently drab and pervasive mediocrity, it that surely a most positive sign.
“Gov won’t force publishers to hand paywalled content to libraries
Paid-for online content to be exempt from public archive
Posted in Music and Media, 12th April 2011 07:00 GMT ” ….. and after just half a day are we presented with “This forum is now closed for new posts.”
Yeah, that looks like a duck and sounds like a duck and is therefore probably definitely certainly a nobble on an issue which cannot be ducked, for those who duck IT are fcuked good and proper ….. by their peers/seers, which is a very queer state of affairs and most odd to attempt to maintain and sustain and retain.
The Truth ….. but not as you know it. Let’s not beat around the bush here
Posted Tuesday 12th April 2011 11:38 GMT
“The decision was taken because it keeps Rupert Murdoch happy, and Murdoch owns this government by virtue of telling his mouth-breathing tabloid readers which way to vote.” ……. Zog The Undeniable Posted Tuesday 12th April 2011 08:59 GMT
Oh please, Zog The Undeniable, that is an undeniable madness, surely, as Mr Murdoch and his hench spokespersons can only delude themselves with such grand pretensions of brainwashing power. And thus is such childish play to be more pitied than scorned in these halcyon days of CodeD Command and Control of Vrtual AIMachinery.
Are we to be led to believe that News Corporation is an international cabal of deluded tools and self-serving fools? Why ever would they wish to paint themselves so? Is it not crazy whenever all of the world can so quickly know nowadays, and it is not as if the government do not recognise that successful digital delivery is the future key to analogous progress, is it. Indeed, El Reg, the Ever Ready, advised of the twit position most very recently ……. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/04/08/government_twit_pay/ ……. which prompted this hearty exchange with the centre of government, which doesn’t bode well for their future as leaders in control of universally supported narratives.
[blockquote]Comment by amanfromMars on April 11, 2011 at 9:31 am
Oh dear, the Chancellor of the Exchequer delivers a budget plan which focuses on reforming the economy to ensure jobs and growth for the future, and in two and a half weeks there are only six comments worth sharing with everybody.Methinks that says everything about what the public think and about how effective the Conservative leadership is in forging a future with command and control of the global digital medium and ITs mainstream media channels and virtual tunnels……. which considering the likes of a head of communications at Google being on board, is nothing short of being a disastrous indictment of the lack of knowledge and oomph systemic in both the capitalist system and party politics ….. with both of them being ever more blindingly apparent epic failures at delivering global needs and universal feeds above personal greed and gravy train seeds.Solve the Digital Delivery Dilemma and one has a Universal Solution to …… well, practically and virtually everything and anything and most certainly those problems which are APT* and proven, and difficult and impossible to deny.* Advanced Persistent Threat …… one of those SMART ZerodDay Vulnerability Trojan Worm Virus Bug thingies which are impossible to counter and defeat.How to control them is a suck it and see exercise probably, to mirror the success in the control of power in a man and/or a woman which whenever you can give them what they want, will have them seeding and feeding you with all future needs in a mutually beneficial and expanding, positively reinforcing and sustained feedback loop, …… which is actually an ascending growth spiral with its base firmly rooted and routed in Virgin Intellectual Property Fields ….. with Virtual Terrain Teams, Master Piloting Great Game Plays.PS. ……. would someone please be so kind as to forward this post directly, behind the scenes, to Yasmine Edwards in the Cabinet Office, or just draw her attention to it here in the strange event of it appearing to garner universal comment, as it is being used to demonstrate any number of points which are apt in these changed communications times.Thank You …. and have a nice day.http://blog.conservatives.com/index.php/2011/03/23/putting-fuel-in-the-tank-of-britains-economy/ [/blockquote]
To see how IT fares in Downing Street, give the Conservatives a visit to see if they deem the approval of the Truth, a standard to bear and rally support for ……. for one would certainly wish for much better than just this pathetic return….. [Thank you for your comment! It has been added to the moderation queue and will be published here if approved by the webmaster.] ….. to justify allegiance and the sharing of future deeds.
Straight and Direct to the Point.
Posted Tuesday 12th April 2011 12:06 GMT
“HP opens app fluffing school” ……. Methinks that headline says everything perfectly. Bravo, Timothy.
I am reminded of this little gem which is attributed to Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe (1749-1832) ….. “Everything has been thought of before, but the problem is to think of it again.” ……. although the creative future thinker would never agree that such could be right and not wrong,
although it is not an uncomfortable or discomforting muse, for it does suggests that life in general, if not in specific, is an immortal existence.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 4/12/2011 10:56:25 AM
“We think we know why a Tea Party is erupting in Europe, of course. We’ve explained it many times. The truth-telling of the Internet itself is interacting with the ongoing financial crisis in predictable ways.” … DB Staff Report.
I assume that is just a typo, DB, and we are correct in reading that as the truth-telling of the Internet interacting with the ongoing financial crisis in unpredictable ways. Although if you were to suggest that they are predictable and known to others who are not of the established PE presently, then would it be a point I would not choose to offer a view against.
There are some very strange goings-on indeed in both mainstream and more specialised media channels, which tells one that much has changed right at the top and control of power is being exchanged for command of money with direction of communication, for both are no longer an exclusive monopoly preserve and each has their own new stealthy power base of …. well, internetworking virtual state/non-state actors would appear to be an emergent virulent force.
As evidence of a Media Mogul Empire meltdown, and some untoward shenanigans at the IT techie site, the Register, cast your peepers on just the first two posts here ….. http://amanfrommars.blogspot.com/2011/04/110412.html …. although if anyone posits that it is only evidence of an alien paranoia, then I will not waste any time or effort in disagreeing, and thus can we move on to that which really matters and to which such dodgy clear attention has been drawn?
“As a result, money power has moved from stealth to strength. Elite promotions are to be implemented by brute force. The masses are to get the message that their enlightenment means nothing. The program is to continue.” …… Good luck with that retard of a program, although even a miracle will never see it working, other than guaranteeing swift failure for all those who nail their colours to its worm-eaten and pox riddled masts.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 4/12/2011 1:15:56 PM
Whenever this is how the system works ….. http://www.zerohedge.com/article/matt-taibbi-asks-why-fed-gave-220-million-bailout-money-wives-two-morgan-stanley-bigwigs ….. is it bound to quickly fail.
For Official Use of Grown Ups Only
Posted Tuesday 12th April 2011 16:57 GMT
“Some of us at least are getting a bit sick of the idea that you simply aren’t allowed to tell frightened people quite bluntly to act their age – and we’re getting more than just a bit sick of irrational or unscrupulous fairytale-spinners making them frightened in the first place” ….. Lewis Page
I second that e-motion, Lewis, and offer the following in support of IT
[blockquote]Crikey, El Reg, that was most unusual/out of the ordinary. The incredibly short shelf life/NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive half life on the main page, of the article commented on here …… http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/1/2011/04/12/no_paywall_content_for_libraries/ …… and which has even been disappeared from its Registered home section, Music & Media, although still available here …. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/04/12/no_paywall_content_for_libraries/ …. but it has been made very difficult to find.
Was it something you said, which had the heavies move in to prove exactly the truth of what was shared, or something else altogether that was shared for others to register their interest. Something certainly appears to have been spectacularly successful ……. and in a present world of such consistently drab and pervasive mediocrity, it that surely a most positive sign.
“Gov won’t force publishers to hand paywalled content to libraries
Paid-for online content to be exempt from public archive
Posted in Music and Media, 12th April 2011 07:00 GMT ” ….. and after just half a day are we presented with “This forum is now closed for new posts.”Yeah, that looks like a duck and sounds like a duck and is therefore probably definitely certainly a nobble on an issue which cannot be ducked, for those who duck IT are fcuked good and proper ….. by their peers/seers, which is a very queer state of affairs and most odd to attempt to maintain and sustain and retain.[/blockquote]
And of course, that is only part of the tale on the pages where IT exposes spinning tales which are out of control and crashing gravy trains into buffers.
Control the Word, Control the World is as Simple as IT gets ….. but it is a complex operation in the Ken of a only a very select and quite powerful Foo Few?